Chapter 38

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††  Ellis  ††

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††  Ellis  ††

Arriving at Risk a little before I was due to meet Jason I was shown up to the Deck and told to wait.

But not being one to do what I was told I drifted over to where a bunch of people were heading through open double doors and it piqued my interest. 

Closer,  A head of dark hair caught my eye and it caused my balls and stomach to tighten, although I knew I was being stupid. It wouldn't be her. 

A few more steps...



It couldn't be.

It fucking was.

She's here.

What was she doing here?

My mind was fucking blown wide open.

Was Zack here too?

A few steps more and I came to a stop and stared. It was definitely her. Sasha Darling was a 10 in any room. This one was no different. The silver dress she wore clung to every inch of her sexy as fuck body in ways that should be criminal, it probably was in the middle east.

I smirked when I noticed no panty-lines. She was a self-professed hater of thongs so I decided already she would be naked underneath.

Fuck. Was she trying to kill me?

Except, she doesn't know you're here, idiot.

I cringed at the reminder. That, and I hadn't answered any of her messages. Blanked her completely.

I hadn't wanted to ignore her. Of course, I wanted to talk to her. I'd been in this weird place every single day since I left her standing there, crying, pleading with me not to go.

Three miserable weeks without seeing her face. Three weeks without hearing her sultry voice and shiver-inducing laugh. A voice that if I didn't know any better I sworn was haunting the dark recesses of my brain along with her sweet smile. I even missed her bitchy mouth when she put me in my place.

There was nothing I didn't miss and our time together spent in London might have been short, but fuck me, it left its mark. Sasha Darling was under my skin. In my heart, and no matter what I tried, I couldn't shake her.

And right now, just setting my eyes on her had me coming to life. My pants got tighter and my heart was now sprinting.

I didn't know why she was here. Honestly, I didn't care.

This was fate.

That's what this was.

It had to be.

My eyes continued to soak her in as some asshole leaned in and murmured something into her ear. And in a flash, my heart was painfully squeezing in my chest.

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