Chapter 10

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

I stared vacantly outward, wondering how the fuck I was gonna deal with Sasha. Rolling my shoulders, the heavy weight I carried wasn't shifting but I couldn't blame her for what had happened tonight. Well, not entirely.

And I hadn't lied when I'd said I would spank her ass red. I would make sure she never made a mistake like that again.

Wouldn't have made the mistake, if you had fucking sorted this shit out.

Hindsight was a bitch at the best of times.

Ryan, her dad, would drive a nail into my dick if he caught wind of this shit-storm and I could have prevented it.

And now I'd brought her back here. To my apartment. Not content with having one distraction to deal with. Now I had doubled my frustration... and temptation.

Could I train her as my sub? No. Not mine. A sub. Keep it strictly business and after three months, pack her up and send her on her way and maybe help find her a dom back home?

But why did that idea piss me off... irrationally so?

Was I able to keep it strictly professional? Keep feelings out of the equation? I'd had no problems before... but that was before her... before him.

Sasha was beautiful and sweet. Not to overlook infuriating and too fucking innocent for the likes of me.

Innocent? Were we still peddling that one?

Yeah, I had to let go of that concept, or maybe I just kept telling myself that because of Ryan.

Who was I kidding here?

Even Ryan wasn't enough to stop where this was heading. I could deny it all I want but truth was I wanted her with a hunger I couldn't rationalise or explain. Not once in all my years had I met a woman who reduced me to nothing more than a primal heartbeat, hellbent on possessing her in the most primitive way.

No other woman had ever come close. She had infected my brain, destroying all common sense.

I turned my head to the side when my keen hearing picked up on voices. Was that a giggle? I shook my head. Dr Hale was supposedly checking Sasha's vital stats in my bedroom.

What the fuck was so funny?

With one hand clenching and unclenching, the other brought my tumbler of whisky to my lips, and I took a deep sip. Normally, the notes of spices and wood would smooth out any unwanted shit inside my brain. But not right now. An all-consuming feeling of anger gnawed at me like a starved wolf on a carcass.

I should have killed the bastard.

And I would have if Sasha and Ellis hadn't been with me. My darkness wasn't afraid of the light, but they didn't need to witness that side of me. So, for now I would have to be satisfied with the memory of the crunch of bone beneath the force of my knuckles. He hadn't put up much of a fight. Bloody and beaten, hair matted to his forehead and one eyes swelled shut. It put a smile on my face when he begged as I carved out the first letter.

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