Chapter 2

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☼  Sasha Darling  ☼

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  Sasha Darling  

"Home, Miss?"

Instead of replying to my driver, Mr Davies, question straightaway. My mind circled back to a very different kind of question.

How did one go about seducing the one person who'd played a starring role in nearly every single fantasy since... Well, since I learned what fun my clitoris was?

It had been torturing me for weeks, months. Okay, years.

There was also the tiny problem of I'd already tried once... on my twentieth birthday. As you can no doubt figured out—It didn't go to plan. And my therapist thought I was crazy when I'd asked her, and yeah, she actually said that, well, not in so many words.

So, perhaps it was just best to spit it out. Carpe diem and ask.

And if that failed. There was always begging.

"No. Mr Davies." I angled my chin up slightly. "Take me to see Mr Coles."

I caught the arch of his brow in the small mirror. "At this hour, Miss?" he asked and I was well aware it was after polite hours of visiting... for normal people.

But Mr Coles was anything but normal. He was one of my father's closest friends, although younger, and I often wondered if he was more of a surrogate son.

He'd also been around my whole life.

And yes, my father would have an aneurysm if he knew the thoughts I'd been harbouring for Zachery Coles all these years. 

But the vagina wants what the vagina wants.

No matter how wrong.  And, I wasn't a little girl any longer.

My father also invested in his clubs, although Zack hadn't needed his or their other friends, Max Jenson's investment, as he was wealthy in his own right, thanks to his late father.

Ugh, Max Jenson. Well, not Max the man. His son. Ellis Jenson. I'd had the not so nice pleasure of growing up with Ellis, who was aptly best described as a self-absorbed, immature, prick. And that was on a good day.

Thankfully, our lives had taken us in different directions, with our colleges of choice being on opposite sides of the country.

As the car arrived at my destination. Mr Davies opened my door, and I exited, smoothing down my hand over my dress. "Thank you, Mr Davies. I won't be needing your services for the rest of the night."

He looked troubled. "I'll stick around a while, Miss."

I smiled, trying not to sigh. Everyone was always looking out for me, when I could easily make my way home . I nodded and walked toward the two burly men guarding the members only entrance.

They eyed me suspiciously, and I almost expected one of them to say, Thou shalt not pass!

"Good Evening Miss." The shorter one of the two greeted with one eyebrow raised.

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