Chapter 40

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

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~ ~ Zack ~ ~

I bypassed the shiny black mailbox, slowing down my car so I could take the turn off the country road.

Coasting forward a bit, I stopped and lowered my window at the code box and entered the four-digit number that would grant my passage through the double iron gates.

I was here.

I'd never been here before but I heard whispers about the place.

Shit-dark shit went on here far beyond the realm of kink. To dark even for my blackened soul.

Pulling up to the old dwelling, I cut the engine and stepped out of my car and looked up.

It was an impressive building-more like a mansion. Long drapes covered the rows of French windows and from here it was impossible to see inside.

But I doubted they wanted anyone to see inside.

Heading up to the front door, I glanced down at the mat gracing the doorstep. 'Welcome All' it said.

I smirked maybe it should have said. "Welcome! We're thrilled you're here... but don't get too comfortable, we have a 'killer' sense of hospitality!"

I shook my head and pressed the doorbell.

I was about to press it again when it opened to reveal a man I'd met many years ago. Jagger Knight or JK to me.

"Zack," he greeted in a gruff voice.

Under any circumstances, JK was an impressive man. His eyes were the colour of a shiny penny, hair a darker shade of cinnamon. Our tanned skin and height of six-two were parallel, and really the only similarities we shared appearance-wise.

My hair was black, eyes an unmatched hue of grey. I tended to be clean-shaven, occasionally sporting some stubble whereas JK always had a beard.

For a time we had aligned perfectly in every way that mattered, well, apart from our professions and hobbies.

I enjoyed kink. JK enjoyed kink with a side order of killing. Not that I was one to judge.

"You found me."

I glanced behind me. "It's off the beaten track."

He smirked standing there wearing a plastic coverall which had splashes of what looked like dried blood.

"Come. This way."

Stepping over the threshold. "How's business?" I asked.

There was an elongated pause "Productive."

JK was a man of few words.

Through many rooms and down winding corridors I followed until he stopped in front of an unassuming black wooden door. He tapped in a six-digit number on a keypad and locked clicked. On the other side was a narrow staircase. Right on his heels and halfway down the steps, a smell smacked me in the face, making my eyes water. Bleach. But under the strong layer of bleach something else hid.

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