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My head was killing me and the nausea was even worse. This had to be the worst hangover I have ever had. Padding into the bathroom that I was currently sharing with my brother, I quietly turned the faucet on, letting the hot water gush out of the shower head, I was hoping for a nice hot bath, but a shower would have to do. Peeling the dress I had worn the night before along with my underwear, I stepped into the shower, letting the water flow over my body before pulling the curtain securely shut. I stood under the water and sighed, letting the steaming hot liquid ease the pain in my body and awaken me fully before turning to grab the shampoo. It was my brother's and despite the fact that it was made for men I was going to use it. I still wasn't sure about the fact that they were able to market a bottle that was shampoo, conditioner, and body wash all in one. Lathering up my body with the substance, I cleaned myself quickly before my stomach growled.

Stepping out of the shower, water began to pool and seep into the memory foam bath rug. Drying myself, I wrapped my body with the towel I was using before exiting the bathroom and rummaging through my bag of clothes, opting for a simple pair of sweats and a t-shirt, no bra. It wasn't like I was planning to see anyone today. I absentmindedly chewed on my lip as memories from last nights drinking came and went. Elijah's kind face came into view and all I could do was close my eyes. "Pull yourself together Emilia." I whispered to know one but myself, "You're still married. And honestly, he's an Alpha. He doesn't want a human."

With my breathing ragged, I got dressed in silence before throwing my damp hair up in a messy ponytail annoyed at their unusual unruliness. But when I finally made it into the kitchen, what I saw stopped me in my tracks. It wasn't that Daniel was casually making breakfast, or that Clarissa was cuddling up with a guy I had yet to meet, but Elijah was leaning against the counter, staring daggers at Andrew who's usually well kept and professional look was now ripped as if he had just gotten mugged. What was happening?

"Um, good morning?" I asked, "Andrew, Elijah what are you doing here?"

The sound of my voice must have caught their attention as both men looked over at me.

Who are these guys Emilia?" Andrew asked, his voice hinting he was angry and maybe a little jealous.

"I don't know what they're doing here, what happened to your suit?"

"Oh you don't? You didn't have them come and beat me up last night?" He was livid now.

"He-what?" I looked over at Elijah and he didn't seem sorry, he seemed like he enjoyed it.

"You shouldn't have disrespected your wife." Elijah retorted, scowling at him before looking over at me.

What are you doing here Andrew? Baby I want you back. I messed up I made a huge mistake and I was an idiot." He was on his knees now, begging. "Please don't go through with his divorce."

"I'm sorry but even if we do work things out you're going to continue to do what you want to do. Until you realize what you're doing is wrong, we will not be together. Our marriage is over, Andrew. If I go back to you you're going to keep cheating and cheating until we're right back where we started and I will wish that I had left the first time, so no, I am not going to make that mistake," I paused, walking calmly passed him to take my seat at the breakfast nook, "I think you should leave. The next time I see you it will be when we sign our divorce papers."

"This is insane! I'm your husband!"

I scoffed, "Well you should have thought of that before you stuck your dick where it shouldn't belong, "I paused, staring back at him, "I swear if you don't get out of this apartment right now I'm going to—"

"What? What are you going to do Emilia?" He asked before walking toward me and grabbing my wrist, a little to rough for comfort, "You're coming home with me."

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