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It had only been a few days since told Elijah I was pregnant. And now we were expected to attend a family dinner at Bellamy and Eve's home. I was excited to see them again, but even more excited to get our first ultrasound done. Elijah was flipping through the channels, I assumed in an attempt to distract himself from the wait, before finally settling on a channel, a rerun of a show called New Girl shown across the screen.

Plopping down on the couch next to him, he immediately wrapped an arm around me a movement I had a feeling he was just doing instinctively rather than on purpose. Either way, I loved it.

"What time is the appointment again?" Elijah asked suddenly.

"At one." I reminded him again, it had been the third time he had asked and I knew he was just excited to see the baby even if we both knew they were just fine.

"Can't we go early?"

"And wait in the waiting room for thirty minutes? I'd rather not."

Elijah sighed, his impatience getting the better of him, "Fine."

It seemed like forever before we could finally leave and walk across campus to where the pack hospital was located. It was a busy day and when your pack was as big as ours was, it almost always was. Everyone greeted us as we entered the double glass doors, my mind trying to focus but I could barely hold in my excitement as it was. Elijah held my hand as we walked a simple reassurance that no matter what happened he would be with me. I let him lead, walking through the maze before we ended up in the right wing of the hospital.

By the time we sat down, my excitement and impatience was on the brink of exploding and I knew Elijah was the same way. We had discussed names this time, having not been able to with our last pregnancy. After days of choosing, we had finally decided on our two names: Noah and Ashlynne. And even though I secretly wished it were a boy, I had the sinking feeling that I wasn't only carrying the one. And even if I was, I would still be entirely thankful. Despite this, my nerves still got the better of me, my leg bouncing up and down uncontrollably as my anxiety took hold.

I knew my fidgeting was probably annoying anyone waiting to be called on as we were, but to my surprise, no-one looked up as if this was something they were use to. I took a deep breath, my mind racing as I tried to calm down, but nothing seemed to help.

It's going to be okay. Elijah's voice hovered over the bond while he squeezed my hand as a calmness flowed over my entire being and I felt my nerves slowly subside.

Thank you. I whispered, squeezing his hand in response as my leg stopped bouncing and the room was finally silent.

That was, of course, until a door was opened and my name was called. Elijah and I both stood, my heart racing as we quickly made our way toward the nurse. It wasn't long before we were following her down the hall as she asked me how I was feeling. And if I was being honest, this pregnancy seemed worse than my last.

I just hoped everything was fine.

"Alright, we can go in here and take your blood pressure and make sure everything looks good before we do your ultrasound." He said, pulling me out of my thoughts and back into the real world.

I cleared my throat and walked into the hospital room, noticing the monitor and ultrasound equipment beside it, "Okay."

Despite my worry, my excitement still managed to push through and I found myself wanting to see what my baby looked like, only if I was only a few weeks along. Taking a seat on the hospital bed, the nurse went to work taking my blood pressure and checking my vitals."Everything looks good as of now." He said and I let out a sigh of relief, "Are we ready to see the baby?"

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now