Bonus chapter: Seaside Delights

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I tried to keep quiet as Elijah led me across the beach in the dead of night. I knew that the roaring of the waves would muffle any sounds we made and the darkness that shrouded us would hide our bodies, but there was still that fear that we would get caught. And that, in and of itself, was what made what we were planning to do even more exciting.

Elijah's warm hand holding mind sent shivers down my spine. And for once, I was thankful for my night vision, the darkness opening up to a vibrant world of color. Elijah looked back across his shoulder to look at me, the excitement swirled in his eyes and I knew he had something else planned for out little evening beach trip. Something I may not be ready for — or if I was, he would definitely tease me until I begged for a release. The thought made my heart beat faster and my cheeks flush.

Suddenly, Elijah stopped the cool water crashing onto shore and spraying over our feet. The full moon shown above us, bathing us in its light and love and I had a feeling that our goddess was here. Looking past Elijah, I stared at the ocean, feeling unimaginably calm and at peace. The dark water seemed so wild, so dark and yet, so beautiful. It was then that Elijah turned around to face me, letting go of my hand before he cupped my cheek with it and used his other to wrap securely around my waist. He smiled then, his gaze not leaving mine.


"Nothing." He said, his voice shaky, "I'm just so glad you're here with me."

I couldn't resist, "oh Elijah." I said, cupping his cheek, "I'lol always be with you. Till we meet the moon and for eternity."

Then he kissed me and my whole body was on fire. His kisses gave me life, and I wanted our last evening in Hawaii to be memorable. Kissing him back, he effortlessly sunk us to the sandy floor, the ocean waves crashing all around us as our kisses turns desperate and full of need. A need to touch. A need for a releases and a closeness we have shared for almost a year.

I closed my eyes, letting him undress me as he kissed down my jaw, along my neck and collarbone. His touch sending a hot need south that I so desperately wanted him to take advantage of. I opened my eyes to look at him, his face was flushed and I didn't need to look to tell how ready he was for me, his emotions were clear enough.

"Do you want to tease or should I?" I found myself asking, my hand finding the band of his boxers and I noticed he had already taken the Liberty to undress himself.

Elijah grinned, "Why don't you choose?"

I stifled a laugh, "Eli..."


I bit my lip then I kissed him back solidifying my decision. We would drive each other wild and my hormones were already in overdrive just at the sight of him. "You can have your way with me Mr. Taylor." I whispered before leaning back against the sand knowing the only thing I would hate later on, is picking the grains off of my body.

"I will Mrs. Taylor." He said, and I laughed.

"I will never get used to that." I grinned down at him as he leaned down to meet me.

"I think you will." Was all he managed to say before he kissed me, leaving trails of kissed down to my soft spot and before I knew what was happening he began to suck sending shivers down my spine and sending my body on a journey. One of pure ecstasy. It was then that he plunged his fingers in, one by one and if I didn't know any better he was trying to see how long I could hold it in. He knew I didn't want us getting caught. But the roar of the waves brought me comfort as he stroked me and my resolve broke as a wave of euphoria consumed my body and I screamed his name. There, amongst the sandy beaches of Hawaii, we made love to each other, over and over until we were well spent. Finally, as husband and wife. As a Luna and her Alpha.

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