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I awoke in a daze, the bond with my pack hazy and distant almost as if it wasn't there at all. My body felt unimaginably heavy and it took everything in me to open my eyes. The room was dark, so dark I could barely see in front of me, that was until a door was open, blinding me as light flooded into the room and I quickly shut my eyes.

"Good morning little Luna." A woman's voice said, a voice I didn't recognize.

What happened after I blacked out? Where was I? Was the baby okay?

Questions flooded my mind when I managed to open my eyes again. Immediately I could see the woman standing before me, a smirk stretched across her face. A scar ran the length of her right cheek, angry marks that looked like they were devastatingly painful.

"Where am I?" I asked, finally finding my voice.

The woman laughed, "It's always the same: where am I? What am I doing here? Who are you?" Her eyes gleamed as she spoke an excitement that made me nauseated.

"You didn't answer my question." I wasted no time replying, my eyesight coming back to me but still, the bond with my pack was hazy at best.

I was in deep shit now.

She grinned, "You're wherever he wants you to be." She paused, "And don't even bother trying to link your mate, he won't be able to speak to you, not in your condition."

"What did you do to me?"

"Oh sweetie, we've barely begun." And then she turned, casually walking out of the door before it slammed shut behind her. And as soon as it did, the lights came on and I was surrounded in silver.

What have I done to deserve this? Was all I managed to think before another figure came through the doorway, holding a knife.

"Why don't we have some fun?" He asked, not waiting for a reply before he lunged, slicing the skin of my forearm my butter as pain shot up my arm and I could no longer hold back my screams. Squeezing my eyes shut, I tried to think of something else, the pain consuming me with every cut.

Then my world went dark, protecting me from the pain and fear. There was no pain, no fear, no worry about my unborn child's safety. There was only a cool inviting darkness that covered me.

I couldn't help but wonder, who was the he that woman was talking about? And what did he want from me?

* * *

I awoke again covered in blood, my wounds were healed but still the scars remained. I looked in horror, noticing the angry marks ran They ran up and down the length of my forearms and my legs, but I was slightly relieved to see that no-one was here with me. I couldn't smell them, the silver that encased the room kept me from linking and it would explain why my pack's bond was hazy: it was weakening my wolf. I shifted in my chair, my legs numb from sitting for so long. I took a deep breath and then regretted it as bile rose up my throat and I vomited what I had once had in my stomach onto the concrete floor. They couldn't expect to keep me alive much longer, not if they want to use me as a bargaining chip. Was that what this was? An opportunity to get to Elijah? I sighed, spitting onto the floor, hoping to get the taste out of my mouth. I needed to know who I was up against and escape. But I couldn't do anything other than wait, especially when I was locked to this chair.

The door creaked open, the hair on the back of my neck stood up as I looked over at whoever had entered. This time it was another woman, her face was bruised and she seemed young, probably nineteen. It was then I noticed what she was carrying: a plate of food. It smelled heavenly to my grumbling stomach even though I had absolutely no idea what it was.

"I've brought you food." She said, her voice barely above a whisper as she quickly made her way toward me, then she gasped, her gaze on my stomach before she looked up at me, "They didn't tell me you were—" She stopped in her tracks before carefully walking towards me, concern radiating off of her in waves.

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now