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Emilia had been missing for five days now and my wolf and I were getting restless. I could barely sense her, our bond weak as if it would snap at any moment. I could feel her pain, the fear coursing through her and it took everything in me to follow through with my brother's wishes. He wanted my pack, in exchange Emilia would come back alive. He said nothing about our child or if she would come back unharmed. But she was alive and I hoped our child was too.


I looked up, my mind hazy with worry as I looked back at my father. I bit back a growl, anger flashing through me, "Why would he do this?"

"I don't know," his voice calm and collected despite his words laced in a blanket of anger, "But I'm sure we'll find out soon."

Then my bond twisted, filling me with life and I closed my eyes. I could feel her fully now, her emotions overwhelming but still there was her fear, devastation and worry.


I waited for a response, hoping she would respond my wolf howling with excitement and worry hoping and praying she was alright. That she was unharmed. I couldn't bare it if she died. I couldn't live with myself.

Elijah! I could feel her excitement, the desperation in her voice consuming her tone. And then it hit me, a pain searing my abdomen so sharp I groaned. Something was wrong. What was happening to her?

Are you okay? I asked, worry consuming me as the pain never faltered, Emilia, please talk to me.

I waited, no response. My heart thundered against my chest and my gaze found my father, understanding taking hold.

"Is she alright?" He asked.

I shook my head, "I don't know, she's in a lot of pain."

Elijah, can you hear me?

Yes! I screamed through the bond, Are you alright?

No, I'm not. She replied, she sounded weak, her voice cracking as her grief flowed over her bond. I could feel her entirely now. She was no longer distant, she was close. But I knew what happened to her before she could even tell me: she lost the baby.

Get our men, Elijah. She paused, her voice filled with so much strength even if there was an edge of sadness to it,Caspian is the wolf responsible for my kidnapping and the death of our daughter.

Our daughter? The excitement at knowing what we had only lasted for a second before I fully realized what she said. My suspicions were true: my baby girl was dead, and Caspian was responsible, if not him, then he made this happen.

I wanted him dead.

I couldn't stop the roar from escaping my throat, Lucas running over to see what was happening and to calm me down.

"What's wrong?" Lucas asked, worry evident in his voice.

"Caspian did this. He fucking kidnapped Emilia, tortured her and now my baby..." I couldn't continue, my anger turning to devastation as I tried to process it all. I knew my pack could feel it, they would mourn with me as much as Emilia and I would. She was the future leader of this pack.

We would avenge them both.

We're on our way, sit tight. Was all I could say before turning my focus to my pack and the Moonkin pack who decided to join us in the search.

"If I could have everyone's attention please." I bellowed, my voice filled with authority and power, "Thank you. I have finally learned who is responsible for the kidnapping of the Luna of our pack: Caspian Taylor. I have also learned that not only has she been kidnapped but she has been tortured and as a result, my daughter, she's—" I took a deep breath, grief overwhelming me before I started speaking again, "My daughter is dead."

As soon as I stopped roars erupted from the crowd, anger billowing off of them. Lunas we're meant to be respected just as much as their alphas and to commit such a crime as my brother had committed, well, the punishment isn't short of death. If not from me, but from any of the members here.

"We will leave as soon as we have a location." Lucas added, turning to me, my mind entirely preoccupied.

Did you name her? I asked Emilia, hoping to distract myself.

Hope. She paused, I'm in Caspian's pack. I also will be converting a former member once we get back home. I told her she will be on probation. I haven't seen the rest of the members other than Caspian's betas, but it's bad Elijah. We need to help these people.

I could feel her determination, the concern she had for the other wolves. I understood where she was coming from, it was in her blood to protect just as it was mine. So why was Caspian like this?

"Hello brother." Caspian said and my blood began to boil as I turned around to face him, "Have you made your decision?"

I stared at him, fury filling me, "Yes, I believe I have."

"Good." The bastard had the gall to smile, "What have you decided?

"I challenge Caspian Taylor, Alpha of the Merika pack. Unlike other challenges, this one will be to the death." My voice rang true, I wanted him to deal with the consequences of his actions if not in this life for when he sees the moon.

Caspian smirked, "I accept!" Then he paused making his way toward me, "When you die, I'll have Emilia and there's nothing you can do about it. Too bad you stopped us when she was human. We could have had a great time, that body of hers—"

I stopped whatever he was about to say, my fist crushing his nose and I relished the sound of his shocked gasp.

"If you ever touch her or go near her again, I will kill you!" I threatened absolutely furious, "Let's end this, now, Caspian!"

His face immediately turned serious, deadly even as he spoke, "Gladly."

Then he lunged, brother against brother, alpha against alpha. Only one would survive and I was determined it would be me.

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now