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I stared at my reflection in the mirror of my car. My unruly locks refused to straighten so I left them as they were, using some moose to help ease some of the frizz, and yet a few wisps of hair managed to stick out. I wasn't wearing any makeup, but I did have a stick of Chapstick hidden at the bottom of my purse. With a sigh, I grabbed my things and pushed the door open and stumbled out of my vehicle.

"I shouldn't have worn heals." I groaned, my footing entirely uneasy.

I steadied myself before making my way towards the restaurant just as a gentleman came out of the front door. I thanked him as he opened the door for me, waiting until I was safely inside before promptly shutting the door behind me. Immediately the host greeted me as he reached for a menu.

"Um, I'm here with my friend I'm just running a little late." I said, glancing over the crowd of people seated at various tables, eating and talking.

That, of course, was the moment I noticed the beautiful bouquet of white roses nestled in between a plethora of pink lilies laying on the table. Lilies had always been my favorite flower. Then I looked up at the man seated at the table watching as he nervously tapped his leg underneath the table, his usually calm exterior was filled with so much emotion I felt my heart squeeze. I knew who it was immediately, knowing that Clarissa wouldn't be having dinner with me, instead, Elijah would, I assumed in an attempt to help me forget of my current relationship woes.

"I see them, thank you." I said before making my way towards Elijah. Before I thought he wouldn't notice I was here, I watched as he looked up, our eyes meeting only for a second before he rose from his seat to pull out my chair. An act that made my heart flutter, I always loved simple acts of kindness. "Oh, thank you, Elijah." I managed to say before taking my seat.

"You're welcome." He smiled, "I, um, was afraid you wouldn't come."

"Well, if I had known my best friend was scheming behind my back I probably wouldn't have. I'm here now though." I shrugged, "Clarissa isn't coming, is she?"

"She said they would be here but maybe they're running late." Elijah said, "You look beautiful by the way."

I couldn't keep the blush from spreading, "Thank you, you look, um, you look beautiful too I mean..."

Elijah grinned, his eyes shining with laughter and intrigue, "Thank you."

"Anyways," I replied, trying to keep my racing heart at bay, "What exactly did Clarissa say when she invited you?"

"We'll, she said you finished your thesis and that she wanted us to have dinner but seeing as Clarissa or Lucas aren't here, I would suspect she's trying to get us to have a date."

"That's what I thought." I mumbled then sighed, "No wonder she wanted me to dress up."

"Has she done this before?" He asked, curious.

"Yeah, she has. She means well, but I don't feel comfortable dating right now."

"I know and I understand, listen, how about we just focus on celebrating your accomplishment, hmm?" He said, a calmness and reassurance filling his tone, wrapping around me like a blanket. "You've practically written a novel!"

"Okay, yeah, I can do that. And yeah, I did didn't I?" Smiling to myself, I looked down, my mind suddenly moving to my dream. He said it was real that it wasn't on purpose, but still, I couldn't get the image of us alone naked in an insanely comfortable tub together. Oh god, Emilia, get it together! This is not the time!

I cleared my throat, but Elijah caught on, grinning, "What are you thinking about?"

"Nothing." I mumbled, reaching down to fumble with the strap of my heels.

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now