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My heart thundered against my chest, my breathing heavy as I began to panic, memories flooding my vision. Caspian smell assaulted my nose, the rouges face coming into view. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to calm down as my wolf paced at the back of my mind. How could Caspian smell like that rogue? Could he have disguised himself somehow? Or am I just reading into things, my memories and senses skewed because of what transpired?

"Emilia?" Eve asked, her voice laced in worry, "Are you okay?"

I took in a shaky breath, my heart still beating wildly before I opened my eyes again. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine." Clarissa mumbled, clearly unconvinced.

"I will be fine." I corrected, trying to reassure myself more than them, "I just, um, I need a minute."

"Okay." Clarissa and Eve both said in unison as Charlotte ran up and hugged me.

"It'll be okay Auntie Em." Charlotte said and that's all it took to make my lip quiver, tears streaming down my face and I sniffed, my nose beginning to run. Wiping my face, I hugged Charlotte back just as both Clarissa and Eve joined in, hoping to comfort me.

"You did nothing wrong. The rogue is paying for what he did." Eve said, her calm voice not seeming as reassuring as before. I knew that someone was in the cell but I couldn't help but wonder: was it really the same wolf?

When my wolf finally calmed down, I quietly did my makeup, hoping to think things through as my best friend, future sister in law, and niece waited silently for me to finish up. Still, they both looked at me with curious gazes. What did my wolf sense that they didn't? Would they even believe me?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you..." I finally said, my heart finally back to its normal rhythmic beating, then I added, "Um, can you take Charlotte out of the room Clarissa?"

"What's wrong?"

"I'll link you, I just don't want to talk about it in front of her." I tried to explain.

Clarissa nodded before turning to Charlotte, "Come on Charlie Girl, why don't you help me in the living room?"

When the door closed, I took in a breath, readying myself before I looked back at Eve.

"What did your wolf sense?" Eve asked and I could feel just how on edge she was.

"I thought he was the rogue who attacked me, but he doesn't look like him."

"What do you mean you thought he was the one who attacked you?" Eve asked.

"He smelled like him but he," I paused, clenching my jaw as the memories threatened to come forward sending another panic attack with it, "he didn't look like the rogue."

The look on her face told me she knew exactly what I was talking about. As if there was a reasonable explanation for all of it.

"What? What is it?" I asked, "What aren't you telling me."

"It's nothing." She said, but her tone said otherwise.

"It doesn't sound like nothing."

Eve sighed, "What you're saying is, if Caspian was the rogue who attacked you and murdered Daniel, our trackers would know it." She paused, worry filling her face, "But there's a way he could disguise himself and his sent."

"Okay, and that is?" I trailed off watching as Eve looked away.

"He would have to be in league with a powerful witch to do it. If what you're saying is true, then who is the rogue in the cells?"

"I don't know." I said, shaking my head.

What was I going to tell Elijah if it was true? He'd kill his own brother. What would happen if they challenged each other?

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now