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I could hear whispering. Though I couldn't make out what was said, the fact that I was still alive was a relief. My head was throbbing and my entire body ached, but the ache seemed good, like I was meant to feel this way. But where was I? What happened after I had blacked out? Was Danny still alive?

"Elijah, you need to eat!" I heard a female voice yell who I instantly recognized as Eve, "What are you going to do and she wakes up and you're dead?"

"I didn't protect her." Elijah replied, his voice breaking, "That bastard could have—"

I tried to open my eyes, to let him know that I was okay. It wasn't his fault. He needed to know that it wasn't his fault.

"You did the best you could." Eve paused then sighed, "She's stable, April said she'd be waking up soon. She'll be fine." Then the soft shuffle of feet and the sound of a door shutting told me whoever that was had left.

Finally, I managed to open my eyes, the light stinging them as they adjusted. I was in a white room, clean, and the humming of monitors and various machines told me I was definitely in a hospital room. Craning my neck, I saw Elijah sitting in a chair, his elbows on his knees as he sat almost defeated.

"E-Eli." I croaked watching as he quickly looked up, disbelief filling his features before he began to tear up and rush toward me.

"You're awake!" Elijah exclaimed grabbing my hand and giving it a squeeze, "Emilia, I'm so so sorry. I tried to get there in time."

"It's not your fault." I said, taking a deep breath, "What, what happened when you got there?"

"We found you with that rogue," he paused, his jaw set, anger flashing over his face, "you won't have to worry about him. He'll pay for what he did and attempted."

I nodded, "And Danny?" I asked, desperately hoping that what I thought wasn't true, "Is he okay?"

I knew that he couldn't have survived, even with the extent of his wounds, if they had arrived sooner they probably could have saved him. I watched as Elijah looked away, not meeting my eyes and I knew, my brother was dead. My lip trembled as my breathing shook and a sob escaped before I began to cry uncontrollably. He didn't deserve that! He was too young! Elijah tried to calm me down, pulling me into his arms as I cried. I wanted that wolf dead. I wanted justice, not just for myself, but for Daniel as well.

"He'll pay Lia." Elijah reassured me, "He'll pay for hurting the Luna of this pack."

His words resonated through me, filling me with a since of pride and understanding. Something that I wasn't sure I was ready for. My blood burned at the mention of the Luna title and I immediately remembered the bite, the wolf's venom burning into my skin, activating the change. I was becoming a wolf and if I didn't successfully survive the change by the next new moon, I would join my brother.

* * *

A few hours after I had woke up, Clarissa visited me, her face consumed in worry. After each passing moment, I could feel an animalistic presence underneath my skin, a familiar and strong presence that managed to seep its way over my entire being. I had witnessed this happen when Clarissa had been bitten, she seemed different, protective even, and now I knew why: her wolf was getting stronger.

"How are you feeling?" Clarissa asked, crawling into bed with me.

"I'm okay, I feel strange." I paused, "My blood is pulsing."

"That's normal. Your body is starting to accept the venom and activate the change. After a a day or two you should be good to start training."

"Training?" I asked, looking over at her.

"Yeah, we need to get you ready for your first shift. It'll hurt like hell the first time but after a while it gets easier." Clarissa shrugged, "Do you want me to get you something to eat?"

"No, I'm fine." I lied and my stomach betrayed me. I didn't feel like eating but I knew I couldn't starve myself. With a long sigh, I nodded, "Okay."

"Good, I'll be right back." She smiled, squeezing my arm reassuringly before leaving me alone.

All the while I couldn't help but wonder what if it was me that was dead and my brother was alive?

* * *

A few days after I was bit, I was able to leave the hospital room and permitted to stay in Elijah's cabin. The log cabin was in good condition, the inside however definitely needed some work. It was clear a bachelor definitely lived here as the cabinets were sparse and the only decoration on the walls was a picture of a forest. I didn't blame him though, he probably didn't have time to worry about getting food or making his cabin presentable while worrying about me and running his pack.

Our pack. A voice corrected, radiating through my skull, filling with so much power it nearly pushed me off my feet.

"What was that?" I whispered and Elijah turned to me with a quizzical look.


"I just thought I heard a voice." I trailed off, making my way into the living room to plop down on the couch.

"It was probably your wolf."

"My wolf can speak?" I asked, no sooner had I said that the voice scoffed again, of course I can speak. This, of course, made me jump in surprise, "Sorry! This is new for me!"

Elijah grinned then chuckled, as if knowing that I was having a back and forth between my wolf and I.

It's okay, I'm just teasing.

"We're going to go over some things first before we start your training." Elijah said, walking over to sit down beside me.

"Okay." I said, my mind entirely on edge.

I had so many questions.

"Okay, first thing we need to discuss is becoming a wolf isn't an easy feet, especially a bitten wolf. Not only will you have to survive the change, you will have to survive the scrutiny of other wolves."

I nodded, "because I wasn't born one?"

"Exactly." He sighed, "but once we're done with you there will be no question. Are you ready?"

I smiled, "I think."

He grinned, "That's what I thought." Then he reached over and caressed my cheek and my body immediately caught fire. Then he was leaning into me, my heart beating rapidly and despite the fact that I knew he meant me no harm I couldn't help but pull away.

"I'm sorry Lia, I shouldn't have."

"It's okay, it's not your fault." I whispered, upset at myself for hurting him and even more upset at the fear that coursed through me, memories of the wolf trying to force himself flooded my vision and my throat began to vibrate, a growl escaping.


I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair before I looked back at him, his eyes were now a dark gold color rather than brown and something in me knew that it was his wolf that I was speaking to.


He nodded and smiled, "I am your mate, specifically, I am the wolf part of him."


Then he was walking towards me, his hand cautiously reaching out to touch me. I hadn't realized I was crying until he used his thumb to wipe a stray tear from my cheek, "The last thing we want to do is hurt you."

"I know." I paused, letting out a shaky breath, "I just need time."

He nodded in understanding before he grabbed my left hand and kissed it, as if to say he would wait for me. I made my way to his bedroom, crawling into bed the sound of the front door closed shut. I couldn't stop the tears from pouring as I tried to handle everything that had happened. I needed to heal, but that doesn't mean I should hide my emotions.

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now