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I could feel them cross the border, it was like knives cutting through my skin, shocking my system and immediately making my wolf on edge. Memories of the attack that killed my mother flooded my vision and I bit back a growl. I wouldn't let that happen again.

Quickly, I got dressed, my wolf inching towards the surface as I ran toward Emilia. I watched as she turned around, worry and confusion evident in her gorgeous green eyes. It was then that the bond between our pack members twisted, the pain shooting through me. This wasn't good. I needed to help them but I also couldn't put Emilia in harms way, especially if she couldn't shift.

"Emilia, get downstairs, now!" I exclaimed, my heart beating wildly in my chest.

Emilia made her way toward me, her confusion and fear evident as the bond twisted again and she winced, "What's happening?"

"Rogues." Was all I could say before I pulled her close, wrapping my arms around her hoping to comfort her before I left, "Now, go!"

I didn't waste anytime running out the door. Lucas was immediately at my side as we made our way toward the group of rogues that have managed to cross our borders.

"Where's Emilia?" Lucas asked as we ran.

"She's safe at our cabin," I said as we neared the bulk of the fighting.

Wolves of all shapes and sizes were fighting, one side defending their land and the other wholly set on taking ours. I wasted no time shifting, joining my pack in the fight. They would regret ever crossing out borders.

One wolf managed to swipe at me and I growled biting into his neck before tossing him to the side, his blood gushing from the wound I had inflicted. And just as I was about to go after another one, my mate bond twisted, making me stop in my tracks. Something was wrong. Emilia was in trouble. Lucas, link Clarissa and have her check on Emilia. Something's wrong.

Okay, he paused then the tone of his voice was laced in fear, Elijah...

I shifted back immediately watching as every rogue stopped fighting, turned, and ran, retreating back into the woods. What are they doing? Why are they retreating?

Lucas ran up to me in seconds, concern all over his face.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked, my heart beating wildly in my chest as fear took hold.

Is she okay? Is the baby okay? What am I going to do?

Alpha, what are your orders? My Delta, Adam, linked, his voice level.

Make sure April checks on the injured, have the warriors go after the rogues and make sure they don't cross our borders again.


Good. I replied, hoping my voice was as level as I tried to make it.

With that said, I turned on my heal, running back to our home like my life depended on it. This was definitely a planned attack, why else would they retreat? I just hoped Emilia was okay. We arrived at the cabin just as Clarissa came running out, frantic and I could feel just how distraught she was.

"Elijah, she's gone."

Gone? Is she dead?

"What do you mean she's gone?" I asked, my voice cracking.

This can't be happening! I was supposed to protect her, protect our pack. I failed them.

"She isn't dead." Clarissa said, "I just, she's not here. I can't smell her, it's as if her scent is—" then she stopped, her face suddenly shocked as realization took hold.

"What is it Clarissa? What do you know?"

It was Lucas asking the questions now. I couldn't speak, I could hardly breathe. Why? Why did this have to happen to her, to us?

"Emilia suspected that Caspian had or was the rogue who murdered her brother and was hiding his scent using a witch."

"Did you see him?" Lucas asked, looking over at me and then back to his mate.

"No, but I smelled him, and I found this." She said, holding a letter out to me and I took it.

Alpha Taylor, if I should even call you that, I have your mate. I'll be in touch.

I knew my brothers hand writing and his scent and I was a hundred percent certain that these were my brother's words. Caspian had my Emilia and I would do anything to get her back safe and sound.

I couldn't stop the roar of my growl from escaping my throat, echoing throughout the forest before I quickly shifted and ran. I followed his scent, my heart thumping hard against my chest before it stopped, seemingly vanishing in thin air.

What have you gotten yourself into brother?

Did you find him? Lucas asked through our link.

No. I replied, Tell everyone we're on high alert, I need to speak to Bellamy.


I wanted blood and I wanted them dead. I wasn't sure what Caspian thought he was playing at, but if he wanted a war, he would have it, especially for taking my Luna.

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now