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By the time we got home from the store, I couldn't wait to get into something more comfortable. It was then that I noticed how strange my wolf was acting. She was on edge, but this feeling was different. A feeling I had felt nearly four months before. A fever burned across my core, my ovaries screaming. I knew what was happening immediately: I was in my heat.

Looking back at Elijah, I could see it written all over his face. I knew he didn't want to hurt me, but he also didn't want to see me in pain either. And it was only a matter of time before I was, the heat taking over spiraling me in a fit of pain and insane pleasure from his touch.

"Emilia..." he trailed off and I sucked in a breath, my mind racing.

It's been months since we've had sex. I've finally been able to let him kiss me let alone do anything else. The last time we tried I couldn't stop crying, memories of them consuming me and it took Clarissa and Josie to calm me down, Elijah leaving the room in a desperate attempt to help. I felt bad for Elijah, to him I was still his mate but to me, I was still dealing with the trauma of it all.

It was then that I felt the sharp pain, stabbing my side with such a force I gasped. "I, Elijah, please, just—" I stopped, groaning as another wave of pain hit me.

"It's okay," he said, leaping into action before carefully pulling me into his arms bridal style, "I got you."

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to think about anything other than the pain. His footsteps quick as we made our way toward our bedroom. I could feel his emotions now, concern mixed with the effects of my heat. His desperation to help me but also his lust. My mind drifted to the last heat I was in, my cheeks beginning to burn.

"We don't have to do this." He mumbled, setting me down on our bed, his words straining.

I stared back at him. His cheeks were flushed as were mine and I knew he was conflicted. He didn't want to hurt me but I had been pushing him away hoping I would heal but in the end, I really just need to look toward the future and stay in the present. Caspian was gone. Any of the wolves who had hurt me were long dead. I had a Alpha who loved me. A pack I needed to protect and a family I would die for.

Taking a deep breath I stood, walking slowly toward Elijah as my wolf paced in the back of my mind. She wanted him. She wanted peace as much as I did. Reaching up, I cupped his cheek my hand grazing the sharp stubble and I smiled. Warmth radiated from him and my heart leapt at the electricity between us.

"Emilia, I—"

"Shh," I hushed, moving closer to him as I wrapped my arms around his neck, standing on the tips of my toes, "It's okay."

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, moving in for a kiss as Elijah lifted me up in his arms, kissing me before I even had the chance to make the first move. Sparks exploded across my vision, my heart racing as the fire turned to molten lava, my body moving on its own accord. In seconds we were on our bed, Elijah's kisses sending shivers down my spine as I raced to get my clothes off. I wanted this; I wanted him. He stopped, the fire in my core aching for a release, something to help ease the pain and I watched as he undressed my mind wandering to more intimate matters.

"Emilia..." he trailed off and I locked eyes with him, a cheeky grin across his face, You forget I can feel you're emotions."

I grinned, "Well, maybe you can make me feel something else." I said, laying back down, gooseflesh prickling my skin as I winced, pain shooting through my side.

I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut for a moment as I tried to relax my fever never dissipating. That was until I felt Elijah's lips brush my forehead. "Let me know if you need to stop." He mumbled, his breath brushing against my skin before he quickly kissed me on the mouth again.

This time it was a passionate kiss. A kiss so full of need and love. One you could only dream of, and I was living it. I did nothing to stop the moan from escaping my throat relishing the sound of Elijah's growl, a sound I knew he definitely liked it. He knew I had a love-hate relationship with teasing but it was in this moment that I desperately wanted it. To sit on the edge, wondering what would happen next as your mind and body spiraled in pleasure. It sounded absolutely heavenly.

My body relaxed as he kissed me, the pain leaving at his touch and I finally felt safe, safer than I have since being back. His kisses stopped, only for a moment before they were back again and this time, I knew exactly what he was after as he left a trail, lowering ever so slowly before he buried his face in me.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my voice entirely breathless.

"I'm sorry, I should have asked." His concern was understandable, but I couldn't help but feel a pang of annoyance but maybe it was just my heat talking.

My heat wanted a pup and I wanted it to stop.

"It's okay, it was the heat talking." I said, my mind racing, "You can continue, Oh!"

That was all the confirmation he needed before he took matters into his own hands, quite literally I should say as he very carefully and slowly inched a finger or two in. If my heat wasn't begging us to finish it very much was now. I was teetering on the edge of ecstasy, and I didn't know how much longer I could keep control.

"I'll probably bleed." I whispered, then gasped as Elijah shifted positions my wolf growled in my mind, pleasure consuming me, "Please, Elijah, I need—"

"What do you need?" His voice was just as breathless if not more so and I could tell just how effected he was. He was close, I could feel it.

"You," I paused, swallowing my heart thumping hard against my chest and I didn't have to say anything else before he removed his fingers reading himself before kissing me, full tongue and all as he slowly eased himself inside and I gasped, relishing the feeling of him and knowing that I would move on. That I would raise our child to be kind and fearless alphas despite what others may say.

"Elijah!" I gasped, my body burned with the feeling of him following his movements as I rocked on the edge of my own release, "I love you."

He kissed me back, sending shivers throughout my body before I finally climaxed, euphoria flowing through me and helped him with his until we were fully entangled in each other.

"I love you Lia." Elijah sighed, curling up behind me as my body relaxed and the heaviness of sleep beckoned me.

I missed this; I missed him. There was no way I would get away with just one round but maybe I could sneak in a nap. And as Elijah's fingers grazed my back, my mind fell away, letting me fall into a peaceful slumber. No nightmares would plague me tonight. We were finally able to fully and completely be together and there was nothing that anyone could do to keep me from Elijah Taylor.

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