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My wolf wouldn't stop pacing. Her excitement at finally being let out consuming her. I couldn't blame her, being cooped up can put a toll on anyone but I still couldn't help but worry. I took a deep breath, as Elijah wrapped an arm around my waist, holding me close while we cuddled in bed.


"Hmm?" He mumbled, his face nuzzling into the base of my neck and I forgot about what I was about to say when his lips pressed softly against my skin.

"Elijah, please." I whispered, but my words fell away as I looked at him, the need and undeniable lust in his eyes was unmistakable and I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel the same way. I sighed, "Fine, you have ten minutes."

I watched as he raised an eyebrow, a grin beginning to form across his face and I could tell ten minutes would not be enough. "You really think you want just ten minutes?" He said, his voice deep, vibrating against me and I took in a breath hoping to steady my racing heart beat.

It had been a while since we had been intimate, nearly a month. I was still getting over what had happened and today was finally the day I would let him sleep beside me. I couldn't help but look at his lips, those soft lips that knew exactly what to do. My face began to flush and I closed my eyes knowing that if I looked any longer my imagination might run away with me. But it was no use, my imagination was already running wild. I wanted him to kiss me, everywhere.

"Lia," He said, his voice entirely serious, "we don't have to."

'No, no, I'm fine." I replied, "I was just thinking."

"Oh?" He paused, "What were you thinking about?"

I grinned, kissing him only once before I pulled away, "Why don't you find out?"

Elijah chuckled, pulling me even closer against him while I wrapped one leg around his hip. I could feel him, the hardness not helping my excitement, only making it more apparent. Then his lips were on mine, this time he was gentle, his hand finding its way under my shirt to unclasp my bra. Yeah, we were going to need a lot longer than ten minutes. I wanted this to last.

My mind raced as my body moved on its own accord, his hand cupping my breast, giving it a light squeeze as a moan escaped the back of my throat. Within seconds my shirt and bra was over my head and I was on top of him, kissing him fervently. Our bond pushing and pulling as Elijah fumbled to unbutton his pants. I grinned at him, my hand lowering ever so slowly as I helped him out of his clothes. Elijah didn't seem to mind and I knew it must have been uncomfortable.

"Just let me know." I said, my voice entirely breathless as I kissed him, leaving a trail of kisses down the length of his body.

He looked confused at first then understanding took hold. He shouldn't be surprised, I did enjoy taking control every once in a while and wasn't shy about trying new things. I pressed my knees against our bed, steading myself before I leaned down, my mouth hovering over my target for a second before I took action, tasting the sweet saltiness I so desperately wanted. The sharp inhale and moan that followed made my heart flutter as I continued.

"Wait." Elijah whispered and I stopped, immediate sitting up.

"What?" I paused, my heart racing as I began to panic, "Did I do it wrong?"

He shook his head, "No, you're absolutely perfect, if you had continued any longer, I would have finished."

"Oh, so why..." I paused, staring back at him as he sat up in bed and crawled towards me, "why did you have me stop?"

"Because I'm not ready to stop." He replied, taking me into his arms and lavishing me in kisses as he flipped me on my back against the mattress.

I couldn't hold back my giggle before I sighed, leaning back against the pillows, letting him have his fun but knowing I still wanted to be the one to finish him off. Elijah chuckled, as if he heard my thoughts, "Later Lia, but for now, let me do this," He said, kissing my breasts before trailing kisses like I had done to him.

Luna | The Wolves of Lusana [Vol. 2]Where stories live. Discover now