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It hadn't taken us long to escape the pack house. In fact, it seemed entirely too easy. Looking back at Josie, I noticed the bruises were starting to heal now, yellow and green marks across her freckled face. She smiled at me, her wolf reaching out hoping I would accept her into my pack. I could feel her desperation, the abuse she must have been through at the hands of her elders I could only imagine.

"When we get home," I paused, continuing across the campus as I looked for any wolves nearby, "I would like you to consider speaking to our pack counselor."

Josie took a deep breath, "Okay."

"I don't want you to feel pressured to, it's just, it might be good for you." I stumbled over my words before looking back at her and she nodded, a knowing look across her face.

"I know." She paused, "I will go but on one condition."


"That you go as well. You need to talk about what happened to you just as much as I do." She paused her face entirely serious now and I could feel just how protective her wolf was, "you don't know all of what has happened."

"When I passed out?" I asked.

She nodded, "They made me watch."

"What did they make you watch?" I asked, my throat tightening and I tried to clear my mind enough to ready myself for what she was about to tell me. I knew it couldn't be good.

"Emilia, um, uh, Luna Taylor," she corrected herself, before taking a deep breath as if she was trying to think of how best to tell me what she knew, "they raped you while you were unconscious."

Her words echoed across my mind, my heart beating steadily against my chest. She wasn't lying to me, I could tell if she were. It was then my wolf came forward, my body might have been asleep, but she wasn't. Images flooded my mind's eye, the horrendous acts that they had inflicted to my unconscious body consumed me. I couldn't believe it but she was telling the truth. And before I could stop it, the rest of the contents in my stomach was promptly hurled onto the grass below my feet.

The two guards, the man who came at me with a knife, and finally, Caspian himself. They had all took turns. Pleasuring themselves with no regards to who they were doing it to. They drew pleasure in their act and they were all heartless, sick, and evil for doing so. They needed to pay. No wonder I was in so much pain, my mind foggy as if trying to shield me from anymore trauma. But it was too late. It was out now and I knew what I had to do.

I wasted no time shifting before I ran in the direction of my pack, following Caspian's scent while Josie followed close behind me. I would get justice, not just for myself or my daughter, but for all of the wolves who have been hurt by them. They would all be begging for mercy when I was through with them.


My pack was nearly ten miles away from Caspian's and it didn't take long till we reached our borders. I could feel my pack's worry mixed with their anger and I knew instantly that Caspian was challenging Elijah.

Clarissa, what's happening? I asked over the link I had with her.

Emilia! You're safe! Where are you?

I'm on my way to the pack house. I responded immediately, You still haven't answered my question.

Caspian and Elijah are challenging each other.

I knew it.

I could see the crowd forming around them, one wolf I recognized immediately: it was the woman with the scar on her face.

A growl escaped my throat and a few of my pack members looked toward the sound, their faces immediately switching to joy as they saw me alive and well. I wasted no time shifting back, embracing my human form as I made my way toward the two Alphas.

"Caspian!" I yelled, my wolf fully at the surface now, her anger mixed with my own coming off of us in waves.

I watched as Caspian and Elijah immediately stopped fighting, both men looking in my direction as the crowd parted, letting me through as I made my way closer to the two alphas. I couldn't help but glance at Elijah, the smell of his blood stinging my nose and I held back a growl. Turning to Caspian, I watched the shock turn to a cocky grin as he chuckled darkly.

"My my, isn't this a surprise." Caspian said, his words laced in venom, "How did you escape Emilia?"

"That is Luna to you, you are in my pack and you will respect me." I said, my voice carrying over the many hushed whispers of the wolves surrounding us. "I am going to ask you one question."

"And what would that be?"

"Were you the wolf who killed Daniel Campbell?"

I watched his grin fall as if he didn't expect me to ask that question. "I don't see how this is relevant."

"Caspian Taylor, for your crimes against your pack and the Lusana pack the Alphas of this region demote you of your title and leadership as Alpha."

"And what crimes would that be?" He asked, his resolve chipping away at him as each second passed.

"Kidnapping, murder of a human which breaks the treaty we have had for nearly two hundred years, torture of a Luna with no probable cause," I paused, my breathing ragged as I started at him, "and rape. Do you deny it?"  I waited, listening to the shocked gasps and the growls that followed as Caspian started back at me shock consuming him.

"How did you know that we—" he stopped, looking around him uneasily as I heard a few people running and I wasted no time looking at them. Images of the wolves who tortured and raped me coming to the forefront of my mind and I sent them over to my pack knowing that they would avenge me. It was only a few seconds before the retreating footsteps stopped and the groans that followed as I assumed they were tackled and cuffed in silver.

"Why?" I asked, watching as Caspian's jaw was set and he looked away.

"Elijah killed our mother. He has no right to be Alpha!" He screamed turning back to me and I could feel Elijah's fury. He was about to pounce, "All of you should be dead! I did it! You're a weak human who shouldn't have survived!"

"No Caspian, I am a Luna." Then without thinking my hands turned to claws and I sunk them deep in his throat satisfied as I watched his blood seep from the wound. "For your crimes I sentence you to death." Then without wasting another second, I walked away, listening to the growls that followed before all chaos ensued and my pack avenged their Luna. Taking my captors and tearing them to pieces.

It was in this moment that I knew, I would never be the same. I was truly their Luna and I would protect them with my last dying breath.

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