Twenty Eight

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We arrived at the Kansas City Airport at six in the morning. By the time we arrived, all I wanted to do was sleep. Thankfully there was barely any traffic, and we were able to arrive early enough to check our luggage and go through security without any problems. It was then we finally were able to know where we were taking our vacation: the beautiful island of Hawaii. I had never been to Hawaii and Elijah had never seen the beach, in person that is. It would be a vacation both of us would remember for forever.

There was only one problem: I was terrified of flying.And the more I thought about it, the more anxious I felt.

Elijah must have felt my discomfort as he wrapped an arm around me and whispered in my ear, "The pilot know what they're doing, we'll be fine." He said and I nodded, swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Yeah, you're right," I replied, finding my voice, "We're going to be fine."

It was another thirty minutes before we could board the plane. And as we walked following the other passengers down the ramp, I tried to calm my nerves. A flight attendant treated each passenger as they boarded and I gave her a smile as Elijah kept pace behind me. Finding our seats, I plopped down, my nausea at the brink of exploding — my morning sickness probably not helping matters. Elijah sat beside me and I rested my head against the seat, hoping I would calm down.

"Are you alright dear?" An unknown woman asked beside me.

Immediately, I opened my eyes and slowly turned my head to face her.

She was an older woman, possibly in her late fifties. Her hair was silver and permed and she wore a beautiful pearl necklace. Concern was written all over her face. And by now, especially with the twins, it was blatant that I was pregnant.

"I'm, um, fine." I replied, "I'm just terrified of flying."

"Oh, we'll, you'll be just fine." She said, smiling before she added, "You have your husband here to keep you safe."

"Yeah I guess I do." I commented with a smile.

"Oh, I'm not actually—" Elijah trailed off but I immediately turned to look at him.

"You're not her husband?" The woman asked, "It's just that you both seem so comfortable together."

"Well, he kind of is my husband." I tried to clarify, "We're Mates."

The look on the woman's face was full of surprise before excitement rook hold and she immediately turned to her companion who was silently reading a book beside her, "Gladys!"

"What? I'm reading."

"Gladys, we're sitting next to wolves!" She started, absolutely thrilled, "Can you believe it?"

I watched as the other woman, Gladys, looked up from her book completely uninterested before looking at her friend and then finally to us while she spoke, "Don't bite me, I'm too old to deal with that shit." Then without a second to waste, she was back to her reading.

"We won't." Elijah and I both said and it took everything in me not to laugh.

"I'm Daphne!" The woman said, gleefully offering me her hand for me to shake, which I did.

"Hi Daphne, my name is Emilia."

"I have so many questions for you." She said just as the fasten your seatbelts sign went off.

"I'm sure you have lots of questions for me Daphne, and I would love to answer them for you." I said, tiredness taking hold, " But I think it's best if I try to go to sleep now, we can talk when I wake up if you'd like."

"Oh! Of course." She said, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright," I turned to Elijah, "While I'm asleep, do you think you could answer some of her questions?"

He smiled, "I'd love to."

Thoughts of our vacation and the beach filling my minds eye just as I felt Elijah's lips brush my cheek, a simple kiss goodnight. I wouldn't wait to take long walks on the beach with him, spending time together. I wanted to swim in the sea and sleep in, tangled in the sheets of our hotel room just as we had mulled over all those months ago. It wasn't long until I was getting comfortable and willing my body to sleep. The darkness overtaking me and I fell into a blissful and much needed sleep.


I awoke in a daze, my body stiff despite how well rested I felt. I stretched, or at least, as far as I could stretch in such a small space, and looked over at Elijah. He was fast asleep, a blanket draped over his large frame.

"Oh, you're awake." Daphne said pulling my attention toward me.

"What time is it?" I asked, rubbing my eyes.

"Almost two." She replied before pointing at Elijah who was snoring softly, "Elijah here fell asleep a few hours ago."

"Oh, well, I'll let him sleep." I said just as I spotted the flight attendant, "Um, Ma'am."


"Where's the bathroom?" I asked, my bladder immediately ready to burst.

She smiled, "It's at the back of the plane." She paused and then pointed, "It's the door to the left."

"Thank you." I said, unbuckling my seat belt and carefully weaseling my way past Elijah's legs and out into the walk way.

I practically ran toward the bathroom and sighed when I could shut the door behind me. Despite the tight space, I relieved myself and washed my hands, my bladder thanking me. Clearing my throat, I made my way back to my seat where another attendant was handing out snacks.

"Would you like anything?" She asked, "We won't land for another three hours."

It was then I realized I hadn't eaten since this morning and I was starving. Just as I was about to answer, Daphne piped up.

"Oh, Emilia dear, I have some food for you."

"You do?" I asked, taking my seat.

"Yes, I didn't want to keep you from your sleep so I saved something for you." She added, taking out something wrapped in aluminum foil before handing it to me. "Elijah had asked me to save it for you."

There in the aluminum was a small steak, cooked to utter perfection. Looking over at Elijah, I could hug him but I didn't want to disturb him.

"Thank you." I said before quietly digging in, unsure weather or not saving food was allowed on the plane but I wasn't about to find out.

We would be landing soon anyways and I couldn't wait till we got to Hawaii.

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