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If someone would have told me that months after my twenty fourth birthday I would become the Luna of the infamous Lusana pack, I would have thought them utterly insane. And yet, here I was, weeks after being bitten living with my soulmate. Rolling out of bed, I made my way into the kitchen ready to make myself some breakfast. I wanted to get a run in before I sparred with Clarissa. We were supposed to yesterday, but something had come up leaving her unable to attend.

With a sigh, I opened the fridge door in search of what I needed. An omelet sounded absolutely amazing right now and I wanted the opportunity to make breakfast for Elijah. That is, if he didn't get out of bed before I finished. Setting everything on the counter, I grabbed the onions and peppers along with the cutting board and began to chop them. It was then that I heard him come in, watching at the corner of my eye as he began to make himself a pot of coffee.

"Good morning, you're up early." He said as I looked over at him with a smile. "What are you making?"

"An omelet," I said, matter-of-factly before I pointed a finger at him, "I was going to make you some, but someone doesn't know the meaning of sleeping in."

"You don't have to make me breakfast."

"I know I don't have to." I paused, cracking open some eggs and letting them drop into a mixing bowl, "Why don't you sit down? It'll only take me a minute or two."

Elijah sighed before giving me a quick peck on the cheek and made his way to sit down at the table. Instantly his leg began to bounce as if he was nervous. Looking over at him I watched as he started to stand up, "I can help you."

"Elijah, I'm fine." I replied, mixing the eggs with a fork as I turned toward him, "You need to learn to let people do things for you. You can't just help everyone else and never help yourself."

Elijah grumbled, then let out a defeated sigh, "I know." Then he paused and cleared his throat, "I just love you and I want to help."

"I know and I love you. How about I make you breakfast and we can do whatever you want after." I grinned, "How does that sound?"

"Whatever I want?" He asked, a blush beginning to form across his cheeks as he smiled.

"Yes, now let me cook!" I exclaimed, pouring the eggs into the skillet along with the peppers and onions I had chopped earlier.

Within minutes I was plating our food and handing Elijah his plate. Elijah smiled at me and took his plate, his mouth practically watering, "Thank you."

I grinned and sat down beside him, "You're welcome."

I started to dig in, my stomach growling fiercely as I took my first bite. We ate in a comfortable silence. I couldn't help but wonder what events would transpire today. My mind drifted away from me and before I knew it, my plate was empty, and Elijah was reaching for my plate.

"Oh, thanks."

"It's no problem." He said with a smile before he saw my face and his smile fell, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm fine." I sighed, "My mind just went away with me."

"Hmm," he hummed, clearly unconvinced but he didn't pry, "So, about what I want to do."

"Yeah?" I asked as he made his way towards the sink to begin rinsing our plates and I followed him, wrapping my arms around him from behind, "What is it you want to do?"

He said nothing for a minute before he grabbed ahold of my hands, silently turning around to face me, a cheeky grin plastered on his face. Yeah, I knew exactly what he wanted. Within seconds he was lifting me up in his arms, his lips on mine as he set me gently on the countertop, his hands moving on their own accord, and I wondered what he had in mind. With my face flush, he left trails of kisses down my neck sending shivers down my spine and just when I thought I might burst, a loud knock rang throughout the cabin, making me jump in surprise.

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