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The Weeknd Imagine...

"It's just sex. And he was drunk, so it really doesn't mean anything." I continued to convince myself that the sex I had with my best friend Abel wasn't what it really was. I sat up, "Abel, get up." I said shaking him, he groaned "Why are you yelling?" He said holding his forehead, "I'm talking in a reg-, you need to get up." I said I'm surprised at myself for getting my words out. I really just wanted to get next to him and go back to sleep. "Why? It feels nice here." He said rolling over toward me, "Abel, come on." I whispered, he grabbed my waist pulling me toward him. "Abel, come on seriously." I said crossing my arms. "Just shush and lay down." He said, I laid down and he pulled me closer "See isn't that better." He mumbled I didn't say anything, I sank my face into his clothed chest and started to fall back into the wonderful Dreamland I resided in before my roaming thoughts woke me up.

Hours later I woke up to good smells coming from my kitchen, and Abel absent from my room. I would feel better if this was a dream.

Abel POV
Y/n is probably thinking I don't remember the amazing night we had. Although I was drunk I still remember. And I genuinely care about y/n. I have feelings for her. I really wanted her last night it's just a shame I had to have liquid courage to get her. I heard her dainty feet creep downstairs, probably following the smells. She sat down at the table in her kitchen. "Good afternoon y/n." I said in a normal tone, she had many different emotions painted on her face. "Hi, can we talk about what happened last night. That is if you even remember?" She said bluntly "Of course I remember it was nice right?" I said trying to break the tension "Yeah, but that can't happen anymore." She said looking down at her hand "Oh, I understand completely." I said trying not to show my disappointment, "Okay glad were on the same page. I don't want our friendship to get awkward." She said pulling a glass jar of orange juice from the refrigerator "Yeah, no that wouldn't be good." I said taking some garlic bread from the oven, I heard her sigh "Okay let's be bluntly honest right now." She said leaning on the counter near me "Listening." I said making our plates "I really fucking liked last night, like really liked it and I've wanted you for so damn long, I just wanted it differently." She said "That's better." She added, I kissed her aggressively "Abel." She uttered in between our kisses I picked her up, she wrapped her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck. "Wanting it again?" I asked teasingly "Yes." She said, she laughed a little. "You gotta tell me how you want it." I said pushing my luck a bit, "Initiation." She said looking into my eyes "Are you sure?" I asked she nodded "I just want you to know that I won't be making love to you. I'm going to fuck you. And I'm not going to care about you. I really don't feel comfortable doing that to you." I said I want to love her, I don't want to push her away but just fucking her like she's a groupie. "Abel, I'm a big girl. I can handle being fucked." She said touching my face, "Are you sure?" I said she nodded "I'm going to fuck my best friend." She said "Again." She added "As of right now I'm temporarily turning off my feelings for you. You'll hear things from me you've never heard before, I will not wait on you to cum. I will not wait for your permission to do anything. Please take note if this. Are you ready?" I said I guess I surprised her because her smile faded "Abel, before you check out on me let me be affectionate, I love you." She said she kissed me one last time "I love you too." I said smiling

After Abel spoke a thick lustful grimace spread across his face and he was ready fuck y/n emotion free. Although he didn't want to, he was giving her what she. wanted. The rest of the night consisted of deep moans and little somethings. "Abel." Y/n moaned "I've got you baby." He whispered into her ear. With full consciousness Abel was fully enjoying y/n. Even though he'd promised to fuck her he couldn't help but to make love to her. He treated all of her body so well. After a while his strokes became sloppy and he began groaning. Y/n matched his pace helping him climax. "Fuck y/n." He uttered, y/n moaned his name, her legs shaking as she came. Abel rested his head oh her chest, his head moving up and down as she breathed heavily. "Well, that was nice. But I have a feeling that you loved me." Y/n said as she stroked Abel's hair, "Okay, I cheated you on the full affect." He confessed "It's okay, I liked it anyway." She said, they laid in the bed talking about how they'd be together after their love affair. "I love you." They said in unison "Jinx." They said laughing. Soon they fell asleep laying inter twined, Abel still in between y/n's legs. In other words, he slept in it.

I'm hella sleepy so forgive my grammar and spelling errors.
~Kay ✌

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