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Klay Thompson Imagine...

Alyseia .
I'm the most nervous I've ever been in my whole life. In two minutes or less I'm going to be marrying my best friend and the love of my life. The butterflies in my stomach aren't even the worst part, my palms are sweating and I'm holding my bouquet so tight in my hands, part of the stems have turned a dark green. My dad walked up to me and touched my arm lightly. "Calm down honey." He kissed my forehead. "I'm trying." I thought. "I'm calm daddy. I'm ready." I whispered. More to myself than him. I told Klay I was just fine with a simple, 100 invite people in our local church. He insisted on making this a grand event. "Our turn to walk out." My dad said. He placed his arm in mine and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "I know I'm quite hard on Klay but I wouldn't trust anyone else with my baby girl." He whispered as the doors opened. My heart swelled. Everyone turned in our direction, over a thousand people watching me walk to the man of my dreams. I saw Klay through my veil, he was wiping his eyes. That's what I always thought about while we were planning this wedding. "Is he going to cry when I walk down the isle?" I asked him when we were choosing a color scheme, he gave me a simple "I don't think so." Steph patted his shoulder, giving him a reassuring look. The walk down the isle seemed to go on forever and ever. It was so agonizingly slow. I just wanted to be Mrs. Klay Thompson already. I finally reached the altar. "Who gives this woman to this man?" The pastor, Pastor Turner asked. "Her mother and I do." My dad stated proudly. My dad gave me another kiss on the forehead a and placed my hand into Klay's hand. "I know where you live Thompson." My dad mumbled under his breath before sitting down next to my mom. Again, I was clenching my hand tight around the bouquet. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman as one. I am under the impression that the couple has written their own vows. Alyseia, you can go first." Pastor Turner said.
Let's pretend they exchanged vows :)
I was a crying mess. Klay's vows were so beautiful I could tell he meant every word. "The rings please?" I turned to my sister, letting her drop Klay's ring in my hand. Klay turned to Stephen, letting him do the same. We held each other's left hand sliding the rings on slowly. "I introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Klay Thompson. You may kiss your bride." Pastor Turner cheesed. Klay lifted my veil, grabbing my face and kissing me passionately.

Klay .
While I was kissing Alyseia it felt like everyone else in the church disappeared. There were 'ooo's and whistles coming from the guests. Ly and I walked at a speedy pace back down the isle. We hopped into the limo that was waiting for us outside of the church. Riding to the venue for our reception. I held her hand the whole way, gently rubbing my thumb across the back of her hand. I was on cloud nine. I kissed her soft lips over and over. "I love you so much Mr. Thompson." She cooed when I finally pulled away. "I love you too Mrs. Thompson." I said. "Are we starting on babies tonight?" I joked. "We. Can. Do. Whatever. You. Want." She spoke in between kisses to my lips. "I'm glad our reception is short because I'm ready for our honeymoon." I said still rubbing her hand. "Me too. Jamiaica is sounding better each time I think about it." Ly smiled up at me. We pulled up to the venue and the driver opened the door, helping Alyseia out. "I can't wait to see how they worked out that thing with the runners." She mumbled. I grabbed her hand, locking our fingers together. We walked through the doors and everyone clapped loud, smiling at us. "Mr. and Mrs. Thompson everyone." The DJ shouted. Our plan was to mingle with our guests and then do our first dance. So we did just that. We said our 'hi's and walked up to the table where our parents were sitting. "You look so beautiful sweetie." My mom complimented. "Thank you." Alyseia said hugging my mom tight. We spoke to our parents for a while before making our way to the dancefloor. Our song started to play through the speakers.

Alyseia .
Klay held me close as we swayed back and forth. I could hear him mumbling the lyrics, I looked up at him and sang them aloud.
"I got the sweetest love, there ain't nothin' sweeter. I got the sweetest love, ain't nothin' beat it. There ain't nothing sweeter." I sang. We stepped away from each other and he twirled me in a circle. When he pulled me back I whispered in his ear that it was time to go. Our flight was scheduled to leave at 5. It was currently 4:30, according our wedding planner, Stacy. Klay squeezed my hand a little and we walked to the small stage that was in the front of the room. "We want to thank everyone for coming to our special day. Everyone is more than welcome to stay until the end of the reception, but we have a flight to catch." I said sweetly. Klay chuckled holding my waist. "Work on some grandkids." My mom yelled from the back. I giggled and blushed. "No promises." Klay hurried. We both waved and walked off. I heard claps and cheers coming from our guests.
The flight to Jamiaica was peaceful. Although I wasn't supposed to, I sat on Klay's lap the whole way there. He rubbed the inside of my thigh occasionally knowing what it does to me. I grabbed his hand and kissed him slowly. "You're so cruel." I mumbled. "You shouldn't mind the pilot hearing you. It wouldn't be the first time." He said back. I blushed hard and pushed his head. He went back to rubbing my thigh. "Wait until this plane lands." I smirked. Going back to my seat and closing my eyes.

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