I Won't Last.

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The Weeknd Imagine...

I sat alone in a cold ass cell, because my boyfriend can't stay away from drugs. Sucker for love. I've been asking for my phone call for two hours, "You get your call now." This fat sloppy officer said in my direction, "Lovely, pero antes o después de comer todo a la vista. Usted gordo de mierda , me he estado preguntando por siempre y todavía estás en el culo!" I yelled letting my native tongue take over, "Hey! I don't know what you said but it didn't sound good. Calm the fuck down!" He yelled back at me, "Just let me get my fucking call. Please." I said in surrender, another gaurd came an unlocked the cell door. He lead me to the phone, "Thank you." I said grabbing the phone off the hook, "You're welcome, you've got ten minutes." He said with a polite smile, I picked up the phone and dialed Abel's number. He answered on the third ring, "Hello?" He said upon answering, "Abel you've got to get me out of here." I cried, "Yn where are you?" He sounded like he was getting up, "In jail. You must of forgot to get your shit out of my car." I whispered aggressively into the phone, "What state are you in?" Abel said, "Lovely Ohio." I said with irritation, "Please get me out of here, before they try to feed me a buckeye and I die." I added, "I'll get you out baby I promise. What's your bail?" Abel said, "I haven't went to trial yet. I go on Tuesday because of the holiday. I won't last in prison. You have to promise me that whatever my bail is you'll get me out." I said with tears sliding down my face, Abel stayed silent. I grew angrier by the moment, "Fucking promise me Abel!" I yelled into the phone, "I promise, I'm sorry I got you into this. I love you." Abel said, fake sincerity lining his voice. I wiped my tears, "Cut the bullshit Abel, just get me out of here." I said angry, "Okay, I'll do what I can." Abel sighed, "No you're going to do everything, you don't have a choice." I said harshly, "Why don't I?" Abel mocked my tone, "You talk a lot in your sleep, baby. Sexy, interesting little somethings. Where you get your supply, what you do in your spare time, everything I've ever wanted to know. It's quite the turn on actually, making me hot all over again. Papi." I said seductively into the phone, although it was no sexy matter. He grew instantly quiet, "Oh, papi don't be worried. When you get me out, I'll be as hush hush as a housewife around her lover in public. But forget about me and I'll sing like a canary." I threatened, "I'll get you out I promise, yn. I do love you." He said softly, "I love you too, I just wanna get out of here. One of the gaurds looks like he'll try something." I cried again, I looked up as a tear fell from my eye. A crowd had swarmed around me to listen, "Then what happened?" My cube mate, Asha said. I shook my head, "I'm fucking here aren't I?" I said reminiscing, "Where Abel?" Tina said, "Probably fucking some model, high of X and anything else he can get his hands on." I said nonchalantly, "Did you go canary on him?" A random girl said, "I did. I told everyone to tell everyone so on and so forth. It dampened his career five years max, but he has money to shut people up." I said standing up, "I can't believe you were with The Weeknd." This younger girl said, "It wasn't all that. The sex was nice but if he didn't get his fix all hell broke loose." I said pacing, "I'm going to fuck him up when I get out. Myself since motherfuckers can't relay the proper message." I added, "Yln!" A gaurd shouted, "What did I do now?!" I yelled back with my arms in the air, "Get your shit you're going home." He yelled back, I was stuck. Until my cube mate pulled me into a tight hug, "Aye, I'm going to miss you." She said, "I'm going to miss you too. I'll write I promise. You're like mi hermana." I said as she let me go, "Fuck him up for us all. Pretty motherfucker." She said with a laugh, "I will." I gathered my things, leaving behind some good friends and bomb ass memories. "But I lasted and I'm going to fuck you up, Abel." I thought to myself, "Xo ain't got shit on me." I laughed

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