Taking Too Long.

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Chris Brown Imagine...


Yn and Chris rode over to the venue Chris had reserved for his party, "Well it looks like they did everything you asked." Yn said brushing a small wrinkle out if the a tablecloth, "Yeah, all of it looks great." Chris said smiling, "Relax your face before you crack it." Yn said squeezing Chris's face with her hand, "I smile all the time. My face muscles are well exercised." Chris said moving her hand away, "I really like the center pieces." Yn changed the subject, "I guess you would. You picked them out." Chris said, "I know but I didn't think they'd get what I was trying to say." She said, "Alright everything's good here. Next on the list is?" Chris said quickly, "The store I need a new outfit and you're gonna buy it." Yn said skipping away to her truck, "Hold up what did you say?" Chris said once he finally caught up with her, "You're going to buy my outfit?" Yn said in a question, "I thought that's what I heard." Chris said settling in his seat, "You heard right and I know what you're gonna say." She said, pulling off, "What?" He said playing with the window, "Stop." She smacked his hand, "You're gonna say, 'You got money.' And you're right I do but I want to spend your money because it's your party that you want me to come to. But it's cool if you don't want to buy my outfit my sweatpants and sloppy bun have been calling my name for two weeks now. And I still haven't finished the third season of Orange Is The Black yet so..." Yn said nonchalantly, "Cool." Chris shrugged, "Alright. I guess I can take you home then." She said turning toward Chris's house instead of the store she planned on going to, the two rode the rest of the way in silence.

{Saturday }

Chris's party is tonight and I'm trying not to think about it. Unfortunately it's really hard I put time into that party too, all he had to do was say he would buy my dress. Knowing he would've done it is all I wanted really. So to further disconnect from the idea of picking something out and going anyway, I'm watching shows on Netflix with my sister. My phone is on silent and out of reach by orders of my sister, I'm in my lazy clothes, my hair is pulled up in the laziest bun humanly possible and I've ordered pizza. I sat down on the couch and resumed the third episode of Ghost Whisperer but my mind drifted to Chris twenty minutes in. My sister was staring at me, "Can I have the controller?" She said with an attitude, "Why you so mad?" I handed to her, "Because I've been asking for like ten minutes and you've been ignoring me." She said clearing away the 'Are you still watching' notification that comes on after three episodes or so which means I was zoning for an episode and a half, "I'm sorry. I've got a lot on my mind." I said shaking my head, "Chris is not a lot. Just go to the damn party." She said turning to me, "Negative. That will not be happening." I said walking away, "Why not?" She said following me, "Because I'm supposed to be mad at him." I said, "Whateva." She said sassily, "When is the pizza supposed to get here? A thug is hungry." She said rubbing her stomach, I laughed. As if someone read our minds there was a knock on the door, "I'll get it." I said quickly, "I know you will. Big pimpin." She said, I laughed and walked to the door and opened it. My smile faded as I opened the door to see Chris leaning in my doorway, "I thought you forgot about me." I said, "I could never." Chris said smiling back at me, I stepped past him to the pizza guy. I heard my sister laugh obnoxiously, "Large pepperoni extra pepperoni, two orders of garlic wings and a two liter of sprite?" The pizza guy read my order to me, "Yep that's it. Here you go." I said and handed him the cash I had in my hand, "I don't have any change, I'm sorry." He said handing me the food, I rested the pizza box against me hip and held the pop in my hand. I squinted due to the sun, "Keep the change." I said, "Thanks." The guy said, "No problem." I said turning to go inside, I walked right past Chris who was now in my house sitting on my couch. I sat everything down on the counter, "Sis, come eat." I yelled, "So you just gon ignore a nigga?" Chris said walking over to me, "I'm not ignoring. You're uninvited. Don't you have a party to host?" I said after biting into a chicken wing, "It's only 4." He said with a step closer to me, "I can tell time. You're missing my point. Don't you have somewhere else to be?" I said stepping back, "No, I'm always where I need to be." Chris said low, "Are you saying you need to be here with me?" I said looking him up and down, "I'm here." He said pressing against me, my heart couldn't have possibly beated any faster. I could hear it in my ears, Chris leaned in closer to me. I was against the counter so there was no escape, then he did it. That high yellow nigga kissed me, he kissed me like he loved me. I felt it and kissed back, "This pizza good as shit." My sister said sitting on the island with a plate in her hand, "I know right." I said sarcastically like a valley girl, "Oh my bad did I interrupt?" She mocked me, "Is the sky blue on a good day?" I said walking away, "And get yo' ass off my counter." I added walking away, "Yn...Yn...Yn." Chris called after me, "Yeah?" I turned around, "Did our kiss not happen?" Chris plopped down on my bed, "No I'm not. I didn't. It just happened and I'm still thinking about it." I said sitting next to him, "I didn't come because I want you to be my new arm candy. I really do want you. You have always been there for me regardless if what everyone told you to do. I'm sorry it took me so long to realize that you love me so much and I'm really sorry it took me so long to love you back. I didn't realize until I didn't talk to you for almost three days. I couldn't take it I didn't know what to do without you around. I don't want to feel like that anymore. So if you'll have me I would like to be your man?" Chris confessed, I mulled over his words for a long time. So long I forgot he was there, "So?" Chris said staring at me, I kissed him again. I pulled away to breathe, "I need one more for clarity." I said, he stared at me. I got off of the bed and walked away, "No, I'm sorry I just I can't." I said, "I understand, I guess I'll go then." Chris said standing up to leave, I grabbed his hand. He turned to me looking deep into my eyes, "You know what? I waited too damn long for you to come to your senses to turn you down now." I said, he smiled and pulled me into a tight hug. I couldn't move, "You're gonna suffocate me before we get to do normal couple stuff." I managed to get out against his chest, "I'm sorry." He said releasing me, "So. Are we going to your party?" I said letting out a sigh, "Hell no." Chris said, "Why not?" I said, "We're gonna for for like an hour at least. But I'm taking you home and well...I can show you better than I can tell you." He said leaning in to kiss me, "But you gotta wait for that." He said turning his head, "So are you gonna go home until your party?" I asked, "Nah, I want to watch Grey's." He said walking away, I hopped on his back. When he opened the door my sister fell inside, "You so damn nosey." Chris said laughing, "And?" She said getting up, "Now what if we was fucking?" I said as we all walked downstairs, "I wish." Chris mumbled, "Later..." I whispered in his ear, "So I gotta a question." My sister said, "What's up ma G?" I said, "What about Royalty?" She said looking at us both, there was a long pause. I spoke first, "I mean, that was already my little ladybug. So we're just gonna be closer now." I said smiling, "Y'all are so cute." My sister screamed pulling both of us in a tight awkward hug, "Okay that's enough." I said prying away from her, Chris laughed. We ended up not going to his party, we got caught up in some other things...

I know the song doesn't match but I like it.
This is just something to put out there...

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