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For Malaika...

Mo .
Another argument. I really don't even know why she's mad, we aren't together. But I can't lie and say we aren't doing anything. Or that she doesn't mean anything to me because she does. "Why you yellin'?" I said into the phone. "Because you got me looking stupid again. Thinking some shit is gonna change and it isn't. Talking about 'meet me halfway' I been halfway for like two years. Meet me all the way to show you're serious or don't meet me at all!" Malaika yelled and hung up. "This some bullshit!" I shouted and threw my phone in the passenger seat of my car. A loud beep made me jump in my seat. I pressed on the gas and made my way to her house. Traffic was a bitch considering the time of day, 3 in the afternoon everybody's supposed to be at work still, right? Wrong. "I should've took the streets." I mumbled to myself. I tapped on my steering wheel impatiently. My phone started to ring again, I picked it up quickly answering it thinking it was Malaika. "Hey, momma." I sighed. "Nigga I ain't your girl. Start reading the caller ID." My bro, Dave said. "My bad bro. What's up?" I chuckled. "Shit, chilling.. Why you sound like a sad puppy and shit?" He teased. "Fucking around with Malaika again?" He added. Traffic had started to move some. "Something like that." I mumbled. "What do you mean 'something like that.' Either you is or you ain't." He sounded mad. "Nigga just like I said, something like that. Why you so worried about it?" I yelled. "Because you keep fucking her over she gon leave your stupid ass alone. I was just trying to give you some brotherly advice but I ain't gon force it on you. Don't call me crying when she got a new nigga." Dave yelled back and hung up. I tossed my phone back in the seat and kept inching through traffic, irritated.

Malaika .
I don't know why I expected more from Mo. He's always been the same guy. It's just a lot more annoying once the things you love become things that you hate. I was cleaning up my house when somebody started banging on my door. No regular knock, a beat. So I knew it was Mo. I opened the door and he was standing there with an apologetic look and Wendy's in his hand. "You think a sandwich and some fries are going to excuse you from your asshole behavior?" I scoffed. "I got you a frosty too." He smiled. I started to close the door until he put his foot in the way. "Come on momma I just want to talk. I brought the food as a peace offering.." He said. I opened the door again and stepped aside, letting him come in. "Glad you changed your mind. You know cold fries are nasty." He joked. We walked into the kitchen and sat down. "Ha ha. Talk." I grabbed the bag from him. Taking out the fries and eating a few. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I just want us to be cool." Mo mumbled while eating. "You want us to be cool or be together? Because I'm not doing the back and forth with you no more Mo." I sipped from my frosty. He stared at me for a while. "I want us to be together." He said. He wiped his face slowly and got out of the seat. "What are you doing?" I mugged him. "I'm gonna go. Let you think everything over." He said softly. Looking at me with those sad eyes. "I can't have a hug?" I said before he got to the door. "Of course." He mumbled. Wrapping me in his arms. A simple kiss on the cheek turned into a kiss on the lips. Then tongue kissing and hands roaming all over. Mo pushed me gently onto the couch. His kisses went straight to my neck, biting it lightly. I bit down on my lip hard, fighting any moan that tried to get out. He put his thumb over my lip and untucked it. "I want to hear it all momma." He mumbled. His hand slipped under my back and raised my shirt up. He licked my neck slowly and kissed it where his tongue stopped. A slight moan came out of my mouth and I closed my eyes tightly. Mo's hand went higher up my back and unclasped my bra. I kept my hand at the back of his neck. I wanted him to undress me because he always takes his time and kisses me all over. "Stand up for me momma." He whispered sitting back. I stood up and looked at him trying not to show my confusion on my face. He stood up too and kissed me. He grabbed my hand and we walked back to my room which he knew all too well. He took his shirt off and his shoes. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched him. "Why you staring at me?" Mo chuckled sliding his other shoe off. "I can't look at you now?" I sassed. He smiled at me and walked over to me. "I know I'm fine. It's okay to stay momma." He said before kissing me. I had to break up our kiss to get some air. I scooted up on the bed and took my shirt off, tossing it to the side. I had on a simple pair of shorts, I unbuttoned them and he pulled them off of my legs. Then we went back to kissing. I could kiss him forever, his lips are soft like rose petals or something. His hands stayed on my thighs, rubbing them slowly. He moved his kisses to my neck. Then to my chest and down my stomach. They reached the top of my panties. His index fingers hooked under the line of them and pulled them down. As soon as they were off of my left leg he dove in. Completely catching me off guard. My hand went to the top of his head as he licked over my clit.

Mo .
I counted the times she came. Once...then twice...then a third time. I stayed down long enough to show special attention before doing anything else. I kissed her inner thighs and went back up to kiss her lips. I didn't want to stop but I had to give her something other than my tongue. I slid off of the bed and took my jeans and boxers off. I got back on the bed and she was staring at it. "You looking like you've never seen it before." I said. "I've never wanted it this bad before." She replied. "You trust me?" I asked. "Of course." She said. "Good." I said with a head nod. I got in between her legs and ran the tip up and down her slit. She was biting her lip hard. "What did I say?" I said teasing her. I waited at her entrance for an answer. She untucked her lip and I pushed in deep. I smirked at the stuck expression that sat in her face. No sound came out. Nothing. Nada. I kept my strokes slow and deep. Missing the feeling of being with her. Her arms were wrapped around me and she was scratching my back a lot. Moaning any and everything that came to mind, probably. Once I started to speed up, her headboard started to bang against the wall. I slowed down again and flipped us over. "Ride it for me." I panted. "You're crazy." She said. I put my hands on her hips and moved her up and down slowly. "That's all you have to do." I said. After like ten minutes she was killing it all on her own. I didn't have to hold her waist or guide her. She was holding on to the bed post, handling business. "Fuck girl." I groaned "I'm going to cum." She confessed slowing down and grinding on me slowly. She was being dangerous as hell. I didn't have a condom on and she wanted to do me like that. She leaned forward and kissed my neck, leaving a hickey. I held onto her waist, I had to be ready to move her. I started to grind with her just as slow. I could feel her tighten up and cum. She lifted up off of me and wrapped her hand around it. Stroking slow and looking at me. She would never leave me hanging, literally. I came fast just from the thought if her she grabbed a towel from the closet and walked into her bathroom. "You might want to join me." She called out. "I'm waiting on my soul to come back. Hold up." I said jokingly. The shower water bursted on and I sluggishly walked to the bathroom with a second towel. She was already standing the shower with water running down her skin. It didn't take long for a round two to get started.

It lowkey sucks but if I kept trying to write it, it would only get worse 😩😩 so here you go Malaika. I tried lol.

I'm trying to keep up with everyone's requests. I'm just really busy and lowkey lazy..

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