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Quincy Brown Imagine...

Layla .
I was laying in my bed trying to go bed but I couldn't because I was thinking about why my mom would marry someone with such a fine ass son. I mean of course now I couldn't date Quincy, that's my stepbrother. But I knew of him before his dad met my mom. But now I really know him. And he knows me and I can't even be with him. All those dreams got wasted. I finally started to fall asleep when my bedroom door creaked open. I thought it was my mom so I kept trying to go to sleep. "I know you're not sleep Layla." Quincy whispered. I closed my eyes tighter and slowed my breathing although my heart was pounding in my chest and his sleepy voice what doing things to me. I felt the opposite side of my bed dip down and the covers lift up. I stayed still as bad as I wanted to press against him. "Layla." He called my name over and over. I pretended to stir in my sleep before 'falling alseep' again. I went from laying on my stomach to laying on my right side. His hand slid into my panties and I gripped his wrist. "I knew you weren't sleep." Quincy laughed. "What are you doing? You can't be in here." I said in a loud whisper. His fingers brushed over my pearl and I tried not to moan or show signs of interest. I guess he sensed my faking because he kissed my neck and gave me a hickey in the same spot. Forget having a puddle in my panties I had a flood going on. He continued to kiss and my lick my neck before finally sliding his hand into my panties and ripping the seam on the side of them. "You don't need those anymore." He said. His voice alone made me soaking wet.

Quincy .
Layla's legs spread open a little bit and I ran my fingers up and down her slit. Coating her in her own juices. I rubbed her clit in circles until she started to moan. I got off of her bed and she stared at me while I walked to the other side. "I'm not leaving, don't worry." I smirked. There was a little bit of light shining in her room from the moon and from the streetlight that was by her window. I pulled her waist to the edge of the bed and looked up at her, she nodded her head. I licked up her slit slow and then sucked her clit. I was holding her legs close to me so she couldn't move away. I slid one of my fingers in her while still licking and sucking her clit. She kept her hand on my head, when I slid another finger in she gripped my hair and moaned a little loud. I looked up at her, her eyes were closed. I stopped all movement. Her eyes fluttered opened and her moans stopped. "Look at me." I said simply. "O-okay." She stuttered. Probably because I started eating her like there was nothing in the fridge. Slurping whatever juices left her body. "I-I..." She couldn't speak but I already knew what she was going to say. I got up and walked away. I could feel her staring at me. "I'm going to get a condom. Calm down." I said before walking out the door. I heard her sigh in relief. I came back and she was still sitting on the edge of the bed. I pulled her down so that her ass was hanging off of the bed. I handed her the condom. "What do you expect me to do with this that you can't do on your own?" She stared at me. "Nothing, it just looks sexier if you put it on." I said stepping out of my shorts. She sat up a little more and opened the condom, making sure she put it on the right way. I slid in her slow. She did that little moan that all girls do when you slide in. She started moaning louder, I put my hand over her mouth. "You gotta be quiet, ma." I whispered. She nodded her head fast. I kept going, she bit down on her lip hard. "Fuck." She leaned back on her elbows. I gripped her waist, trying not to get lost in her pussy. I looked down and watched me sliding in and out with ease. We were both watching. She looked up at me first. I put her legs in the creases of my elbows and leaned forward stroking slow and deep. She started to moan loud again. But, I kissed her to quiet her before her mom or my dad woke up.

Layla .
The strokes that Quincy were giving me were everything. He was going deep and slow for a while until he pulled out. I looked at him awkwardly before he spoke. "Turn over." I already knew what that meant. My arch was not to be fucked with. I turned over and arched my back as far as I could. "Damn." I heard him mumble. "Told ya." I thought to myself. I tried not to lose focus, I was fucking my stepbrother and it was amazing. He slid back in me slow. I had adjusted to his size by now. Which was important because he wasn't no little boy in that department. Instead of slow strokes he was giving fast ones and groaning. My ass was bouncing against him. He gripped it hard. I bit my lip so hard it hurt to keep from moaning. I wanted to so bad. The best sex I had so far was some I'm not even supposed to be having. I grabbed a pillow from the top of my bed and buried my face in it. I was about to cum. But I knew if I said or tried to say anything nothing but moans would come out. I could tell Quincy was close too, because he started to hold my waist tighter and pound harder. I came first, and hard. I wanted to scream out so back but when I opened my mouth nothing came out. All noises got caught in my throat. Quincy kept stroking until he came. Which cause me to have two orgasms back to back. My legs were nothing less than jello. I laid back down in my bed and looked at him, he was sitting on the edge. "Once a week?" He looked back at me. I had take time to catch my breath. "Yeah, your room next time though. It's further away from their room." I said finally. "Okay, cool." He said. He laid back on my bed for a little bit before going back to his room. I definitely didn't have anymore trouble sleeping. I slept like a baby.

Hope you liked it Layla.

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