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Party .
I walked up to yn's door and knocked hard. "Whoever this is must have a death wi- Oh, it's you." She said nonchalantly. "What about me?" I sat on her couch. "You knocking on my door a little too hard for it to be.." She stopped talking to look at the time. "It's fucking five o'clock." She almost yelled. "Jahron, what the fuck do you want at the ass crack of dawn?" Yn sighed. "It's Bri." I muttered. "I love you and all but this is my time to say 'I told you so' and go to bed. Goodnight. Or good morning. Hell, whichever you prefer." She rose from the couch. I pulled her back down. "It ain't that. She's actually a really good girl. She just ain't good for me, I don't love her back." I said. "Then break up with her and find someone you do love. Problem solved. Goodnight, Jahron." Yn pulled away from me and walked away. "That's why I'm here." I mumbled. "That's why you what?" She turned around quickly. She walked toward me and stopped in front me. "You heard me." I tried to gain some dominance. I felt like a little bitch, honestly. "I didn't hear the last part. At least I don't think I heard correctly." Yn peered up at me. I cleared my throat. "I'm here because I love you." Yn walked away. "YN! How you just gonna walk away from me?! I just told you I love you and you walk away that's rude as fuck!" I yelled. "Stop fucking yelling Jahron damn." She hushed. She handed me two Advil and a glass that had Pepsi in it. "What is this for?" I stared down at her. "You're drunk I can smell it. You take those and I'll start a shower for you. You can tell me how much you love me in the morning when you're sober." She said. She folded her arms across her chest. "I do love you though." I whined. "Stop whining you sound like a little bitch." She laughed. "Fuck you yn." I chuckled. "Don't you wish you could."

Yn .
I let Jahron shower and I always kept clothes for him in a drawer in my room. "I should kick your ass for driving up here drunk." I shouted. Jahron was getting dressed in the bathroom. "I'm sorry. But, I had to tell you while liquid courage was pushing me to." He uttered from behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly. I removed his arms and climbed back in bed, he followed suit. "Why don't you believe me." Jahron whispered after ten minutes of silence. "Because we aren't supposed to love each other that way. I know how you are and I don't want to get hurt." I muttered. I fought back tears while I fiddled with the edge of the comforter I was laying under. "I'll hurt myself before I hurt you. I love you yn. Just let me show you." Jahron spoke barely over a whisper. He started to kiss the back of my neck. "Can I show you, love?" He mumbles against my skin. Jahron moved so that he was now hovering over me. He kissed my forehead, nose, lips, neck, collar bone. He kissed any skin that was exposed until he reached the top of my thighs. "Can I?" He asked. I was speechless so I just nodded my head. His hands spread my thighs, licking and nipping at my skin. "Jah-" I moaned. He stuck his tongue deep in me, something I couldn't take. I tried pushing his head away, he only gripped my thighs pushing deeper. He flicked his tongue over and over against my pearl "Please, stop!" I screeched. He wasn't budging. He barely flinched. "Jah- fuck!" My whole mentality changed then. I grinded against his tongue while he licked, sucked and bit my pearl. My body started to shake so much I thought I was having a seizure. "Jahron move I gotta pee." I tried to close my legs. He sucked my pearl hard and slid two fingers in me, pumping faster than I've ever experienced. I wanted to know what he was doing. I couldn't hold at all. I had no control of my body, I let it go. I thought I peed I was so embarrassed I rolled over onto my stomach and hid my face. "What's wrong?" Jahron piped up. "I told you I had to pee and you didn't let me go." I muffled into my pillow. "How many times have you had sex?" He asked me. "Why does that matter?" I lifted my face up. "Because you didn't know what that was. You didn't pee baby girl you squirted." Jahron chuckled. "That's not funny Jahron." I put my face back in the pillow. Jahron lifted my hips up and started eating again. "Jah move I'm ma-" he moved away and shoved himself deep into me. "Jahron!" I was screaming in pain but receiving nothing but pleasure. Deep pounds and strokes so intense I could feel them in the pit of my stomach. "Fuck Jah right there." I spoke over my moans. "Right here?" Jahron slowed down his strokes. "Mhm" I hummed. Unable to make any other noises. My hands found the sheets and gripped them for dear life. My peak was coming. "I'm gonna cum." I confessed and his strokes never stopped. "Cum for me babe." He mumbled. On cue I came, hard. My whole body shook and convulsed after. "I love you too." I panted. Jahron laid next to me and kissed my sweaty forehead. "You're stuck with me now." He started laughing. "What?" I looked at him. "I didn't pull out." He chuckled. "You said what?" I sat up. He just stared at me. "Jahron quit fucking playing that's not funny!" I yelled. "I'm sorry it just happened." He was still smiling. "Asshole." I got out of the bed and stormed away. He wants his ass beat.

This is loooooonnng lol. I've been debating it's release but here it is. Do all that good stuff. It's not edited either..

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