Give To Receive.

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Drake Imagine...


"I jump through fucking hoops for you Aubrey." I said to Aubrey as he sat on the bed, "I do shit for you that I don't even do for my damn self." I added "I kno-" He started "No you know don't because if you did you would've acted like you did instead of acting like an asshole and having me embarrassed in public. You got me looking stupid as hell on national television." I said "Y/n I'm so-" He started again I put my hand up not wanting to hear his sorry ass sorries. "You better not be fixing your lips to say sorry." I said my hand still up. One thing about Aubrey is he doesn't apologize. "Sorry." isn't an apology "I apologize." is. Because everyone says "It's okay." to sorry, but it isn't okay, the person that's supposed to be apologizing will just do it again. Then they'll act like the situation is totally new. "No thank you." I say grabbing my suit case from under the bed. "Y/n just fucking listen to me!" Aubrey yelled, "Skurrrrt no. Hell no. Pause rewind and see where you had me fucked up. Not once did I yell at you, you will not yell at me." I said holding some outfits in my arms hands, "I'm so-" He began to say "I apologize." He corrected himself "I just want you to listen to me." He said softening up "Do you ever listen to me?" I said arms folded, "But what," He started again "See that's where you lost me, 'but' this 'but' that. But it's time for me to go." I said zipping my suitcase "Please don't touch my things unless you're putting them in boxes. I'll come back for them." I added walking out "Baby." Aubrey pleaded "My name is y/n not baby. And even if it was calling my name isn't going to make me any less tired of your bullshit." I walked out of the front door leaving him, my heart and my home behind.


Y/n and Drake haven't talked to each other for a few weeks. Y/n is attempting to stick to her guns. But she's finally getting the rest of her things out of his house so I guess she'll have to speak to him. "Y/n, you want some help?" Drake said "No thank you, I'm okay. I'll try to be quiet so you can work." She said putting her shoes in a box, "Can we talk please?" Drake pleaded "Yet again, no thank you, I'm okay." She said slightly irritated, she is bad at hiding her feelings, she began to throw her things into the box aggressively. "Do you have to watch me?" She said with a stiletto in her hand "Just making sure you get it all." Drake said with his hands up in surrender, "Don't you have something else to occupy your time? I'm fine here. I can pack boxes by myself." Y/n said pulling her hair into a ponytail, "Okay y/n I'll leave you alone." Drake said leaving the room they once shared.

After about three hours and about 20 trips or more back and forth from the moving truck y/n was finished. She was reaching up to get the handle to close the truck when Drake's voice scared her and she fell down. "Y/n!" He said rushing to her side "Leave me alone Aubrey." She said getting up she winced in pain as stood on her left ankle, "It's starting to swell, y/n just let me take you to county. Please." He said, y/n sat inside the hatch of the moving truck and looked at her ankle. He was right, her ankle had doubled probably tripled in size in a few minutes. "Fine." She said stubbornly "Come, on." Drake held out his arm, he helped her to his car and closed the door behind her. He went and closed the hatch on the truck, locking it up. He got in his car and began to drive to the Er. "Thank you." Y/n mumbled under her breath "You're welcome." Drake replied with concern washed over his face.

Drake/Aubrey POV

Y/n is still pissed at me but I hope she isn't really hurt by me scaring her. I didn't mean to of course but shit happens. When we got to the ER I ran and got a wheelchair so she didn't have to walk the whole way. We got inside, she filled out her information chart and we began to play the waiting game. Which at this point in my life isn't the easiest thing to do. Some fans crowded around us ocassionally, until Y/n got fed up and yelled at them to leave us alone. Although she was mad it dawned on me that when she yelled she called us and us. Like a couple. It's a really bad time to be thinking this but I couldn't help it. "Ms. Y/f/l/n, we're ready for you." (Your first and last name) A nurse in navy blue scrubs called out for y/n I pushed her in the wheelchair back to the room where the nurse was. "It's to my understanding that you have an ankle injury?" The nurse asked when she was pumping hand santitizer from the dispenser. "Yeah." Y/n said, the nurse walked over and removed y/n's shoe carefully "Okay, just by looking at it I'm pretty sure you've broken it or you've got a mean sprain. It's starting to become discolored here and here." The nurse who's name just so happened to be Audrey, said pointing to either side of y/n's ankle, y/n nodded. "With that being said I need to know if you're pregnant or possibly pregnant?" Audrey asked "Probably not." Y/n replied quickly "Would you like me to check for you?" Audrey asked "Sure." Y/n said extending the word. Audrey handed her a plastic cup for urine samples and took her to the restroom, about five minutes later y/n returned to the room and Audrey said she'd be back in 15 minutes with the results. Y/n leaned her head to the side and yawned. "Sleepy?" I asked "No I'm dehydrated." She said dryly, closing her eyes. It stayed quiet for almost 10 minutes "If you are pregnant, will the baby be mine?" I asked breaking our silence "Yes, if I'm pregnant the kid is yours." She said shifting around in the wheelchair. Time seemed to go as slow as molasses.


"Okay I'm back." Audrey said walking into the room I was in. "With results?" Drake said "Yes, I guess congratulations are in order." She said cheerfully "Why?" I said wanting to know more "You're pregnant." She said, my heart fell to my ass. "By the look on your face, you look like you need a minute so I'll give you that." Audrey said backing out of the room "We're going to have a baby!" Aubrey whispered excitedly "No, this isn't okay. I was careful I made sure I was..." I uttered to myself, "Are you okay?" Aubrey asked me sitting in the chair near me, "No, I'm not. You just seem to keep putting your not so helpful hand all over my life lately, Aubrey. You're always lying to me, then you scared me half to death, now I find out I'm pregnant by you. I didn't want it like this." I said low, tears streamed down my face. "I apologize y/n. I just want to be with you. Both of you." He said putting his hand on my stomach, "Why do we keep doing this Aubrey?" I asked looking into his deep brown eyes, tears still flowing. "Because we love each other and we're human." He said he wiped tears from my face with his thumbs, he was leaning in for a kiss when Audrey brought her happy ass back. "Well, since it looks like you're pretty early in your pregnancy, I can still give you an x-ray to see if your ankle is broken so we can get you some treatment." She said with a smile "Thank you." I said with the best fake smile a girl could produce. "No problem." She said closing the curtain "I guess she wants you to put the gown." Aubrey said grabbing the gown off of the hospital bed, "Can you help me?" I asked, he pulled my shirt over my head and in hooked my bra "Thank you." I said he nodded as he held the gown open for me to put my arms in, I did. "Okay Miss Lady let's go." Audrey said coming back to wheel me to the x-ray room. "I'm going to help you up on the table, you just need to lie still." She said, I nodded. After she helped me on the cold table I heard the machine make noises, I'd never had an x-ray so I tried to stay as still as possible not knowing what would happen if I didn't. "Okay Missy all done, let me help you down back into your wheelchair and get you back to your room while we get those x-rays get ready." She said "Thank you." I replied, while she wheeled me back to the room I thought about my pregnancy. A small portion of me is happy and ready, but the other very large portion is being dominated by me knowing that I have to keep my parenthood separate from my feelings or I'll fall back into the endless cycle of getting my feelings hurt, moving out, then making up and moving back in. This can't happen anymore, I refuse to put my child through a tumultuous relationship because two people aren't on the same page. "Here ya go babe." Audrey said locking the wheels once she'd pushed me back into the room. "Thanks again." I said trying to put some happiness in my voice, "No problem." She replied, she left the room again. I rolled up my shirt and put it in between my shoulder and my neck, resting my head on it. Aubrey started to say something but he shook his head and mumbled something to himself. I began to fall asleep. Thinking to myself "Can this be over already?"

To Be Continued?

This one is way longer than the others I don't know what I was feeling when I started this one...


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