Missin' Out

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Duke Riley Imagine...


"Baby you seen my sleeve?" Duke calls from the bedroom

I sigh and reply.

"It's in the top drawer, Duke,"

"Thanks baby,"

"No problem," 

The same thing everyday that he has practice, or a game. I'm kind of tired of it. I feel so neglected, I left my home and my family and friends so he could live out his dream. I'm not doing anything with my degree, all the other players' wives are stuck up and rude to me because my husband is a rookie. So, I feel exiled. When I met Duke I wasn't planning on laying up and having babies while he got to do what his heart desired. I don't want to sound ungrateful, or like I don't love my man but I want to feel like I mean something, like I'm doing something with my life.

Duke comes into the kitchen, where I was feeding our on breakfast, and kisses me on the forehead. Then he kisses our son's forehead too. 

"See you at the game baby," 

"Bye baby,"

"I love you!" he yells from the foyer

"I love you too baby, good luck,"


DJ was sleeping on the couch while I sat in the recliner watching a video of duke 

I laughed at his antics, this is the man I'm in love with. Funny, caring and sweeter than honey. I just wanted him to see me again. We're just going through the motions.

I must've laughed too loudly, DJ woke up whining. I picked him up and went back to the recliner, sitting him in my lap. He looked at the screen on my phone."


"That's daddy, working,"

Dj put his head on my shoulder and whimpered a little. I reached down and picked up my phone to look at the time, it was going on 12, Duke should be calling soon.

I nodded off in the recliner with DJ until my phone rang against my thigh. It was Duke, I answered.

"Hey baby," I yawned

"Was you sleeping?"

"Yeah but I can talk, what's up?"

"Nothing, just calling to check on you. You okay? You didn't seem too happy this morning. I'm sorry I didn't ask then,"

"I think these late nights with DJ are just making me sleepy and irritable babe, that's all," I lied

Duke stared into the camera for a moment.

"We could've taken turns yn, you didn't have to do it by yourself,"

"No baby, it's okay, I don't want you to be tired at practice or nothing. I can handle it,"

"You can't handle everything, all the time baby,"

"I know,"

It got quiet.

"Baby, I want to start working again,"

"Yn, I'm doing all this so you don't have to work,"

Here we go...

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