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Drake Imagine...

I've been sitting at this piano for an hour, I skipped breakfast and I'm barely wearing anything. A silk robe to be exact. I pressed all my fingers down at once in frustration, "Still having trouble I see." Aubrey said from behind me, I was startled by his deep voice filling the room. He placed his hands on my shoulders, "Want some help?" He asked softly, "That...would be great actually." I said gesturing to the space on the bench next to me. Aubrey tapped me on my lower back, "Scoot up." He said quickly, I complied. He sat down behind me and slid his hands over mine, "I heard you playing it earlier. It's a great song. But-" Aubrey started, "Oh god, there's a but." I sighed, "You didn't let me finish." He calmly huffed, "Proceed I value your opinion." I said, "But it seems like you're singing from experience. Maybe you can't finish the song because you haven't felt it yet." Aubrey suggested, "It's a song about sex what is there left to experience?" I countered, "Sex is a very powerful thing." He said playing with my fingers, "What are you saying, I haven't had enough sex?" I said turning enough to see his face, "In a way." Aubrey said in a high pitched tone, "Well, dear. It takes two to tango." I teased, "But there are so many other dances." He said softly, "My mind is racing." I said with a smile, "Tell me all about it." Aubrey said kissing my neck, "Well..." My voice trailed, I felt Aubrey untie the neat bow I had in the front of my robe. I next felt Aubrey's cold gentle had slide down my body from stomach to in between my thighs, I removed my hand from the keys and placed it over his. He moved his hand up to my breast, "Tell me about some of these exciting fantasies." Aubrey whispered against my skin when he grabbed my breast, "They're far to vulgar." I said softly through a moan, "I can handle it." He said bringing his other hand to my body, "Your hands are cold." I said quietly, "My apologies. But, hopefully they'll get warm soon. Yeah?" He said, I felt his lips curve into a smile against my back. Aubrey kissed my neck, "Get on the piano." He demanded, I did as told. I crossed my long legs at the knee and stared at him waiting, "What?" He said smiling, "More exciting fantasies." I replied simply, Aubrey uncrossed my legs and stood in between them. He pushed my hair behind my ear, my feet lightly rested on the keys of the piano. I leaned into Aubrey and kissed his soft lips, I asked for entrance to his mouth. He groaned into our kiss when I bit his lip before pulling away, "You're teasing me on purpose. Now my mind is racing." He said, "Tell me Mr. Graham." I said pulling his button down shirt off of his shoulders, He groaned when I kissed his neck, "Tell me." I demanded, I continued to tease him. I grabbed his hands and locked our fingers together, he squeezed my hands briefly. I ran my thumb across the tattoo on his hand, "I love you." He said softly, "I love you." I said looking him in his deep brown eyes, I let go of his hands and kissed him again. A deeper, passionate kiss. That required me to hold his head so he'd get the point. Aubrey wrapped his arms around my waist, I slid forward on the piano and moved my hands from his head to his waist without breaking our kiss. I pulled Aubrey's black sweatpants down from his waist, exposing him. He was a rock, already. He lifted me off of the piano and slid into me, I bit my lip and wrapped my legs around his waist. Aubrey's strokes were forceful and loving at the same time, plunging into the deepest part of my body. I rested my head in the curve of his neck. Mostly to muffle my moans, but still they were very audible. Aubrey shifted giving me everything I needed without me ever using proper words. It was like my moans motivated him, like he wanted to hear more of them. And I can't say I mind. "Feeling it in your stomach." Is an understatement at this point, he was so deep and it felt more than amazing. I was on the edge of my first climax and Aubrey could feel it, "Who's is it?" He muttered, "Its yours, Daddy. I promise it is." I moaned softly against his skin, my thighs quivered as I came. Aubrey went further into me, "God!" I cried out, he held onto my waist a little tighter. He throbbed deep inside of me, he began to pull away. I tightened my legs around his waist, "Inside?" Aubrey questioned, I nodded quickly aware he was about to release at any moment. He slowed his strokes and I felt our juices mix together inside. "Sex is powerful indeed."

Drake POV
A few hours after we'd had sex, yn sat back at the piano again. I sat on the bench next to her, "Hey." She said softly, "Don't tell me you're still having trouble." I said not bothering to hide the disappointment in my voice, "It's not that I'm having trouble. I'm just trying to see what I can put in this song without it being dirty." Yn said swinging her leg over the other side of the bench to look at me, I laughed at her shyness toward vulgarity. Her eyebrows furrowed, "Don't laugh at me. I'm just a private person. Which is hard to do when you're a musician." Yn said, "I understand you completely. And I love your privacy, it keeps me level." I said after placing a kiss on her forehead, "I try." She said nonchalantly accepting the compliment, "Well, I'll leave you to you deciding. I come get you when dinner is done though." I said getting up from the bench, "Love you." Yn said as I walked away, "Love you." I said back, I heard yn begin to play a song. A song different that the one she'd started earlier, I soon realized she was covering Beyoncé and I's "Mine". Yn sounded so beautiful singing, I walked back to the room that contained our grand piano. I leaned against the entrance to the room, just listening to her. Listening to the truth in her voice and thinking, "That's my wife. Sounding and always looking so beautiful. Even in the most naked form." I could hear her sniffle lightly, "Are you okay?" I walked closer to her, "Yeah, just feeling the lyrics." She replied pushing her hair behind her ears, I sat down and pulled her into a hug. She pulled me close, "Can we name our son Farlan?" I blurted, "What. Hell no!" Yn pulled away and kind of laughed, "At least think about it." I whined, "Thinking is all I'm going to do. I can't imagine myself saying 'I'm Farlan's mother, yn.' That doesn't sound nice. And what if we have a girl?" Yn countered, "What about it?" I said as we walked into the kitchen, "I want to name her Gia." She said crossing her arms over her chest, "Have you been watching her movie again?" I smiled, "With a bottle of wine. Yes, I have." Yn said laughing, "Gia and Farlan...I'm cool with that." I said, "When the time comes we'll decide how about that?" Yn hopped up on the counter, "Sure." I said with a shrug and that was that...
'I'm naming my son Farlan." I thought to myself as I cooked..

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