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This was requested by danfla89 This imagine is Aug Chris and Drake. It's also a little different for me so bear with me..

I've been feeling odd lately and Chris has been acting weird. Overprotective and whatnot. Telling me what I should and shouldn't wear. I hope he hasn't found out about August and damn sure not about Drake. Fucking friend and his enemy. He'd fuck me up just to prove a point, I know it. I've been so scared that I called August and Drake to tell them I can't do this anymore. The two of them know about each other and have agreed not to say a word to Chris and I'm glad. But I have to break it off. I had set up our little pow wow to take place at 3 right after Chris leaves to go to his radio interview. I started my day off with a shower and silent treatment from Chris. I thought about seducing him but it wasn't that deep. So I continued on with my regular routine. I moved around Chris in silence feeling uneasy, like he had something tucked under one of those BAPE sleeves of his. When he was on his way out he dodged my request for a kiss on the lips and opted for one on the forehead. It made me feel like a child to say the least. But whatever.

Once Chris spend off August was the first to show. It was obvious he had sex on his mind when he walked in, "Damn girl you lookin' good." He said circling Dani and rubbing his hands, "As soon as Drake gets here we can talk." Dani said firmly, "Threesome?" August asked excitedly, Dani shook her head slowly and laughed, a light knock sounded on the door and Dani ran toward it letting Drake in, he instinctively wrapped his arms around Dani's waist and kissed her. Though it was unexpected Dani kissed back and impulsively moaned and pressed into Drake's mouth totally forgetting that August was anything more than a month until he cleared his throat. August stepped toward the two, Dani stepped toward him. He leaned down and whispered in her ear, "Chill the fuck out, I have no problem fucking you up in front of him." He growled, Dani bowed her head. Drake studied them, "Is there a problem?" He spoke finally, "Nah we cool." August said grabbing Dani with one arm and keeping his lips close to her ear, "You seem a little hungry for attention woe.." Drake's voice trailed off, "Never that. Woe." August said adding emphasis on 'Woe.' Drake chuckled heartily and made his way around them easily, Dani could feel the hardened rod through August's pants. It definitely explained why he was holding her so close. She turned and faced him, "I can handle that.." She said looking down between them, then back up at August's face. August looked down at Dani and kissed her, he pulled her hair back into his fist. She couldn't stifle her moans and let them slip past her lips, she reached down at his belt buckle and began to undo it. Drake had made his way into the kitchen, so they were essentially all alone. August allowed his jeans to fall to his ankles and Dani dropped to her knees and revealed what wasn't already forcing it's way out of August's boxers. She took him in her mouth, easily filling it up. He groaned obnoxiously while Dani slid her tongue up and down his length, his words were caught in his throat so all he could do was make sounds. Drake had sauntered into living room again, kept quiet while watching Dani and August up until he could tell that August would soon reach his peak. Drake walked over and pulled Dani away by her hair and dragged her away, he stuck his fingers into her mouth reaching further until she gagged. When she did he wiped the spit all over her face leaving her breathless. He quickly unbuckled his jeans and shoved himself deep enough to touch the back of her throat making her gag again, he makeup was smeared and surprisingly she still looked sexy to both Drake and August. Drake continued to essentially fuck her face, occasionally pulling out of her mouth and slapping his thickness against her face. While doing so for the third or fourth time, Chris walked in the door. None of the three had noticed his presence, all too focused on the task at hand. In fact Chris went so unnoticed that August had walked past him and didn't know it. August walked over to Dani and Drake, pulling her away just as Drake had done before making her switch up. Chris had become a little turned on although he was watching his girlfriend being face fucked. He started to rise anyway. August looked down at Dani and Drake brought her hand up to his length to be stroked. Chris walked over and closed in the triangle that formed around the her and took her other hand doing the same. When Dani's mouth reached Chris he gagged her and pulled out smearing her slobber all over her face while some fell sloppily to her chest, he reached down and ripped off her shirt. Causing her to moan in pain, she opened her mouth to explain but Drake pulled her up to a standing position. The shorts she was wearing were quickly removed and Drake plunged deep into her once he made her brace herself against the wall. She yelped out, "Shut up." He grumbled while stroking he grabbed her hair and wrapped it into his fist and pulled her back, "Such a dirty slut. Fucking three people at once..." Chris said he brought his rod to her mouth it was dripping with precum. He gently rubbed the tip against her lips before taking her air and shoving inside, she whimpered from the pounding she was receiving on either end. August stood to the side and watched until Chris moved back and then he decided to claim her mouth for his own territory. August filled her mouth until her face turned flush red from lack of air, he pulled away and she coughed not giving her too much time to recover Drake and August switched places and August was merciless inside of her. She moaned against Drake's shaft and that urged him to fill her esophagus with his thick whiteness, "You better fucking swallow it." He growled at her as he held her face tightly with one hand, she did as told and Drake pushed her head away. August pulled out and pulled her towards the couch. He sat down and slid slowly into her ass, trying not to hurt her too much. She whined slightly but soon the motion became routine and easy. Chris approached the two, slapped Dani's breasts she closed her eyes shut in pain. He got on his knees sliding into her pinkness forcefully. Dani screamed, Drake stood up on the couch and claimed her mouth again the three of them on her was vengeful. They literally fucked her up. Switching positions so that everyone got what they needed. Now they all stood in a circle stroking themselves while she waited for their hot white releases, "Look up." Chris barked at her, "Open your mouth." Drake barked next, August was the first to cum. The stream fell on her eye, inside her mouth and on her chin. Drake followed. His was thicker most of it fell in her mouth but the start of it landed on her eye and nose. Chris came finally. He stepped closer to Dani, "Swallow what you have you greedy hoe." He said, she swallowed what she had as told and opened her mouth again, Chris grabbed her hair and forced himself to the back of her throat and came. Dani gagged at first then easily swallowed, "All y'all get the fuck out!" Chris said as he walked up stairs, August and Drake gathered their things, fixed themselves and walked out. But Dani laid spent, on the floor contemplating going upstairs to see if Chris was honestly mad at her. He wasn't, she'd travel up the stairs legs wobbly and the fucked again.

I hope this was sufficient danfla89 because I'm really bad at gangbangs. If it was poo let me know I'll try to get better at them...

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