Here I Come.

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Trevor Jackson Imagine...

Layla .
"Kelly go answer the door please, I'm trying to finish dinner." I said to my daughter. "I hope it's Trevor." She smiled, leaving her spot at the counter. "It is!" She yelled. She swung the door open and the alarm started to go off. "Damnit Kelly." I stomped my way into the living room to the front door and punched the code in. The alarm cut off immediately. "Think more carefully, please." I huffed. "I think she was just too excited to see me." A deep voice sounded. I looked up to see who must be Trevor, standing in my doorway.

"I see why she was so excited

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"I see why she was so excited." I commented. "I'm Trevor." He stuck out his hand. I put my hand inside of his. "I'm Ms. Arthur. But you can just call me Ms. Layla." I put my hand in his. He kissed it gently and stood upright. "Pleasure to meet you Ms. Layla." He said. "Pleasure's all mine, dear. I've been waiting to meet the man that makes ny daughter so happy." I laughed. I stepped aside. "Please come in. I'm sorry we met on a somewhat sour note." I lead the way into the kitchen. "Kelly, stir that for me please." I said pointing to a pot on the stove. "You can sit right there, babe." Kelly said to Trevor. He slipped rolled up the sleeves of his sweater. "Need any help?" He offered. "Do you know how to chop carrots?" I asked. "Of course." He beamed. "Mhm, we'll see." I joked. I handed him the knife and a cutting board. I went to the fridge for the bag of carrots and sat them in front of him. He pulled one out of the bag and started to cut it. "Aaaaannnnn. Wrong." I said pushing him out of the way with my hip. He smirked at me before speaking. "What did I do wrong?" He said. "Always, always, always, wash your food off before doing anything to it. And you didn't wash your hands." I leaned against the counter. He went over to the sink and washed his hands. "Do you mind?" He asked. He pointed to the towel that was draped over my right shoulder. "Oh, this is my gym towel. There is a hand towel in front of Kelly." I said. Trevor walked over to Kelly and pushed her gently. He wiped his hands and kissed her cheek. He whispered something in her ear that made her blush too. I couldn't even ignore the mild jealousy.

Trevor .
I whispered in Kelly's ear that her mom didn't notice her walking a little funny. I glanced over my shoulder and her mom was getting some onions out. "Do either of you have gum?" She asked. "I do." I hurried. "Cooking tip number two, chew gum while cutting onions. It'll keep you from crying as much." Layla said. She winked at me quickly. "Mom you know I can't be around when you cut onions." Kelly whined. "Come on babe." She grabbed my hand but I didn't budge. "You can't just leave your mom hanging babe, I'm gonna stay and help." I kissed her forehead and she rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Call me when it's done." She stomped away. "You didn't have to do that hun. I don't want her to think I'm stealing her boyfriend of the first night." Layla smiled. "You can go on I'll be fine." She said. I finally handed her the piece if gum. "Thank you." She smiled again and started chopping the onion. "So what other cooking tips do you have for me?" I smirked. I leaned against the counter. Layla began to laugh, still chopping away at the onion. She finished chopping and threw the gum away. She picked up her glass of white wine. "Why are there grapes in your glass." I asked. "Poor baby, you have so much to learn." She shook her head. "Teach me then." I smirked again. She touched the collar of my sweater. "What do you want to learn?" She whispered. "Anything." I replied. "I could give you a few pointers. For instance, when you kiss be strong but easy." She mumbled getting closer to my lips. "Give it your best shot." She whispered. I leaned into her lips and kissed her slowly. I could taste her wine on her lips. I put my hand at the back of her neck and my other at her waist. We kissed for what felt like forever. Until she backed away and leaned over the island. "You follow directions very well." She panted. "I have a good director." I smiled at her. I walked past her brushing against her. I felt her jump a little. "You couldn't possibly be afraid of what I got." I teased. "Never afraid." She snapped. "I think I could change your mind." I tested my luck. "Change my mind then." She said. "In the kitchen?" I questioned. "Yes, right here in the kitchen." She looked at me over her shoulder. I kissed the back of her neck and let my hands run up her thighs, lifting her maxi skirt up. Letting it sit, hanging on her waist. "No underwear?" I laughed. "None at all. Not even a bra." She said. I ran my fingers up and down her slit while kissing her lower back and ass. I got to her center and blew my breath one her. She rocked from side to side with anticipation. I finally licked my way up her slit and back down sucking on her clit and pulling on her lips as I pulled away. Only to come back and separate them with my tongue. Swirling my tongue around her clot in slow and fast movements. She gripped the edge of the counter so hard her fingertips turned white. "Yes, eat it!" She moaned. And I obeyed. I sped up, eating her like I'd never eat again. The sounds she made combined with the sounds of me eating her should've been enough for Kelly to come back but she didn't. After Layla came I stood up and dropped my pants to my ankles. Letting my boxers fall too. I rubbed the tip hard against her swollen clit. "Are you ready?" I asked. "Yes. I'm ready." She moaned. She put her hand there and lined everything up, sliding herself onto my dick. Instantly she coated me in whatever juices flowed from her. I gave her deep slow strokes. She was biting down on her lip hard but some moans still escaped. "Fuck, you're so tight." I groaned pushing as deep as I could. "Fuck yes." She moaned more. I sped up my strokes, our skin started slapping together. I grabbed her hair and wrapped it around my hand, pulling her up to me. "I need to see this gorgeous face." I grunted. She was biting her lip again. I kissed her neck and gave her the deepest strokes she'd probably ever experience. "I'm going to cum." She confessed. I stroked a little faster. Moments I felt her cum ooze onto my dick and I stroked until I pulled out and came. It landed on her ass cheek. I grabbed the towel from earlier and wiped it off. Layla was holding onto the counter for support. "Did I change your mind?" I asked, pulling up my pants and underwear. "Yes you did." She laughed and attempted to stand up. I pulled her skirt back over her thighs. And on cue, a timer went off and Kelly walked in. "You okay mom?" She asked. "Yes honey, I'm okay. Just had too much wine, I'm a little dizzy is all." Layla said effortlessly. "Well, okay.... This food is going to taste so good." Kelly beamed.

Sorry it took so long Layla :(

Y'all I really am trying to do these requests, there isn't even a lot to do at this point. But, I'm having terrible writer's block. And I'm drowning in work. On top of all of that, I'm still grieving and whatnot. But I really am trying and I didn't forget, just please be patient with me :)

Also, Layla aka kamfambreezy_ has a story on here called KSmoov. It's really good and I'm not just saying that because I'm in it *hair flip* because I'm pretty fucking picky when it comes to what I read. But go check her out and comment on her story. Tell me I'm cute bc I like hearing it. And you can't have my boo in the story either. He's already mine so beat it 😌😌

Lemme go disappear for a month


Maybe... 👀👀

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