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Chresanto August Imagine...

Chres .
I'm going to Kay's house today to talk to her. She broke up with me a few months ago because I stood her up on New Year's. Which was also our anniversary. On top of that, she saw some pictures of me with another girl. That part wasn't nothing though. Girls come up and hug me all the time, I'd look like an asshole if I would've pushed the girl away. I wasn't even hugging the girl back. But, Kay let her jealous ass friends convince her it was what it wasn't. It's whatever though, I'm gonna get her back.

Kay .
"Who the fuck is banging on my door?" I half shouted to myself. I pulled the door open, once I saw who it was I tried to close the door quickly. Chres pushed through the door. "What do you want?" I asked. "I wanna talk to you." He looked down at me. "About what?" I huffed. "Well you fell off the face of the earth. I lowkey came to check on you." He looked around my apartment. "I'm alive." I took a deep breath "I'm breathing. You can go now." I stared at him. "Why you rushing me out? We can't talk no more? Why you acting brand new on me?" He chuckled sitting on my couch. "Because you showed up uninvited. No we can't talk and if I recall you acted real brand new on New Year's Day. New year new you, huh?" I said folding my arms over my chest. "C'mon Kay now you know it wasn't like that." He looked at me. "Save it Chresanto. You can save whatever other excuses you have too. I'm tired of hearing them. And I don't need another sorry." I said holding back tears. He walked over to me and pulled me into a hug. "You know I hate seeing you cry." He wiped my stray tears away and kissed me. "What are you doing." I backed away and mugged him. "Girl bring ya ass here. Quit trying to act tough with me." He gently grabbed my arm, bringing me close to him again. "Listen to me Kay..." He looked down at me. I stayed quiet. "You listening?" He chuckled. "Mhm." I hummed dryly. "I love you." He kissed my forehead. I didn't say anything.

Chres .
"Kay, you hear me?" I asked. I pulled her back from me to look in her eyes. "Yeah I hear you." She rolled her eyes. It didn't matter what she was saying I knew she wanted to say it back. "Roll them shits back around." I laughed. "Whose daddy are you. You in my house making demands. You lucky you still standing here I should kick yo' ass for talking to me crazy and all that other bullshit." She semi yelled. "Calm down ma." I laughed more. "Fuck that I'm not calming down. Forgetting an anniversary is as bad as forgetting a birthday. And on top of forgetting, you was caught, cause you wasn't trying to be seen you can tell, you got fucking caught with some two dollar hoe. Talking bout 'She just a fan. She asked me for a hug.' Yeah fucking right Chresanto. I been around you long enough to that you don't remember your fans names. You think I'm fucking stupid dude." She yelled at me and mumbled the last part. "You gon stop fucking yelling at me Kay. I ain't playing with ya litlle ass." I got in her face. "You ain't gon do shit so it doesn't matter. You're in my house, did you forget?" She laughed sarcastically and walked away. I looked at her and licked my lips. "Fuck you looking at me like that for?" She rolled her eyes again. "Did you miss daddy?" I said with a smirk. Kay looked around. "Who is that? You wasn't hitting it right so it ain't you." She shot. I walked over to her, she was in the kitchen. I put my arms on either of her body. I kissed her neck "I wasn't hitting it right?" I said in between kisses. "No you wasn't get off me." She mumbled. I stopped kissing her and looked at her, she was biting down on her lip. "I wasn't?" I mumbled before giving her a hickey on her neck. "N-no." She stuttered. "I bet you I can now." I murmured kissing her. It took her a bit to kiss back but when she did we didn't stop until she was out of breath. "Can I show you?" I kissed her again. I sat her on the counter and she gasped, I took the time to kiss her sliding my tongue into her mouth. I was rubbing her thighs while we kissed, especially her inner thigh. "These gotta go." I said pulling her shorts. She lifted her hips off of the counter and I pulled her shorts off. I looked at her center, she was glistening. "You sure I wasn't hitting it right? You look ready for me." I said. She got off the counter and started to walk away. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back to me. "Chill out." I said. I was sliding down my joggers slowly. "You really taking your sweet time. Hurry up molasses." Kay rolled her eyes again. I bent her over the counter and slid into her. "Ahh, Chres." She moaned. "Fuck did I say about rolling ya eyes?" I said in her ear. I was giving her slow strokes but they were deep. "I'm sorry." She said in between her moans. "Don't say sorry now." I chuckled. I sped up my strokes, she put her hand over her mouth. I grabbed her arm and put it behind her back. "Don't hide them moans. I'm working hard for them." I kept stroking her. The sound of our skin and the sound of her squishing against me where the loudest next to her moans. "Fuck baby right there." She moaned. I slowed down, stroking deep again. "Right here?" I teased. "Mhm." She moaned. She kept her face pressed to the counter. I pulled out some and pushed myself all the way in her. She gasped and shot up. Grabbing the edge of the counter with one hand and my wrist with the other. "I had to make sure you was woke ma." I smirked. I gripped her waist tighter feeling her tighten around me. "Stop fucking doing that." I said through clenched teeth. "I'm gonna cum." She confessed. I sped up again, watching her ass bounce against me. "Fuck Chres." She moaned still holding on to the counter. She grabbed it with her other hand. "Did you miss daddy?" I asked. "Mhm." She mumbled. I slowed down keeping her from her orgasm. "Words." I demanded. "Yes, daddy I missed you." She moaned in frustration. I went back to a normal speed. "I know." I pressed a kiss to her neck. "Fuck!" She yelled as she came. I pulled out before I had the chance to cum and pulled my joggers up so I could walk right. I went to the bathroom to finish up. When I walked out, Kay was still leaning over the counter barely standin on her own legs. I picked her up and put her in her bed, getting in with her. "I love you Kay." I said kissing her forehead. "I love you too." She mumbled, falling asleep.

Sorry it took kindsa long to get your request out Kay, but here ya go. I am working on all the other requests. My imagines aren't usually short so writing them takes time. And y'all be requesting people idk lol. I'll try to have another one out later. No promises though.
As always, excuse any typos.
Vote, comment, follow. All that good stuff.
Stay peaceful 😁✌

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