In Charge.

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Samira .

I push open the doors to the place I love and hate all at once. My boss, Mr. Beckham hates me and the air I breathe. Every time he asks me to do something he stares me down with his intense eyes and yells even when I'm nearby. But honestly, I've had enough.

I walked back to my desk and sat down. I was coming back from getting coffee from the Starbucks in the food court, on the 3rd floor of our building.

"SAMIRA! YOU'RE LATE!" He shouted at me

"No sir, I am not." I said back, sipping from my coffee.

"What did you just say?"

"I'm not late. My shift starts at nine o'clock. I clocked in at 8:57. This is just the first time you've seen me this morning,"

"Well do something with yourself other than sitting around,"

"I'm done already. You were supposed to call a meeting this morning but you canceled it. So I have no assignments,"

He stood there. Salt oozing from his pores. He had no reason to bother me. He was powerless at the moment. Because I was right and he was wrong.

I turned in my swivel chair to face him.

"Is there something that I can do for you. You're standing here for an awfully long time," I said

"Actually... Come to my office in 10,"

"I'm there," I said turning back around and drinking more of my coffee.

It was currently 9:43. Which means he wants me in his office by 9:53. I want to show up at 9:56 just to irk him. I know he won't fire me because I'm quick and I work hard. I won't gas myself, but I'm honestly one of the best.

My coworker, David, came up to my desk.

"Hey Samira could you help me out real quick?" He asked


He was having issues with a report for HR. I helped him as quickly as I could without it coming out sloppy. I looked at the time and it was 9:58.

"Shit," I mumbled.

"Samira," Mr. Beckham's voice harshly called

"Yes sir?"

"My office now!"

"Yes sir,"

Everyone in the office watched my walk to his office. My face was hot with embarrassment. I walked past him into his office and sat in front of his desk.

"Why do you feel disobedience is okay?"

"I'm sorry sir, I was trying to he-"

He put his hand up and hushed me. He leaned against his desk and stared at me. I played with the hem of my skirt and kept my head down. I felt like a child.

"I'm sorry sir," was all I could say

"Listen Samira, you do a great job here. And I think you're an amazing person. I pressure you because I want better from you," he said.

My eyes almost popped out of my head. Was I hearing him correctly? I couldn't be.

"I'm an amazing person,"

"Samira are you even listening?"

"With all due respect sir, you pressuring me make it harder for me to work. It makes me hate my job. Even though I love what I do,"

"I apologize for that. But I want you to do well,"

He walked over near and kneeled down. I took the time to take in his features. He was all kinds if fine. Not married. No kids. A free agent. He was talking but I was so focused on his face.

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