Printer's Proposition

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The next morning, Kate laid awake, absolutely distraught. The headache wasn't what killed her, though that wasn't fun, but the missed opportunity. She let Yelena slip away, right through her fingertips.

"She wanted me to stay the night..." Kate lamented, head in her hands. Her roommate, Carol, laughed despite her friend.

"Kate, honey," she said from the bathroom. "Only you could fumble this hard. You have that girl all over you, and you spend the night alone?"

"Don't bully me, Carol, I'm mourning."


"Yes, over my lost love."

"Christ, Kate, what happened?"

"Listen, the drugs were wearing off... I got too 'me' again."

"Too awkward?"

"Yeah..." Kate sighed, burying her face in her plush pillow. "I blew it..."

Carol softened, crossing the room to Kate's rickety twin bed. "Maybe not. She was clearly into you. Just get out of that shell of yours, talk to her again."

"You say that like it's easy."

"Cuz it is."

"Yeah, whatever. You and Maria are practically married. You don't have to play the field anymore."

"Don't you have somewhere to be, Bishop?"

Kate checked her nearly dead phone. "Shit! I'm gonna be late to psych again!"

"Maybe you should skip," Carol called as Kate rolled out of bed, clad in checkered pajama pants and her black tank top. "Maybe Yelena likes delinquents."

"You're real funny, Danvers," Kate said, throwing on a gray hoodie and sneakers. "This'll have to do. I'll see you later."'

"Bye, Bishop."

Kate sprinted out of her building, long board in hand. Though she wanted to skate, the sidewalks were too clogged with students, so she opted to throw her board down and skate on the street. A Jeep or two honked at her and she received several glares, but what were they gonna do, hit her?

Finally, and only twelve minutes late, Kate burst through her lecture hall's door. So used to her late entry, her classmates did not so much as look up as the brunette searched for a seat, settling in near the back.

"Sup," the boy next to her whispered, and Kate looked up to see the platinum haired boy from last night. Great, just another reminder of her failed conquest.

"You're in this class?" Kate whispered. "What was it... Printer? No..."

"Pietro," the boy chuckled. "Are you still high?"

"No, I'm just like this."

"Noted. Didn't know you long boarded, that's pretty cool."

"Yeah, gets me to class quicker. The platinum hair is cool, by the way."

"Thanks, thanks. What was your name again?"

"Kate Bishop."

"Well, nice to actually meet you."

"You too, Pietro."

"You know... I'm kind of impressed with you," Pietro whispered after a moment, "not many people turn Yelena down."

Kate groaned. "I didn't mean to, man."

Pietro eyed the woman. "You're a little strange. I like that, though. I'll tell you what, Natasha's family is having a bonfire in the country tomorrow night. Why don't you come?"

"Yelena will be there?"

"Yeah. You can shoot your shot, I guess."

"Thanks, Peter. Means a lot."

"I... yeah, you're welcome."


"Whose hoodie is that?" Wanda asked as she meticulously applied her makeup.

"Kate Bishop's," Yelena replied simply, tying the worn strings into a little bow.

Wanda paused her eye shadow. "I'm sorry, who?"

"The girl I kissed last night."

"Oh, that sexy skater chick?"

"Careful, Wanda. Natasha could hear you."

Wanda resumed her makeup, sitting straight as could be as she stared into the vanity mirror. "Oh, please. Natty is mine and she knows it. One tomboy is enough for me, thank you."

"She was cute, though, wasn't she?" Yelena mused, remembering the way Kate's hands held her so firmly, the way her thighs flexed in anticipation.

"Yeah. Can't believe she's not here right now."

"I know, right? I offered for her to stay, but she declined. It's driving me crazy. No one has ever said no to that."

"Well, that's a hell of a power move."

"Yeah..." Yelena hummed, contemplative. Kate Bishop was absolutely confounding her. Yelena Belova, most desired woman on campus, head of the biggest sorority, speaker of three languages, asked her to spend the night, and she declined? It ate at her like a mouse nibbling a hunk of cheese. Usually, her confidence and million watt smile paid dividends, got her whatever she wanted. But not this girl.

Yelena tugged the hoodie's collar up over her nose, inhaling deeply. It smelled like pine needles and sea salt- earthy, mysterious, like the woman herself.

"I got a text from Pietro," Wanda said, amused smile on her face. "He invited Kate to the bonfire."

"That brother of yours is my new favorite."

Wanda feigned a pout. "But Lena..."

"Fine. You're still my favorite. But only because you're cute."

Yelena pecked Wanda on the crown of her head, careful to avoid any freshly applied makeup. The blonde bounded down the stairs, braiding her hair mindlessly as she greeted sorority members still lazing about the house.

Grabbing a trash bag, she got to work on gathering cups, bottles, plates, and various other paraphernalia left behind from the Halloween bash. A groggy Steve joined her, still in his Fred costume.

"Morning, Stevie. Looking good," she said, tossing an entire deep dish pizza. So wasteful.

"Thanks..." he said. "That 4 Loko dare was not cool..."

"Well, you got me back anyway."

"What, with the kiss dare? Come on, that was golden. I gave you an in."

"An in?"

"You were all over that girl. I just gave you an excuse to do something about it. Too bad she's not interested."

"Not interested? Please."

"First time for everything. She seems like a long term girl, anyway. Saves you the time, right?"

Yelena paused her movements. "What? I don't seem like a long term girl?"

"Come on, Lena, be real. You date a girl for a week and move on. Nothing wrong with that."

"I want something real," she said, shrugging. "Just haven't found it yet. That girl, though Kate..."

"You like her? For real?"

"Something about her..."

"The vacant stare? The all black outfit? Or maybe the overall disinterest?"

Yelena playfully swatted his shoulder. "Shut up, Steve."

The two went on in silence tidying up the house, leaving Yelena to her thoughts. This girl was so intriguing. On top of being physically gorgeous, with those biceps and the flowing black hair, she just sensed something deeper. Sure, Kate seemed a little goofy from the surface, but maybe there was something else underneath. Either way, Yelena was determined to find out. After all, what was the harm in trying?

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now