Drama Queen

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In her three and a half years of college, Kate Bishop had never met her advisor.

The first one assigned to her as an undeclared freshman went missing on a Labor Day trip to Vegas, the second retired immediately after she was assigned to him, and the third... well, she couldn't really remember what happened to the third other than vaguely hearing tales of 'The Sloppy Joe Incident' in the dining hall.

Now, though, as a senior cruising into her last semester, Kate thought she may as well drop by, have a chat, maybe steal a mint from his desk. What was he gonna say, she didn't have enough credits to graduate?

"So, dude," started her advisor, a hulking man with long blonde hair. His cozy blue sweater stretched at the seams to accommodate his Herculean swells of muscle, rippling like waves. "Looks like you don't have enough credits to graduate."

Kate nearly spit out the sip of absolutely acidic energy drink she took. "I'm sorry? There has to be some sort of mistake, Mister... What was your name again?"

"Thor," he said without a hint of irony. Kate just stared at him, quickly coming to the conclusion that this was some sort of fever dream. "Oh, you meant my real name. I'm Mr. Blake. Thor is what the guys in my bowling league call me."

"Why do they call you that?"

"When I hit the lane, it sounds like thunder."

"Okay... cool. Why do I not have enough credits?"

He typed furiously, hands much too big to operate the keyboard with any semblance of grace. The longer he searched, frown deepening, the more anxious Kate grew, inching forward so far she nearly sat on the desk.

"So, dude," he finally said, "good news or bad news first?"

"Umm... bad?"

"Looks like you never took your art credit. You already have a full schedule this semester, so I can't add anything on."

For the first time, Kate grew concerned. The relaxed vibe of her advisor could not calm her as she frantically asked, "So I can't graduate in May because of one class?"

She sat back in exasperation, imagining Yelena's disappointed face as she delivered the news they wouldn't walk together. A smaller part feared her mother's wrath at having to pay for another semester, but least Eleanor's pockets were deep, and it was not like she would leave her daughter hanging. A Bishop with no degree just would not do, anyway.

But... after a few more seconds of rumination, Kate actually found herself a bit relieved. For a couple more months, she would be safe in the college cradle, not forced to fly off into the big blue world. She could put off looking for a starter job or a place of her own, ignore the realities of adulthood in exchange for more lectures and never ending frat parties.

Weight lifted off her chest, Kate forgot about the good news, standing and thanking Mr. Blake for his help.

He put a massive hand up. "Hey, wait, no need to give up so soon."

She slowly sat back down, backpack slipping off her shoulder. "Oh, right. What do ya got?"

"So, it's too late to get into a proper class, but," his eyes twinkled in excitement, "if you join the winter musical, you can graduate on time."

"The- I'm sorry, the musical?" Yeah, this had to be a dream. "Like with singing and dancing?"

"That typically happens, yes."

"Are you sure there's no other way? I've never been in a play or a musical or done like... karaoke, even."

"Well, college is the perfect time to try new things," he said cheerfully, folding his hands atop his mahogany desk. At her unsure expression, he offered, "I'm not saying you have to play the lead. You could be backstage, do tech, or be in the ensemble. Just participate, and you're golden."

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