Like Mother

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"So there's a quarterback on offense and defense?" Pepper asked, adjusting her honey tinted sunglasses against the glare of the afternoon September sun.

Kate grinned as she sat with Yelena and the redhead in the back row of the bleachers, answering, "oh, not you too."

"I just..." Yelena shook her head, tugging Kate's jacket more firmly over her shoulders. "I still don't get it. There's a quarterback, but is there a nickelback? I feel like I've heard of that."

"That's a band, dear," Pepper supplied, laughing. "I know that much. Now Kate, if you could please explain to me why there is yellow laundry on the field?"

"Oh!" Yelena exclaimed. "I know this one. That means someone did a penalty and they have to give up territory."

"Good job, babe," Kate said, smile still broad, heart light. "And about the quarterbacks, yes, there is one on offense. Defense has cornerbacks, which is phonetically confusing. There are also nickel and dime defenses. Lots of coins."

Pepper and Yelena both nodded sagely, but Kate knew there was no way they absorbed all of that jargon. It was incredibly charming to the brunette that they cared enough to ask questions, cared enough to stick around at the Parent's Weekend football game despite neither one being a very big fan.

Though neither of them discussed it, both Yelena and Pepper endured the confusing yet entertaining gladiator match of a sport for Kate's sake. The brunette had so bravely battled through a swanky, hour-long brunch full of eggs Benedict and mimosas, so really, it was the least they could do.

Plus, Yelena loved the way Kate explained the sport so simply and without judgement. Yelena never felt stupid for not knowing and never felt ashamed to ask, as Kate always answered with earnestness and humor.

As for Pepper, she was obviously glad to be spending time with her daughter, but was delighted to get to know Kate better as well. She had seen so little of the protégé over the summer despite spending so much time in the same tower, and so far, she liked what she saw.

As mothers often do, Pepper had an innate sense that Kate Bishop would be in her life for a very long time. As such, this weekend served as a bit of a test run for the young scientist. Pepper spend the morning observing quietly, ticking boxes off of her mental list as Kate gave Yelena her jacket, opened her car door after brunch, remembered her favorite concessions snacks.

Yelena also complemented the brunette so well, rattling off Kate's coffee order from memory and bringing along an extra pair of sunglasses should Kate forget hers. There was a real push and pull, the yin and yang of two people who just understood each other. No relationship was perfect, but Pepper thought these two came pretty close.

"Do you two know anyone on the team?" Pepper asked over the roar of the crowd.

"Stevie," said Yelena. "I think he's a..." she glanced at Kate for confirmation, "line backer?"

Kate nodded. "Yep. He's playing really well this season. So is Sam."

"Oh my God, I forgot about keg boy," Yelena chuckled.

Pepper smirked. "Do I even wanna know?"

"Probably not," the blonde laughed, leaning into her mother's side.

"You girls are making me want to relive my glory days."

"Okay, don't stop there," Yelena said, smile a mile wide. "I've been dying to hear more stories about your wild youth."

"It's not as wild as you might think. I was in a sorority at Columbia, but being that it was, you know, Columbia..."

"Guessing you didn't go to many ragers?" Kate asked, attention fully on the conversation despite her eyes tracking the football game. "I didn't know you went to an Ivy."

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