MILF Alert

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"Traffic was hell, mom," Kate said, wrapping her mother in a brief hug as she entered the lavish penthouse. "And this," she gestured to the sheepish woman behind her, "is my girlfriend, Yelena."

"Mrs. Bishop," Yelena said, offering a hand.

The woman's eyebrows shot up, and she pulled the blonde in for a stiff, testy embrace. "You didn't say you had met anyone, Katherine. And please, dear, call me Eleanor."

"Nice to meet you, Eleanor," said Yelena, closing the apartment door behind her. The woman only hummed in response.

Eleanor took Yelena's bag off of Kate's hands, then beckoned the young women to the living room. The Bishop penthouse was truly incredible. It was modern, sleek, elegant, with a gorgeous view of the city. Yelena was unprepared for this level of extravagance- crystal chandeliers, low atmospheric lighting, dark hardwood complementing cream and brown furniture. Kate was so down to earth, and humble, really, and the thought of Kate coming from money had not crossed the blonde's mind.

Eleanor poured herself a generous glass of red wine, smoothing her suede robe as she sat on the leather couch, legs folded. "So?"

Kate took a gentle seat on the coffee table, and Yelena stood behind her, toying with loose strands of Kate's hair. "So..?"

"Who is she?"

"You can ask her, you know," Kate said, and Eleanor directed her gaze to the blonde, never breaking eye contact as she sipped from her glass.

"I'm Yelena," the blonde repeated, unsure of what else to add.

Eleanor smirked. "A natural blonde, I assume."

Kate positioned her seated form fully in front of her girlfriend. "Mother."

"Right, my apologies. I just mean, tell me about yourself. Since my Katherine hasn't mentioned you, I'm wondering who I've got in my home."

"Oh, she hasn't mentioned me?" Yelena said, sweet smile on her lips. "Well, I'm a junior Comms major, president of my sorority."

"Which sorority?"

"Tri Delta."

"And," Kate cut in quickly, "she might get the Glossier internship for this summer."


"Well, we haven't gotten word back," Yelena conceded, "but I'm confident."

Eleanor nodded. "Didn't think sorority girls where quite your type, Katherine. So... vapid. But this one seems to have plans."

Kate's eye twitched. "Yes, mom, she's very driven, and talented, and ambitious, and-"

"Did you read your thesaurus on the way here?" Eleanor finished off her glass before standing and walking to stand before Kate. She lifted a perfectly manicured nail to Yelena's chin, inspecting her. "Don't worry. I like her."

With that, Eleanor retired for the night, telling Kate to not stay up too late, and Yelena exhaled once the older woman was out of sight. Kate slumped, turning to face Yelena and take both of her hands.

"I'm sorry," Kate said, standing to her full height. "I wanted to tell her about you, just... I don't know. We don't really talk about stuff like that."

"No, I get it," Yelena whispered, resting her forehead against Kate's in the ambient lighting of the living room. "She's a lot."

"That's one way to put it."

"This place is amazing, though," she continued, crossing the room to the massive windows showcasing the city that never slept. "I wasn't expecting it."

Kate wrapped her arms around the blonde from behind, surveying the flickering, lively cityscape. "Expecting what? A place this nice?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"It's embarrassing."

"What? Why?"

"Just not my style. It's all about appearances, not substance. So is my mom, really. So long as it looks good, who cares what's really underneath?"

"Hollow," Yelena hummed. "Still nice."

Kate chuckled. "Yeah, I guess it is." The brunette stepped back, turning to a wine cooler near a couch. "Want a drink? I can't be sober here for very long."

"Sure," Yelena said, surprised when Kate handed off a whole bottle. "How long have you lived here?"

Kate took a long drink, staring back out the window. "Too long. My parents split when I was eleven, I think. Been trapped up here ever since. Like a princess in a tower."

"Did you visit your dad much?"

"No..." Kate shook her head. "You know what, I'm sorry, I shouldn't bog us down with this. It's a holiday week, we're here in the city, it should be fun."

"Don't be sorry," Yelena protested as Kate once again gathered the pair's luggage and dragged it to her room. "I think it's good for you to talk about this stuff. Kinda what I'm here for."

"I know, love." She kissed Yelena's forehead, already turning down the black comforter covering her mattress. "But I'm tired. Been a long day."

Wordlessly, Kate tugged off her loose fitting jeans and hoodie, and Yelena watched unashamedly, mesmerized by the way the dim light reflected off of the contours of the other woman. Kate laughed lightly at Yelena's stupor, stepping forward and toying with the hem of Yelena's shirt.

"Would you like some help with this?" Kate asked lowly, and the blonde nodded. Gently, Kate lifted the garment up and over her head, kissing Yelena softly as she placed it on the floor. Her strong hands molded to Yelena's hips, eyes locked. "Thank you for coming with me. I'm glad I'm not alone."

"I'm glad you're not alone too." After a long sip of wine, Yelena gently pushed Kate back to the bed, straddling her as the taller woman laid back. "Now tell me, Kate Bishop, is your mom a heavy sleeper?"

Kate's eyebrows shot up in challenge. "I don't know, wanna find out?"

Yelena laughed, moving to lay at Kate's side now. "No. I was just teasing."

"Typical," Kate jabbed through a yawn, wrapping her arms around the blonde.

"You wouldn't know what to do with me anyway, babe."

"Yeah, yeah..." Kate said, already nearly drifting off. "Goodnight, blondie. We conquer Thanksgiving with my mother in the morning."

I'm playing a really fun game where I change Yelena's major every time I mention it because I have no idea what I started with

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now