Parent's Weekend

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Foot tapping, hands wringing, eyes darting to the business school's entrance every few seconds, Yelena felt completely helpless as she waited. She pulled out her phone, hands itching for something to do. Though Kate was not yet awake on this Saturday morning, she typed out a text.

She's still not here.

It was parent's weekend, and though she did so sheepishly, Yelena invited Pepper. The redhead replied with an enthusiastic yes, honored and ecstatic, but now was nowhere to be found.

The tour of the business school that Yelena signed them up for was scheduled to begin in just a few moments, and among the throng of dads in khaki shorts and moms in athleisure, Pepper was not among them.

As the panic continued to build, Yelena's phone lit up with a text, and she nearly dropped it as she read it as quickly as humanly possible. Only slightly disappointingly, it was Kate, saying she'll be there soon, bsby.

Yelena laughed at the misspelling, knowing Kate was just waking up. She responded I love you, go back to sleep and turned her attention back on the door as the tour started up.

It seemed Kate's text was a prophecy right out of Delphi, because as the tour made its way around the first corner and Yelena nearly left out of embarrassment, there Pepper was.

The redhead flung the business school's massive glass doors open, cheeks flushed. "Sorry, honey," she said, embracing Yelena in apology. "The traffic was crazy and I went to the law school, not business."

"It's okay," Yelena replied, beaming. "I'm just glad you're here."

"Me too." Pepper checked her watch before looping an arm through Yelena's. "Let's catch up to that tour."

Yelena could not help but notice the stares of shock from some of the other attendees as she walked up with one Pepper Potts on her arm. It was widely known that Pepper had no children, after all, and Yelena's last name was Belova. Perhaps the other parents and fellow students rationalized Pepper as a rich aunt or benefactor, but Yelena knew the truth.

In that moment, the two really did seem like mother and daughter from the way they both handled the stares of a crowd. Neither minded being the center of attention, and as they worked their way up to the front of the tour group, shared a knowing look. Yelena squeezed Pepper's arm, and Pepper softly kissed her on the crown of her head.

Meanwhile, despite Yelena's text, Kate found it difficult to return to sleep. Campus buzzed with excited parents and chatty younger siblings, who, despite it being 9 am, decided to babble on as loudly as possible. They were probably doing so to make fun of her, Kate thought. She didn't have a parent coming, so they would rub it in her face.

Laughing at herself, she sat up in her dorm bed, deciding not to take on that toxic line of thinking. It wasn't all her parents' fault, after all. They had both awkwardly shown up when she was a freshman and alternated the next two years. Now, as she was a senior on the cusp of adulthood, it was sort of fitting for Kate to be alone.

More than anything, Kate just felt relieved upon receiving an adorable selfie of Pepper and Yelena at the campus coffee shop, thankful she would not have to console her girlfriend over an absentee CEO. Yelena deserved to finally have someone show up for her, and while it made a very, very small part of Kate jealous, that small part would not overshadow her joy.

So, with a stretch and a dash of optimism, Kate Bishop rolled out of bed and began her day.

She put on a good podcast and her favorite hoodie, she cleaned her dorm for once, well, half of her dorm before she had the thought that watching the Lion King sounded good right about now, and then she fell asleep.

At around noon, Kate groggily lifted her head as the credits rolled on Lion King 1 1/2 and her phone buzzed incessantly. Yelena was FaceTiming, and Kate answered, hair matted and eyes droopy.

"Good morning, sleepyhead," Yelena said, and Kate heard muffled chuckles in the background.

"Ugh, don't let Pepper see me like this," Kate complained, standing from her pullout couch with a massive stretch. "What's up?"

"We were just wondering if you needed company. Our tours and stuff are over and we have some time until the football game, so we could get lunch if you want."

"My treat," Pepper added from over Yelena's shoulder, and Kate could not help but grin.

"Your treat, huh? I'm in."

Yelena flashed a brilliant smile and said her goodbyes, leaving Kate to freshen up. It would have been easy for Kate to feel the unadulterated jealousy that had plagued most of her summer, but really, that seemed silly now.

Yelena, more than anything, wanted Kate to feel included. She could have reserved the day just for herself and Pepper and that would be completely understandable, but she went out of her way to make sure Kate was not lonely. She knew how it felt.

Maybe that's what she had not previously recognized. This summer was an isolating time and sure, Kate felt ignored, but at least Yelena cared enough to invite her places, Pepper or otherwise.

So, heart fluttering for her bubbly, confident sorority president of a girlfriend, Kate put on her nicest button up and cleanest pants, determined to impress Pepper. She grabbed a denim jacket for Yelena when she inevitably complained that the restaurant was cold and bounded out to Pepper's idling luxury SUV.

"Hi, Mrs. Potts," Kate greeted, sliding on the smooth leather backseat.

"We're way past 'Mrs. Potts', honey," Pepper laughed, pulling out of the school. Yelena looked at her as if she hung the moon. "Pepper is just fine."

"Have a good nap?" Yelena asked, turning and resting her elbow on the center console.

"Yep. I was cleaning and turned the Lion King on. The wildebeest stampede knocked me out, I guess."

"Didn't huff too many cleaning products, did you?" Laughed Yelena, turning back around and sliding her rose gold shades on.

"Hm..." Kate thought, shrugging. "Could be, actually."

All three shared a good laugh, and Kate relaxed. It no longer felt as though she was stealing Pepper's time with Yelena, or distracting Yelena from her mom. It just felt... normal. A new dynamic all on its own. A sort of family in its own way, and Kate did not take that fact for granted.

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