Poetic Cinema

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"I can't wait until summer," Kate mused sleepily, head resting on Yelena's lap as the two lay curled up on the couch of the Tri Delta living room, a sappy Pixar film flickering on the television.

Hands forming little braids out of black waves, Yelena smiled. "Yeah?"


"What are you looking forward to?"

"Going to the lake, going to some concerts, staying out skating super late... all of it. All of it with you."

"With me?"

"Don't sound so surprised." Kate glanced up, eyes expectant. "What are you doing this summer?"

"My internship. Same as you, love."

"Oh, shit... I've honestly completely forgot about my internship. I got so wrapped up in everything else happening. I was looking forward to summer and getting my cast off, but now..."

"Not getting nervous, are you?"

"A little. I'm just... I don't know. I feel like people don't take me seriously. I know I'm smart enough to be there, but will they think so?"

"Luckily for you I don't think Tony Stark takes anyone seriously. And don't worry about anyone else but you. You know your worth. It's only a matter of time before they see what you're capable of."

"I'm glad Peter will be there. Nice to have a friendly face."

Yelena nodded, smiling warmly. Her eyes went back to the movie, but her hand rested lightly on Kate's jaw. "You're going to be amazing.

"So will you, little miss Teen Vogue."

Eyes rolling, Yelena responded, "don't remind me."

"Not looking forward to the summer?"

"Looking forward to not being as busy. But summer... is always interesting. Figuring out who I'm gonna stay with. Normally, it's Wanda, but I feel like she's going on some long trip with Nat. I don't know."

Kate chewed briefly at her cheek in though. "Well, we're both gonna be in New York this summer, right?"


"Stay with me." It wasn't a question, and not really an offer, either, but a firm statement from the brunette. Staking her claim; telling Yelena she was with her, and whatever Kate had was hers too. "I've practically been staying at your house all semester. Let me repay the favor."

"Where are you staying? Your mom's penthouse?"

"Mhm. But I swear, she'll be so busy that we'll barely see her."

"I don't know," Yelena smirked after planting a kiss atop Kate's forehead. "I think she kinda likes me. I nursed her baby back to health, after all."

"So... you'll stay?"

Melting, Yelena smothered Kate's face in a barrage of quick pecks. "Yes, I'll stay, myshka."

Kate froze in curiosity. "What?"


"What did you call me?"

Yelena's eyes widened, realizing what she'd said. A nostalgic smile spread across her face, and she settled back into the couch, eyes on the screen. "Just a Russian term of endearment. My... my mom called me that sometimes. I always thought it was cute."

Starry eyed, Kate brought a hand up to rest on Yelena's thigh. "What's it mean?"

"I'm really rusty on my Russian, but I think it's 'little mouse'. Don't take that the wrong way, I'm not calling you a rodent. Russian pet names are different."

"That's so sweet, Lena. Can I call you an animal pet name?"

"I'm scared to say yes to that, but I will anyway."

"What's a Russian animal? Wolves? You can be my wolf. Or fox."

"You're just gonna call me fox?"

"Well, you are foxy." Kate laughed at her own joke, sleepiness causing giggles to easily spill out. "No, no, I'll stick to my basic American terms of endearment. Like honeypot, or milf."

"Alright, Kate Bishop. Alright."

The women directed their attention back to the film, which was nearly over by the time Kate finally identified any of the character's names. Even after the credits rolled, though, neither made a move to get up, simply too comfortable in each other's company. Kate's eyes closed, and Yelena was content to sleep downstairs for the night (getting Kate to the second floor on crutches was a nightmare) before the brunette posed a question.

"Psssst, babe, what time is it?"

Glancing at her watch, Yelena replied, "it's one a.m."

"No, I meant like, what month?"

"Why on earth would you phrase it like that, then?"

"Space and time are confusing concepts for me."

"It's March. Barely. I think it's the third."

"I can't wait to get my cast off soon. A boot isn't much better, but still..." Kate sighed, burrowing impossibly deeper into Yelena. "Your lap is so comfortable. I can see why you sit in mine so much."

Yelena snorted in disbelief. "I do not sit in your lap that much."

"You so do. It's adorable. There could be two chairs at a table, and you'll still sit on my lap."

"You know what, yeah, I'm gonna own it. I like the optics, and your lap is comfortable. More comfy than most sitting apparatuses, really."

"I feel like furniture. In a good way."

"The handsomest couch I know."

"I'm a love seat. Literally."

Yelena laughed despite herself. "I think we need to go to sleep, we're delirious. We do have class tomorrow, Kate Bishop."

"You have class."

"I'm not letting you skip again. It's time to reintegrate, baby."

"You're gonna make me walk to class? What if I get hit by a car again?"

"No, Kate, you don't have to walk. You literally have online school. But, if you did walk, I think you're statistically the safest person on campus. What are the odds of two cars hitting you?"

"I'm not trying to find out!"

"Look, just try to get some stuff done in the morning. I know it's hard to focus here, but I don't want you to fall behind. Just try, yeah?"

"Yeah, you're right. I'll get back on the horse, promise."

"Good girl. You got this."

"Thanks, Lena. You always know what to say."

Fighting sleep at this point, Yelena shifted to lay behind Kate, one arm slung around her waist. "Remind me to Google 'little spoon' in Russian tomorrow."

"You got it, fox," Kate mumbled as she drifted into a peaceful slumber, senses full of the woman she loved.

It's 2 am again what a shock. I watched Luca earlier and was like yeah that could be a chapter

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now