Human Speed Bump

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After dinner, Yelena successfully convinced Kate to come home with her, and upon reaching her queen bed, melted into the taller woman, clinging to her like her life depended on it, eyes closing, head tucked into Kate's neck. The brunette refrained from remarking on how ferociously Yelena hung on to her, and instead felt terrible guilt for not supporting the woman through a tough month.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here," Kate voiced softy, moving to lay on her back, tugging Yelena to her chest. Her hands traveled the expanse of Yelena's tensed back, soothing the delicate girl.

"It's not your fault," Yelena whispered, already sleepy. "I pushed you away."

"Yeah..." the brunette admitted. "You gotta let me in, okay? It's what I'm here for."

Sighing, Yelena lifted up slightly to look Kate in the eye, gaze searching. "Do I deserve this? You?"

"Yelena, baby..." Kate ran a gentle hand through Yelena's soft light locks. "Of course you do. You trust me, don't you?"


"Then believe me when I tell you yes, you deserve this. Me and much more. Never doubt that."

Yelena sighed with content, heart finally full again. She lay back down on Kate chest, eyes closing, mumbling, "my love..."

Kate kissed the top of Yelena's head. "We're alright, aren't we?"

The question fell on deaf ears as Yelena snored softly, and Kate smiled at the familiar sound, having missed it. She allowed her own eyes to flutter shut as she drifted off, holding Yelena close, and the blonde slept a full night for the first time in weeks.


Kate began the next week feeling rejuvenated, light and airy. Her weekend with Yelena went better than planned, her work schedule for the semester was all set, her classes looked to be fairly easy. So, on this Monday of a new week, Kate skated in the bike lane to class with a good song in her headphones and a smile on her face. Things were looking up for Kate Bishop.

That is, until a red VW Beetle swerved to miss some debris in the road and accidentally bumped Kate, catching her left leg under the board and crunching it with a sick pop. Onlookers gasped, and the car screeched to a halt as Kate drug herself to the sidewalk to assess the damage. She went green as she looked down to her deformed leg, and resigned herself to lay back on the freezing pavement, accepting her fate.

Elsewhere, Yelena stopped by the small coffee shop in the university center, ordering herself a latte and a muffin before class. Upon receiving her order, she heard a terrible screech followed by shouts from outside, and meandered out to see what the commotion was. On the sidewalk lay a girl- wait, her girl, hands raised above her head in anguish. A few bystanders knelt by the girl, and as Yelena rushed up, the clearly injured Kate could not even form words.

"I- I.. I don't..." Kate struggled, face feverish, eyes wide.

"Kate?" Yelena started softly, and Kate visibly relaxed. "Kate, honey, what happened?"

Kate only shook her head, breathing heavily. "Hurts."

"Who did this to you?" She asked, indignation bubbling.

"That red bug hit her," someone next to her explained, and Yelena's eyes narrowed.

Pulled over on the street adjacent to the crowd gathered on the sidewalk sat the bug in question, and the driver stood nervously outside the car, dialing on his phone.

"You did this?" Yelena asked boldly as she approached, fire in her eyes. "You hit my girl?"

"I didn't mean to!" He explained, cowering away as Yelena showed no signs of backing down. "Relax, she shouldn't even be in the street anyway!"

"She was in the bike lane, dumbass," Yelena spat, close enough to stare down the irritated man face to face. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

"I was trying to avoid a plastic bag, okay? Those will do big time damage your car!"

Yelena saw red. "A bag?! That's more important than a human being?"

The blonde shoved the man lightly in the chest, and he stumbled back. Yelena reared back for more when a strong hand caught her arm and drug her away.

"Hey!" She protested, and turned to see a determined Natasha behind her. "Nat, let me at him!"

"You're gonna do something you regret," Natasha replied firmly, leading her back to where Wanda knelt beside Kate on the sidewalk, soothing the poor girl. "You stay here. Kate needs you. Bobbi and I will talk to this dude and get shit figured out, okay?"

Yelena softened as she saw Kate crying now, and Wanda brushed her hair back. "Fine."

"Should we call for paramedics?" Wanda asked quietly as Yelena rejoined them, and Yelena glanced down at Kate in uncertainty.

"Kate, baby, do you need an ambulance? What do you want us to do?" Yelena asked softly, moving to sit on the sidewalk and lift Kate's head onto her lap.

"I'm s-so cold," Kate managed through gritted teeth, and Yelena exchanged a look with Wanda. They were on their own here.

"I don't know, Lena..." Wanda said, ghosting her fingers over the hem of Kate's pant leg. "We don't know how bad it is. I just don't wanna fuck around with leg fractures. I mean, what if she needs surgery or something?"

"Okay, good points. Do you mind calling? I'll stay here with her."

Wanda slipped her phone out of her purse, stepping out of earshot. Yelena focused her full attention on the writhing girl below her, eyes pained at the extent of Kate's discomfort.

"Lena..." Kate groaned, reaching a hand up. Yelena took it instantly, and Kate squeezed hard. "Don't leave."

"I'm not going anywhere, sweet girl. How bad does it hurt?"

"Like, at least a three out of ten," she joked with a pained smile, and Yelena sighed with a bit of relief.

"Believe it or not, the fact that you can feel your leg is a good sign." She kissed Kate's forehead, seeing Wanda hang up the phone out of the corner of her eye. "Help's on the way, just hang on a little longer."

"You called me a bus?"

"A what?"

"A bus. I watch a lot of-" she cut off, a wave of agony washing over her entire body. She rolled in Yelena's arms, groaning. "A lot of Law and Order."

"You don't have to talk, love," Yelena said, heart aching. "It's okay. Just breathe. You're gonna be fine."

Kate nodded, resigning herself to focus on her breathing, the cold cement, and the way Yelena stroked her hair with tentative, nervous fingers. After a literal eternity, an ambulance pulled up behind the red bug, a boxy vessel of salvation. A man with close cropped blonde hair bounded out of the back with a darker haired side kick, and Yelena reluctantly backed away to let the men work.

"I'm Clint," the blonde paramedic greeted as he approached, tugging on latex gloves. "I'm assuming the injured one is the kid on the ground?"

"Please, God, tell me you have morphine," Kate whined, sitting up. "Do you guys still put cocaine in cough medicines?"

Clint laughed. "Okay, at least you're a little coherent. Now you just relax, kid. Me and Bruce here are gonna take real good care of you."

Someone on ao3 requested Kate getting hurt on her longboard and yelena taking care of her, so that morphed into this.

Which reminds me, please let me know what you guys want to see more of. I write for yalls entertainment, after all.


I can't stop laughing at this chapter tho Kate rlly just got hit by a car 😭

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now