Thanksgiving But Better Than Last Time

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For once, Kate let Yelena drive as the two once again ventured back to Manhattan for Thanksgiving break, music blaring and sunroof cracked. She regretted this not because Yelena was a poor driver (though she did nonchalantly barrel over a curb and perhaps a preschooler), but because she had nothing to distract her wandering thoughts. Kate gazed wistfully out the window, longing only intensified by the amber foliage passing her by. It was a brisk afternoon, even for late November, leading to accumulating condensation on the window she leaned forlornly against, drawing an unsubtle frowny face in the fog.

Per usual, the source of Kate's angst was one Eleanor Bishop, though this time in a more noncontiguous, passive manner. Despite the fact that Kate would be in the city for the better part of a week, she had no plans to see her mother. When Yelena had sheepishly brought up the idea of spending the holiday with Tony and Pepper, Kate enthusiastically accepted, excited for any excuse not to spend a day in that cold, soulless penthouse.

Now, though, in the blur of miles speeding by in a matter of minutes, Kate was melancholy, contemplative, though not exactly sad. She really, really did not want to spend another awkward Thanksgiving with Eleanor, and she really, really did want to spend it with Yelena, but it was... odd. Change always left her feeling unbalanced, listless, especially the breaking of a twenty-one year old tradition.

"I've never spent Thanksgiving away from her," Kate mumbled, chin resting on her fist.

Yelena had to turn the radio down to hear her, ring-laden fingers lacing through Kate's. "What'd you say, babe?"

Kate shook her head as if realizing she had just vocalized a thought. "Just... I haven't spent one single Thanksgiving without my mom."

"Oh." Yelena's lips twitched briefly into a frown. "Are you still okay with this? I can drop you-"

Kate quickly cut her off. "No, no, it's not that. This isn't some old beef I'm dredging up. I couldn't be happier to be spending time at Pepper's, it's just- it's weird, you know? You do something for so long you don't even question it until it changes."

"Of course, babe. Change is always weird." Yelena smoothed a familiar pattern over Kate's knuckles, knowing the contours of each ridge without looking. "Are you sure you don't wanna stop by on the way out, though? Or this weekend?"

"As much as I want to..." Kate sighed. "Nah. I think it'll be good if I stay away. Make a point."

"A point?"

"That I don't need her."


"Okay, I don't mean it like that. I need her, I love her, but she's not the most important thing in my life anymore. She doesn't have that control."

Yelena hummed, proud if not a bit skeptical. "Have you spoken recently?"

"No." Kate laughed sharply, exhaled breath fogging over her scribbled frown. "You know, I haven't talked to her since August, and the sad part is I don't think she's even noticed."

Righteous anger burning, Yelena squeezed her girlfriend's hand, eyes refocusing on the open road. "Trust me, myshka, that's her loss."

"Yeah, it is." Kate enclosed Yelena's hand in both of her own, thumb tracing the rounded edges of a ruby set in a ring. "At least Pepper invited me. I'm wanted somewhere."

"She really is excited to have you. She keeps texting me, making sure you're still coming. Even asked me your favorite dessert."

"After my showing at the Giants game, I'm kind of surprised."

"I think that just made her like you more. If you're a kind drunk, you're probably kind sober."

"Yeah." Kate chuckled, cringing lightly. "Still, I'm gonna pace myself at dinner."

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