Absence and Fondness

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Taking Yelena's advice, Kate got away from the city for the weekend. Without notifying her mother, she haphazardly tossed a toothbrush and a shirt or two in a duffel bag and hit the road, trying to leave her worries behind. Alas, she could not, as every passing hour without a text or a call from Yelena was like torture.

Of course, time apart was good for them, but Kate hated that the last things she said to Yelena had been so hostile. Of course, her own points were fair and her feelings were valid, but she should not have gone about that conversation as she had. Yelena was right, it was a low blow.

Shaking her head, Kate momentarily pushed aside thoughts of Yelena. She traveled upstate for a reason, to relax and unwind, and thinking of the blonde was counterproductive.

Derek Bishop clapped his daughter on the shoulder as he bounded down the patio stairs, handing Kate a beer. With a sigh, he sat next to her in a lawn chair, prying the top off of his brew with his teeth.

"What brings you out here, kid?" He asked, gaze set on the lake stretching for miles beyond his backyard. "Thought you had an internship in the city."

Kate struggled to bite her bottle cap off. "The city is too much sometimes."

"I hear ya." Derek wordlessly swiped his daughter's beer, opening the beverage and handing it back. "That's why I moved out here."


"First time anyone's ever called me that."

Kate huffed. "Just had to get away for a little. Sorry I haven't come up here more often."

"It's alright. I know how your mom is. And you're a big girl now. Must be busy. How is that internship, anyway?"

"Really good, actually. Tony Stark is a modern genius."

"What do you guys do?"

"Whatever we want, really. Free reign in the highest tech lab in the country. It's insane."

Derek smiled broadly. "I'm happy for you, kid. Sounds like a good time."

"Definitely. You been fishing lately?"

"Eh, sometimes. Would be easier with a partner." At this, Kate frowned, and he quickly waved a hand. "Hey, no worries. I love being out here. Some things are just easier with others, though."


"Okay, enough small talk. What dad advice are in need of?"

"A lot." She took a long sip of beer, the icy liquid contrasting the steamy afternoon. "Mom blew up at me, my girlfriend is mad at me, and Peter just got engaged."

"Peter? No shit. Congrats."


"Oh, yeah. But why is Peter's engagement included in that list?"

"I can't complain to him when he's all happy like he is."

Derek nodded sagely. "I see. What's up with mom?"

"Her usual bullshit. Mad that I'm not taking over her company, mad that I brought a puppy home. All her expectations."

"She's always under a lot of stress, your mother. I know it's hard," Derek clapped Kate on the back again, "but don't take it all personally. The puppy thing, though, definitely take personally."

"It's like she was just waiting on something like that to happen. Waiting for me to prove her right on how immature I am."

"For what it's worth, I don't think you're immature."

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now