A Moment In Time

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In New York City, summer melted away like a popsicle left out on a sweltering day. August, the Sunday of summer, arrived before Kate knew it, and she felt as though she reached a summit. She stood on the precipice of adulthood, the mountain of adolescence behind her, yet so much was left to discover, so much beyond that peak.

This was the last summer. Her internship would end in a matter of days, her final year of university would commence, and now, as she lazed on a picnic blanket in Central Park, arms crossed above her head, Kate's best friend was preparing to propose.

"Dude, do you think she suspects anything? I want this to be a surprise," Peter said, running his hands through his hair. He picked at the collar of his color blocked button up. "Did I dress too nice? Not nice enough?"

Kate sat up, lowering her shades to scrutinize the button up, perfectly ironed pants, and white shoes. "Looking dapper to me, Parker. And you know MJ. She's not super flashy."

"Okay, okay. Good call." He paced around the blanket, speaking at the pace of Usain Bolt. "And Yelena's coming, right? I need the crowd for moral support."

"Yes, Yelena will be here soon." Kate laid back down, checking her watch. "At least, she better be."

"Okay..." Peter flopped down beside her, cross legged. "This is good. Your relationship drama will distract me. What's up with all that?"

"What? No drama here."

"Oh, come on, KB. You've been at May's place every other night. Something's up."

"Women are just complicated, man."

"Aren't you a woman?"

"Damn. Yeah, I guess. But other women are complicated. Like my mom, and Yelena, and Pepper, I guess."

"Are things seriously still not better with your mom?"

"Nah... she is at least talking to me now, but I know she can't wait until I go back to school. And Yelena..." Kate sighed. "It's not really her, I guess, it's me. She keeps inviting me to do stuff with her and Pepper but I just feel so weird about it. Since she moved out I just... I feel like she wanted space, you know? So I've been giving it. It's like I'm making myself miserable on purpose."

"Hm..." Peter thoughtfully mulled the sentiments over. "Yeah, maybe you're getting a little self sabotaging. I think once you're back at school and around me and Carol and everybody, it'll be better. I think being in that apartment alone all the time is making you mopey. And... why not join Yelena and Pepper every once in a while?"

"Well.. I'd like to, but I don't wanna intrude or make things weird. And lately, it's like I can't be with just Yelena. It's also with Pepper. And I'm not gonna be the asshole who tells her she's hanging out with her long lost mom too much. I just miss her."

"Maybe you're a little jealous, KB."

"I'm a little jealous of all of you. Aunt May, Pepper... I want one."

Peter chuckled. "May would adopt you if she could." He frowned at his best friend's pout, patting her shoulder in consolation. "It'll all work out in the end. Just talk to Yelena. You've worked out worse."

Kate sighed. "Yeah..."

Not long after, Yelena bounded toward the group, beautiful white sundress flowing behind her, hair blowing messily in the wind. At this sight, Kate's troubles momentarily melted away, and she sat up, entranced.

"Was white a bad choice?" Yelena asked, making herself comfortable on the blanket. "You know, with weddings and all."

Kate possessively tugged Yelena over to her lap. "They're not getting married today, Lena."

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now