Sk8er Girl

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"Do a kick flip." Yelena suggested dryly, shrugging. She sat up from her position on the soft grass of the hill adjacent the skate park. "That's a trick, right?"

"Yeah," MJ confirmed, popping one. "Like that."

"That was underwhelming."

"You wanna try, babe?" Kate asked as she cruised on one of MJ's skateboards, Vans dirty and beaten on her feet from months of wear. "I won't let you fall! At least not far."

Peter looked up from his book, lounging next to Yelena. "Don't trust them, YB. MJ promised she wouldn't let me fall, either..." he paused for effect, "but I fell in love."

"God you're cheesy, Peter," MJ said, suppressing a sappy smile.

"Never thought I'd find someone cheesier than Kate," Yelena laughed.

"You mean to tell me our Bishop is a sap?" MJ asked, grinning at Kate. "What a shocker."

"This is terrible, Pete," Kate sighed. "What have we created with these two? They're gonna conspire."

"We won't stand a chance," Peter agreed, going back to his book.

Kate shook her head with a chuckle, taking in her perfect afternoon. This morning during class, Yelena texted that she really wanted to meet Kate's friends and asked what she was doing later in that day. Kate said skating, and to her delight, Yelena joined them, even surprising the group with a bit of a picnic. To Kate's relief, the group's dynamic formed easily. MJ was glad to have someone as sarcastic and jaded as herself, while Peter was happy to welcome more spectators as the two watched their partners skate around. The effort on Yelena's part gave Kate butterflies, and she could not imagine a more perfect day.

"So, you guys came to the Halloween party too?" Yelena asked the couple, resting back on her elbows.

"Yeah, for a little," Peter said. "Jemma invited us."

"You know Jemma?"

"She's my lab partner," MJ supplied, kicking at the wheels of her board absentmindedly. "Got me through chemistry lab, I'll tell you that much."

"You know, she got the Stark internship too," Peter said, looking up from his thick novel.

"Holy shit, no way," Kate said, surprised. "Isn't she the same major as you, Peter? Biochem?"

"They picked everyone at this school but me, I swear," MJ sighed. "Not that I'm bitter."

Peter nodded. "Of course not."

"I think I met Jemma's girlfriend," Kate mused, skidding to a stop to think. "Bobbi?"

"Oh, shit, they actually got together?" MJ asked. "Jemma talked about her all the time."

"And how long have you two been together?" Yelena asked.

Peter grinned, eyes full of content adoration. "Three years now? Or has it been four? It's all honestly a blur, I had a crush on her for so long."

"Four years with this dork," MJ said, rolling her eyes, but her soft smile conveyed her emotions well enough.

"Can you imagine when they get married?" Kate said, and Peter laughed. "And when they have a kid with their combined brain power?"

"And our combined looks?" Peter wiggled his eyebrows.

"Imagine if we had a kid, Yelena," Kate pondered. "I think that's why two women can't have kids. The offspring would simply be too powerful and beautiful."

"Yeah, KB, that's definitely why," Peter confirmed with a laugh, going back to his book.

About an hour later, the group split for the night, deciding the November evening was too chilly to spend outside. Peter and MJ headed for the library, while Kate walked Yelena back to her house, board under one arm, Yelena's hand in the other.

"I like these walks of ours," Yelena said softly, thumb rubbing the back of Kate's hand.


"Mhm. The whole campus can see that you're off the market."

"I'm the one who should be worried about that. You're miss Popular."

"Only superficially."

"What do you mean?"

"Like I said the other week. Some people only want my status."

"Oh. Yeah."

"You, on the other hand," Yelena conftinued, "are like a diamond in the rough. My diamond in the rough."

"Well, you're like... another pretty rock."

"Thank you, Kate." She paused, biting her lip. "Did you mean what you said earlier? In the skate park?"

"About how pigeons are spying on us?"

"No," Yelena laughed, patting the back of Kate's hand. "About... kids. About us having one."

"Whoa," Kate slowed her walk. "I didn't spook you, did I? It was just a hypothetical, a joke, really. I know we haven't been dating long, don't take that seriously."

"No, no, don't worry. I know you weren't serious but... sounds kind of nice. You know, to have in the future."

"You want another me?"

"Hopefully it'd be another me, but, maybe? It didn't scare me, thinking about a future with you. Maybe it should."

Kate smiled. "That doesn't scare me either. You know, it sounds boring, but I think domesticity is adorable. Just existing with another person. No need for grand adventures or glamor. Just one another."

"Yeah..." Yelena said, lips twitching into a smile as she imagined lazy Sundays and weekly date nights with Kate, coming home to her every day, waking up to her. "Just one another."

Deadass think I'm concussed. Enjoy this tho

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