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"Do you think dogs can have coffee?" Kate asked as she tossed a tennis ball a few yards away, watching as it sank into the plush park lawn. Lucky chased it down, stubby legs plodding through the tall grass.

Yelena lounged next to her, sipping on a scorching americano, eyes on Kate. She smiled softly to herself, reaching a hand out to cover one of Kate's. The brunette stilled, locking eyes with the blonde.

"What?" Kate asked with a chuckle as Lucky dropped the ball back at her feet, nudging it with his nose.

Yelena struggled to form words. How do you properly convey to someone else that you never want to lose them? That you would do anything for them, that you aren't taking them for granted?

Kate smirked as Yelena sputtered. "Cat got your tongue?"

"Stealing my line..." Yelena mumbled as she leaned in, kissing Kate softly and sweetly. "I've missed you. I guess I'm trying to say I'm sorry."

Kate softened, scooting closer to bring Yelena under her arm, squeezing gently. "I missed you more. I'm sorry I was an idiot."

Yelena buried her face in Kate's chest, voice muffled. "No, you weren't an idiot. You were right. I got so wrapped up in things."

"Who could blame you, though? I know how hard the last few years have been." Kate took Yelena by the shoulders, pulling away and searching her golden eyes. "Do you remember what I told you the night after we got back together?"

"I'm not sure..."

"I told you that you deserved me and so much more." She frowned, tucking a few stray hairs behind Yelena's ear. "Now more has come for you and I can't even appreciate it."

"Yeah..." the blonde curled back into Kate's side as she tossed the ball for Lucky once more. "I'll be honest, I didn't think it was possible for me to be so... happy. If you told me a few years ago that I'd have the best girl, a puppy, a good job, and Pepper back, I... I don't think I would've believed you."

"Well, believe it, baby. It's all yours. I wish I could give you the entire world and then some."

"You already do."

Leaning down, Kate kissed Yelena on the forehead, and this only deepened the blonde's frown. "What's wrong, love?"

"You're right about last few years having been hard... but I'm sorry for comparing. I know growing up with Eleanor wasn't easy, and I know you haven't had the best summer."

"Oh, well..." Kate shook her head, pulling away slightly as she retrieved Lucky's tennis ball. "You know. It's fine. My mom's always been this way."

Yelena chewed her lip, at a crossroads. This was Kate pushing back, bottling things up for another day. This was Kate paying full attention to Yelena's needs and neglecting her own- something Yelena should have been privy to before their explosive phone call on Friday. Yelena did not notice then, but she did now.

"Hey," the blonde called, cupping Kate's jaw with her hands, forcing eye contact. "You don't get to do this."

"Do... what?"

"Bottle up what you're feeling. Let it out, Kate, before it bubbles over again."

With a knowing smile, Kate placed her own hands over Yelena's, lowering them to her lap. "My dad said the same thing. Guess I should take the advice, huh?" She sighed, shoulders slumping. "Yeah. Living with my mom is hard. She's been in rare form this month, and I'll admit it. I really fuckin' missed you. Part of that's on me, I had no reason to skip out on hanging with you and Pepper from time to time. But a selfish part of me just wanted you."

"I don't think that's selfish. It's understandable. I'm not sorry for hanging out with Pepper a lot, but I am sorry for not seeing how much you were struggling."

Kate nodded, eyes gazing past Yelena to the vibrant scene of the park beyond. "And you shouldn't be sorry for being with her. I'm sorry for what I said. You're right, it was a low blow."

"Too many sorry's, myshka," Yelena mumbled, leaning in for another brief peck. "I love you, and as long as you love me back, I think we're okay."

"Then we are more than okay," Kate said, smiling softly. With her girl cuddled up on her right and puppy nuzzling on her left, Kate Bishop actually felt okay for the first time in weeks. "I love you too. More than I've ever loved anyone. Even when I'm mad at you, even when I'm not at my best."

"Ditto." Yelena peppered kisses all over Kate's face; her nose, her cheeks, forehead, lips. "Just promise me you'll be a little more open. And I promise I'll pay more attention."

Reciprocating the onslaught of tiny kisses, Kate replied, "promise."

"Good. And to answer your question, I don't think dogs can have coffee."

"No?" Kate grinned, scratching an elated Lucky under his chin. "Imagine the caffeinated zoomies."

"This one's already a gremlin," Yelena laughed. "You do not need any extra energy, little one."

"Wish I still had custody..."

"You're making it sound like I stole him away in a divorce."

"You did steal him. And you owe me rent."

"For what? Do I need to call a lawyer?"

"Nah," Kate grinned, "you just live in my head."

"One weekend without your cheesiness nearly killed me. Glad you haven't lost it." Yelena settled at Kate's side again, people watching with her as if nothing had ever happened. Except something had happened, and they worked through it, bond now stronger than before. "How was your dad's?"

"Good. Nice to get away every now and then. The city is a lot sometimes."

"Yeah. I'm gonna miss New York, though."

Kate groaned. "Aw, fuck. We have school in two weeks, don't we?"

"Senior year, Katie."

"I am painfully, acutely aware."

"Not excited?"

"Nope." Kate paused, glancing up to the cloudless August sky before her eyes cut back to Yelena. She wrapped her arms around the blonde suddenly, making her yelp, before rolling her over, toned arms extended, hands on either side of Yelena's head. Yelena laid under her, Kate's head blocking the sun, though she still felt its warmth. "No more thinking about school. It's still summer."

"Not for long, myshka." Reaching up, Yelena poked Kate's nose. "It'll be a good school year, promise. And even if it's not, it's the last one. I'm sure it'll be memorable."

"If it's with you, I'm sure it will be."

"I want you to come to more parties this year," Yelena said, and Kate's eyebrows shot up in disbelief. "You know, if you're comfortable with it."

"You sure you want me around? You know how I am in crowds."

"Only if you're comfortable. I just want to be with you. And maybe show you off a little bit."

"I should be the one showing you off," Kate replied, suddenly sheepish at the thought of being Yelena's sorority party arm candy. "I don't tell you enough how beautiful you are."

"Well," Yelena said lowly with a chuckle, "we've got all day."

"Yeah, you're right." Kate leaned down for one last kiss before twisting to lay on her back beside Yelena. She pulled Lucky onto her stomach, continuing, "I've got all the time in the world. I want every August, baby. Every summer with you."

"Greedy," Yelena teased.

"When I've got someone like you, how could I not be?"

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now