Feelings are Terrifying and Also Scary

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"Yelena, it's a date, not a meeting with the president," Wanda said, raising an eyebrow at the blonde's frenzied state. "What the hell? I've never seen you so nervous."

"I'm never nervous, Wanda," Yelena replied, trying and failing to decide which pair of shoes to wear. "But scared? Yeah. Terrified? Absolutely."

"Of a date?"

"Of what a date means."

"That another person genuinely likes you?" Wanda scoffed and she walked halfway out of the room. "Oh, the horror."

"You're no help," Yelena muttered pitifully, frowning at her closet. Why in the world was she having a category five meltdown over a date with Kate Bishop, of all people? Butterflies, a bit of nerves, she expected. But what did she have to prove to Kate? There were no expectations, no acts, no parts to play, just a woman who, for some unconceivable reason, actually liked Yelena. Not just for her body or her status, Yelena hoped, but for her. Maybe that was the terrifying part.

"Lena!" Called Natasha from the floor below. "Your date's here!"

"Shit." Of course she'd be on time. Kate Bishop was terribly courteous. With a shrug, Yelena pulled on the unfortunately familiar black hoodie and crammed her feet into her worn white sneakers before composing herself enough to walk down the stairs with a little class. Kate stood at the sorority house's front door, dutifully holding a small bouquet of daisies.

"You look nice," Kate offered as Yelena took her arm, gentle fingers running over the soft fabric of Kate's purple and black flannel.

"Thanks," Yelena said after planting a kiss on Kate's lips. "So do you."

"These are for you." She offered the daisies, and Yelena took them gratefully, scuttling off to place them in the kitchen before returning, smile on her face, nerves momentarily calm.

"You know how long it's been since I've gotten flowers?"

Kate held her arm out again, but Yelena took one of Kate's hands in both of her own as the pair made their way out onto the sidewalk outside. A crisp breeze blew by in the early November evening, and Yelena huddled up to the other woman's side.

"How long?" Kate asked.

"Like, eight years. I was in the Nutcracker one Christmas and my dad brought me flowers after."

"Oh, yeah? Nutcracker? Didn't take you for the theatrical type."

"Oh, please, I'm dramatic enough for it, don't you think?"

Kate chuckled with a small, airy laugh. "Okay, maybe."

Yelena swung the pair's hands, trying to relax. This was fine. Just a date. Just an evening with a girl she liked. A really gorgeous, tall, strong, skateboarder girl she liked. "Where are you taking me, anyway?"

"Where do you wanna go?"

"No plans?"

"I'm not much of a planner, Yelena."

"Hmm... what's happening on campus tonight?"

"There's probably a basketball game going on," Kate shrugged. "If you're into those."

"Oh, I love basketball," Yelena nodded a little too quickly. "When the teams, you know, score points."

"Or, there's probably live music at Harry's. Or we could just take a stroll for a while."

"Stroll? Like in silence? And be left alone with my thoughts?" She scoffed playfully. "Yeah, no thanks. I'm down for basketball, Kate Bishop, as long as I get some cotton candy."

"Basketball it is." Kate broke into a childish grin, tugging the blonde by the hand.

The walk to the gym was short, as Tri Delta's house sat on prime campus real estate- basically in the center of everything. As the pair neared the entrance, Yelena went to grab some cash for a ticket, but Kate shook her head.

"I know these guys, we're good," Kate said, and sure enough, the kid in the ticket booth just nodded for the pair to enter as the tall brunette approached.

"What was that?" Yelena asked.

"I work in the athletic department. I'm employee of the year, if you ask me."

"Yeah? What do you do?

"More like what don't I do, honestly," Kate sighed as she found her favorite seat in the back row of the bleachers.

"That is entirely unhelpful, but I respect it."

"You know what's going on?" Kate nodded after a moment, eyes on the game already in progress. "I'm gonna make an informed assessment that you didn't play."

"Now, why would you assume that, Kate Bishop?" Yelena nudged the other woman with her shoulder. "Is it my massive stature? Perhaps my rippling six pack?"

"Yeah, all of the above. I take it back, blondie, you were a regular Magic Johnson, I'm sure."

"Who? Is he like Magic Mike?"

"Yeah, point proven."

Yelena laughed easily, and made a note to Google Magic Johnson later. There's no way that was a real person, right?

"So," Kate started, glancing down to the woman beside her. "You hadn't gotten flowers in eight years? Seriously?"

"Nope," the blonde shrugged, scooting impossibly closer to Kate.

"Surely some of your other dates brought you some?"

"Awww," she pouted. "Jealous, Bishop?"

"I'm being serious! How could they be so thoughtless?"

"I don't know. I don't really go on dates much, anyway."

"You just kiss people at Halloween parties."

"And New Year's, and St. Patty's, and the 4th of July, and Arbor Day..."

"Okay, now I actually am jealous." Kate kissed the other woman, a bit of fire in her eyes. "Wait, Arbor Day?"

"It is surprisingly romantic."

"Well, anyway, I hope those daisies are the first of many bouquets I get to give you."

Yelena took a deep breath, leaning fully on Kate's shoulder. "Yeah... but you should know, roses are my favorite."

"Yeah? I'll keep it in mind."

Kate smiled broadly, unable to suppress the disbelieving grin. More bouquets meant more dates, more time with the ethereally beautiful girl next to her. Her beauty was only matched by her surprising depth, which went past her radiant but guarded exterior. Kate wished so badly to peel back layer after layer, to let Yelena know it was safe to do so. But this level of trust would take time, and as far as Kate was concerned, she had all the time in the world.

Holy fuck I love dialogue heavy stories

And I love you!

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now