Halloween (Again)

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"I feel like we should fight," Kate mused, scratching at the collar of her costume in front of Yelena's vanity. "Like in the show."

"Have you ever been in a fight?" Yelena asked from the bathroom, touching up her eye shadow.

"Once, in middle school. Dodgeball got a little too real." Kate paused, leaning against the bathroom door. "Wait, have you?"

"Yes. Many."

"Damn. So you could pin me down? You know, for science?"

Yelena laughed, packing up her makeup and sizing Kate up. She gazed upward, eyes hooded. "Yes, I could. But we don't have time for that. I have a party to run."

Butterflies as strong as the night they met, Kate only nodded dumbly as Yelena squeezed past her in search of her earrings. As her girlfriend continued her preparations, Kate sat on the edge of the bed, steeling herself for another night of blaring music and flowing alcohol. This was technically her fourth Tri Delta party, but her anxiety levels stayed sky high. She knew she had nothing to worry about as she had a group of friends and her girlfriend coming, but anxiety was rarely reasonable, and she still really fucking hated strobe lights.

"You know, myshka," Yelena said, hand on her doorknob and ready to go. "My room is always available if you need a break, and we can both leave anytime you want."

"Yeah, yeah," Kate said, a little embarrassed at her nerves. This was the Halloween bash for crying out loud, the highlight of the fall party scene. This was supposed to be fun. "I'll just get really fucked up, really quickly. Let's go."

Yelena did not waste time. As she descended the stairs, she ordered Wanda to crank up the music and lower the lights, two White Claws already magically in hand. To Kate's surprise, guests mingled excitedly about, clad in costumes ranging from literal lingerie to mascots.

As Yelena easily assimilated into the crowd and greeted her sisters, Kate slunk off to the living room, finding Pietro perched on the back of the couch, casually smoking.

"Hey, Bishop." He said drowsily, coughing. "Who are you supposed to be?"

"I'm Shego," she said, gesturing the the green and black leather outfit. "Who the hell are you?"

"I'm the Flash." He unzipped his jacket to reveal a shirt with a lightning bolt on it. "Cuz I'm on the track team."

"Don't they drug test you guys?"

He shrugged, offering his joint to Kate. "Nah. Only in season." Kate accepted, inhaling shallowly with a frown. "What's up, though? I assume you want something, because the only times you talk to me are to get my name wrong and ask for drugs."

"Well, you got me there, Patty. What do ya got tonight?"

Sighing deeply, Pietro dug into his jacket pocket. He produced a small plastic baggy with one white pill. "Here."

"Just one?" Kate asked, taking it cautiously. "What is it?"

"Something strong. You only need one, trust me. Don't take anything else, and don't drink."

"Is this, like, safe?"

"As safe as any other drug in moderation. You'll be fine. If you don't want it, just give it back."

Shaking her head, Kate opened the bag, venturing to the kitchen to wash the pill down with lukewarm tap water. For a while, as she mingled with Bobbi and Natasha, complemented the girl dressed as a T-Rex, and chugged copious amounts water to stave off the paranoia of getting accidentally drunk off of fumes, Kate did not feel anything.

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