Still Spring Break

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"Rise and shine, beautiful," Yelena greeted gently the next morning, slightly opening the blinds.

Kate groaned, rolling over to face the blonde. "God, it's so early. You're lucky you're pretty, or I'd be mad."

"Early? It's like, eleven a.m."

"That's early for spring break, at least."

Eyes still closed, Kate felt the mattress dip as Yelena sat beside her sprawled out form, hand rubbing Kate's back. "The others brought the boat back already. They were thinking about going back out on the water after lunch."

Kate yawned as she flipped to lay on her back, pulling Yelena to her with a squeal. "I think we should just stay here."

"Yeah? Cuddle all day long?"

"Mhm. I could hold you for a lifetime and it wouldn't be long enough."

Yelena planted a soft kiss on the tip of Kate's nose. "Okay, poet. Keep talking like that and I may actually spend the day with you." Kate just hummed, peppering small kisses all along Yelena's jawline, her cheeks, behind her ears, until the blonde was left laughing delightfully, gently pushing Kate away. "What's gotten into you, Kate Bishop?"

"Just love you is all."

"Well, I love you too." Yelena finally stood, but kept her arms around Kate's neck, speaking lowly. "You better get ready, or else you'll miss out on the new bikini I got..."

Kate eyes narrowed in challenge. "I'd prefer if it was on the floor, honestly."

"I bet you would." Yelena pressed a searing kiss to Kate's lips before pulling Kate up off the mattress. The brunette winced, and Yelena frowned. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing, I'm good." Kate faked a smile before taking another step, almost crumpling.

"Kate, let me see it."

Not wanting a fight, Kate gritted her teeth and obliged, though did not look down herself. "Well? How is it?"

Yelena tugged Kate to sit beside her, delicately handling the limb. "It's certainly purple. A little swollen."

"It doesn't hurt that bad, really..."

"Are you sure? You don't want me to call the doctor?"

Kate wrenched her leg from Yelena's grasp. "No, that's okay, babe. These muscles just aren't used to moving anymore. I gotta shake off the rust. I'll be fine for the week."

"It's okay if it's freaking you out, Kate. You had a pretty traumatic injury. Just..." Yelena patted Kate on the back before standing, not wishing to crowd her. "It's okay if it's not okay, that's all."

Kate took Yelena's hand, kissing it softly. "I know. Thank you."

Nodding, Yelena left Kate to change, bounding down the stairs to join the others. Steve and Carol engaged in a pretty serious game of Jenga in the living room, Wanda and Natasha were sipping mimosas in the kitchen, and Pietro was nowhere to be seen.

"Lena!" Natasha exclaimed as Yelena made her way over. "Come drink!"

"Are you drunk before noon, Nat?" Yelena asked with a chuckle.

Wanda nodded. "She's a lightweight, I swear."

"A lightweight?" Natasha repeated, slinging a lazy arm around Wanda's shoulders. "Well you're... really pretty."

"Thank you, Natty."

"Where's Katie?" Natasha took another long sip. "I love that kid..."

"She's getting ready," Yelena supplied. "We're still going on the boat, right?"

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now