One Giants Leap

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Kate Bishop, unfortunately, was a teensy bit drunk. Excited to attend her first Giants game in ages, and on a Sunday night against the Cowboys, no less, Kate went a bit too hard in the paint at the pregame tailgate. She made a deal with Tony to take a drink every time he beat her in corn hole, which sounded fun in theory, but boy did she underestimate how bad she was at cornhole.

Thankfully, Kate was not absolutely trashed (yet), but she was far beyond sober, and as she followed behind Tony and Pepper on the way to the stadium elevator, she swayed, bumping Yelena into the tunnel wall.

"Whoa," Kate said, one hand on the wall for balance. "Sorry, Lena."

Yelena studied her girlfriend, who was decked out in newly bought team apparel- a hat, jersey, and foam finger (all with the tags still on), along with a glob of blue paint on one of her cheeks.

Amused, Yelena took her hand, saying, "Don't tell me you're drunk, Kate Bishop. The game hasn't even started."

"I... am not drunk," Kate nodded, bumping into Tony's back as the group waited for the elevator to open. "I am just, a little... enlightened."

"Is enlightened what the kids call tipsy these days?" Tony asked with a smile, boarding the elevator behind Pepper.

Kate groaned, embarrassed to be so far gone in front of her former boss and Yelena's parents. "I thought I would be better at corn hole."

Tony howled with laughter. "I respect your self-confidence, at least."

A bit dizzy from the elevator's ascent, Kate let out a long sigh of relief when their stop finally arrived, and the group followed Tony to their assigned suite.

Yelena had only seen these sorts of things in movies- a lavish box sequestered from the hum and drum, separated from the brutish sensibilities of general admission. But here she was, in a suite just for the four of them. Blue leather couches sat just inside the doorway surrounding a sleek white marble table laden with every kind of party food imaginable. From nachos to fruit and fine cheeses, it was a spread fit for a king, which, in this city, Tony practically was.

By the massive windows was a bar with accompanying stools overlooking the field, providing an unmatched view of the playing surface. Under the bar sat coolers filled with every kind of alcohol in existence. Kate's stomach nearly turned at the thought of another drink, though a bougie beer did sound pretty good right about now...

"What's your poison, Bishop?" Tony asked, wasting no time in cracking open a luxury bottle of red wine for himself. Yelena busied herself with the selection of hard seltzers, while Kate indulged in a craft beer.

Outside, another group of socialites passed, and Pepper perked up, urging for Yelena to follow her and meet some of her business partners, or something. Honestly, Kate tuned the whole thing out, as she was too taken by the sprinklers on the field and the cold beer in her hand.

"Who ya got, kid?" Tony asked, and Kate asked him to repeat himself, attention finally drawn from the bustling field. "Who ya got tonight? Cowboys or Giants?"

"Is that even a question? I spent like, two hundred dollars on merchandise."

"Good, good. I have to make sure your loyalties are true. That you're not just trying to impress me."

Kate snorted irreverently, inhibitions fading from the warm buzz in her head. "Haven't I already done that? I was your best intern by far."

"Sure, you impressed me as your boss. But now..."

"Don't tell me you're pulling some protective father thing."

Tony cracked a grin, unable to even be mockingly intimidating. "No, not really. Yelena can take care of herself."

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