Eleanor in Law

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Sighing with relief and ecstasy, Kate Bishop slapped her chemistry exam on her professor's desk with defiant gusto. Resisting the urge to flip off the strict old crone, she strode off from the twilight of her junior year and into the dawn of summer. The last summer.

Peter waited outside, having finished his final exam a few moments before. Kate all but tackled him into a hug on the quad, both laughing with near delirium.

"We did it, Parker," Kate said, pulling back, hair flowing in the wind, making her feel like a victorious queen who vanquished the mighty dragon of covalent bonds.

He nodded reservedly, just a dash of melancholy in his eyes. "Yeah, we did. Junior year down. Now for the real challenge."

"Nothing we can't handle."

"You're right. Nothing we can't handle." Peter clapped her on the back, readjusting the old backpack slung over one shoulder. "MJ's waiting on me. I'll see you in a few days, KB."

"For sure."

Parting ways with her partner in lab crime, Kate bounded across the quad, heading for the Tri Delta house. She was already packed, prepared to head out as soon as her chemistry final was over and forgotten, and then, she and Yelena would journey to the city and into a new chapter.

The daydream of a summer in the city with the woman she loved was almost delightful enough to squash her anxieties about her internship, almost. Deep down she knew worrying only made things worse, a self perpetuating cycle of nail biting and foot tapping, but she almost could not help it. Tony Stark was not a presence one could simply ignore.

The only thing that calmed Kate down was knowing Yelena would be at her side all summer long. Cool nights in the penthouse, steamy days in the jacuzzi, spending their spare moments in each other's company. Kate had her woman, and at this moment, she tried to convince herself that was all that mattered.

Caught up in thoughts of Yelena, Kate stopped short as she entered the sorority house, taken by the effortless beauty of the woman before her. In a blur of blonde hair and gold jewelry, Yelena frantically packed the last of her bags, leaving them piled up by the door. Eyes on the blonde, Kate missed the mountain of suitcases and tumbled to the floor, finally grabbing Yelena's attention.

"Kate?" Yelena called, kneeling down beside Kate's giggling form. "What happened? Are you good?"

Kate smiled widely, reaching up to brush a strand of hair out of Yelena's eyes. "I'm fantastic."

"It's so unfair, how can you still make me blush?" Yelena mumbled, closing the gap to kiss Kate sweetly. She pulled back reluctantly after a moment, taking a deep breath. "As much as it pains me, I think we need to go before we find any more... distractions."

Smirking, Kate sat up as Yelena stalked off, searching for her sunglasses in the kitchen. "I'm distracting to you, my love?"

"Extremely. Now help me with my bags, baby."

"Yes ma'am."

  Gathering half a dozen bags, Kate struggled to the car, but smiled to herself at how much weight she could put on her once injured leg. Yelena bid a tearful goodbye to Wanda and a stoic farewell with Natasha, and finally, the two were ready to head for Manhattan.

"I'm gonna miss this place," Kate sighed as she exited campus, feeling sentimental about the change but giddy she finally had someone to depart with. "Your first time getting run over is pretty special."

"You'll be back, Kate," Yelena reasoned, staking her claim to Kate's right hand as she placed it on her own thigh. "But it was quite the year, huh?"

"First college party, first girlfriend, first spring break trip... way more eventful than I ever expected."

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now