Pretty Girl

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Based off of-
Literally couldn't get the visual out of my head



"Stay still, damn it."

Kate bit her lip, fighting off a laugh. Currently, she lay on her back on Yelena's bed with the blonde straddling her waist, skirt splayed about Kate's midsection, leaning forward to do her makeup. Kate's hands rested on her thighs under the skirt, tracing innocent, absent paths from her hips down to her knees.

"You're so distracting," Yelena mumbled, cheeks flushed, eyes focused.

It was one in the morning and neither could sleep, so, bored, Yelena asked if she could mess around with some highlight and eyeliner. Kate Bishop was not a woman to deny her girlfriend, especially not in that absolutely tantalizing purple miniskirt. They'd been like this for an undeterminable amount of time, lost in each other, in the way Yelena's hands worked so slowly, so deliberately, in the way Kate had to labor to keep her eyes closed, hating to deprive herself a view of Yelena even for a second.

"Sorry, baby," Kate mumbled, eyes opening to see Yelena contemplating eyeshadow colors. Despite the low lighting, Yelena looked as beautiful as Kate had ever seen her, hair tucked behind her ear on one side, falling gently into her face on the other. "You're so fucking pretty it actually hurts."

"That's great and all, but stop moving."

"Cold, Lena."

"I'm kidding," Yelena laughed, pecking her cheek. "Thank you. You're gorgeous."

Satiated, Kate nodded to the palette. "What color?"

"What color do you want?"

"What do you have?"

Sitting up, thighs flexing, Yelena turned the palette to her. "All of 'em."

"Damn, got the whole pride flag." She paused, Yelena blinked. "Fine, purple, whatever."

Nodding, Yelena continued her delicate work, feeling that heady, potent weight in the air that she always felt with Kate. "Just had to match my skirt, huh?"

Kate closed her eyes with a soft smile, hands possessively traveling the length of Yelena's upper leg. "Too cute not to."

"No..." the blonde said, tongue sticking out in concentration. "What's cute is you thinking lip liner and eyeliner are interchangeable."

"Don't see why they wouldn't be."

Yelena hummed, one hand cupping Kate's cheek. The brunette leaned into the contact, tension melting from every muscle in her body. She could almost fall asleep like this, but why would she? When Yelena was devoting all of her attention, her care, to her, why would she rather be anywhere else?

"What are you thinking about, Kate?" Yelena asked.

"You," Kate said simply, laughing at her own cheesiness despite its truth.

"I'm already dating you, you don't have to flirt."

"That's more for me than you, baby."


"Just to remind myself I still got it."

"Mhm, okay."

Kate felt her switch eyes, brushing delicately across the left one now. "What do you have going on today, Lena? It's... Wednesday, is it not?"

That One Time We Kissed // Bishova College AUWhere stories live. Discover now